I’ve been working with Odin for a while now as my first major entity since I began my spiritual path. He’s been an incredibly wise teacher and I’ve learned a lot from him, I’m incredibly thankful for this one-eyed rascal and his runes!
But things changed very rapidly during the Pluto-Saturn conjunction and full-moon in January, that was probably the most insane night of my life. The almost invisible presence of Odin appeared to me, but this time things were very different, there was a chock of dark energy impaling me and the black goat-demon Azazel appeared to me. Odin gave me a sort of “wink-wink” gesture and disappeared. Azazel tried to speak to me in Latin and old German, but I don’t know either of these languages particularly well, so we communicated through symbolic telepathy for the rest of the night. Azazel showed me the degradation of society, particularly how Christianity had made European societies and people weak. He was brimming with this strong energy which demanded that things should be as pure and structured and ordered as much as possible. It seems to me that this earthly “structuring” of energy is very much what Saturn and its entities represent in the world, I found this very similar to my experience with certain crystals such as bismuth, which show you how to structure your energy in concrete ways.
After this experience, I delved head-first into the Saturn and black cube rabbit hole. I’ve already read The Cult Of The Black Cube and Saturn Rising, if you have any other suggestions for reading, please do tell! I also realized how all of this fits into astrology and mythology, and it finally made sense to me why my life has been the way it has and why I’m drawn to this particular planet. I have Sun, Moon, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn so…
I found it very intriguing that much of Islam and Judaism can be classified as what is essentially demon worship, it seems the Jews, in particular, have been going hard into Saturn-worship, this really explains a lot of things about the Jews such as the focus on money. I’ve also studied the Kabbalah and Hermeticism, I’ve been very impressed so far, and I’ve been very impressed by the practices of gematria and sigil magic employed by the Jews. Now when doing this research, there are some big things to be seen here, the first is that I think almost all demonic sigils such as the ones in the Goetia are Saturnian in nature, does this mean Saturn is the “prison planet” of our world? If so, I have a gnawing suspicion that the entities that are known to be imprisoned somewhere such as Prometheus, Fenrir and Loki are to be found here… I also suggest that you take a look at the names of Saturn’s moons, I think the ones who name them know exactly what they’re doing.
It also makes so much sense that Odin is Saturnian, although he does have this Mercurian element as well. This explains a lot about the nature of German society, and you know, the whole black leather thing. This made me wonder if the Jews, Germans and Muslim worship different Saturnian entities and that the earthly conflicts between these people are a result of a Saturnian civil war. Or are all these groups drawing power from the same entities, but they want to monopolize it? I think I can also see Saturnian influence in Aztec, Japanese and certainly Egyptian spiritual practice, but I’m not familiar with them enough to say anything about this.
I found another curious connection between Odin and Saturn when looking at the seal of Cassiel Zaphkiel (I’m assuming these are different names for the same archangel but correct me if I’m wrong)
There’s one part of it that looks very similar to Odin’s illusory rune, this can’t be a coincidence.
But this leaves me very confused, I know Odin knows Azazel quite well, but does he also know the archangel of Saturn? Or does Odin highjack the sigil of others to steal power from them? What’s really going on inside Saturn’s rings?