Not sure where to ask this? [Magick for Career and Money]

Forgive the way this text comes out because right now I’m watching my kids in the yard and I am thinking being inspired with all their chaotic wild energy. You can really learn a lot from them and I think media movies and all that crap about demons wanting to possess children or whatever is a bunch of BS. Because they exhibit already a lot of Qlippothic energy. Anyway, so to give a little background, I just added my introduction. I am a hard-core dedicated self initiated Luciferian One thing that seems to stand true is that the Luciferian philosophy have always existed and within the context of the adversary. I derive my practices and a number of other techniques from various sources and not just from one author Michael w Ford is on top of my list, the Bible, Strategic Sorcery by Jason miller. Ea Koetting of course, Anton LeVay. Zohar, Kabbalah, Arcadia Gospel of the Witches, gnostic scriptures, Babylonian/Mesopotamia , etc There are plenty of other sources too many the name.
I have went through so many Sources of information and proclaimed grimoires. At first when I was new, I was desperate for a quick fix to ease the pain and all the things I was going through through my younger years. Five years ago changes started happening, I was living in Florida then I was definitely successful and prosperous, and of course, my mother was living with me at the time, and as I explained before she was religious and all this other stuff and always threw it in my face and driving me nuts, I was in the dark long time you know things were kept from me so I wouldn’t pursue any of the ambitions that I wanted to pursue. She was technically since I was disabilities at the time I didn’t know how to go about getting my own place. I did try but she told me so soon. She was ready to move back to Texas and I was already having success at my job. I was so furious when I was up for uprooted. I was back and isolation severe depression and it just makes me furious thinking about it. However, I maintain the illusion. I was just only interested in fantasy staff like candles, Harry Potter, or whatever harmless that’s not threatening to her. Then one day about two weeks before that crash that everybody knows about that’s when I decided to invoke because I was in desperate need of change. You know, when I was in that coma given the fact, I secretly believed in the inferno, the demons, Lucifer for himself. I will say this much I did not experience anything like eternal hellfire or what the hellEver. I was definitely in my subconscious. So the point in bringing this up bides for my other post was because Belial is of significant importance in my role. I experienced borderline death. And survived that right there was my wake up call from year 2021 to early 2023. I was in there I guess sort of a gestation period? Not really sure how to describe it alone. But last year I started back up on the left hand path and now for the first time I’ve stayed on a path for a year now. Stability And rootedness.

So with that being said, I’d like to say that I have a very deep interest and primal sorcery, necromancy, goetia, death magick, etc However, my primary focus is Persian, Ahrimanic, primal type. Or in general Mesopotamian /Babylonian.

So I’m considering a career and a professional black magician the only thing that I hit a snag with I haven’t found any thing in the books or whatever that gives advice on how to apply those practices and techniques and things like that for others most of the stuff that’s written about is usually done for yourself.

If anyone has any knowledge on how to go about this, I would greatly appreciate it.

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There’s a few discussions about calling entities for business in the Money & Law category.

… And the 4th link down in this collection thread:

A lot of posts tend to be more specific like “how do I drive business to my website”.

On a mundane note, I’d say get a book on how to make a “business plan”, and work that out before you start investing in any kind of website or marketing. Failing to plan = planning to fail - trite but kinda true.

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Awesome! Thank you so much! Definitely going to look into it!

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OK, so I am now having my first successful long-term relationship in a really really long time but unfortunately where’s my fiancé she has a mindset towards money. She often sometimes comes across as money hungry she’s not a gold digger for sure but she’s more concerned about having financial stability and security, however, since we are together, and we both want to make money to contribute to family we got going on my biggest frustration when I’m looking at this stuff it’s all about you by yourself because if you do it by yourself, all kinds of crap can happen so if I’m doing This with angels listed, Clearly for myself or whatever idea I have then I would have to be worried about my relationship crumbling or my engagement ending and I’m not OK with that. I probably will unravel because I can’t handle anymore heartbreaks that’s the thing that will stop me from wanting to do something like this because mine desire is both successful stable or whatever it’s not just about myself and that’s why I was asking about certain things. I am aware that the left-hand path yes it is about yourself, but if you have family, they consider extensions Self extension. I am not going to ignore others in my environment because I have a heart and a conscience but maybe because of that who knows right I can’t tell you how many times I’ve worked with demon specifically and I have an experiences where they actually have went out of their way to protect those I love or even benefit them In the most comical part Is those in my life who have benefited from something I’ve done Often start praising God :joy:

So I really want the angels being used But would you recommend instead of focusing on just yourself but the other extensions of yourself like your family were all moving forward together to financial stability? It’s just a thought and the future I am going to be working towards doing magic for others.

Last question, what book is making reference to calling angels to carry any of the demons power? I am interested in learning more about this. I am aware of Damon Brand author but my interest in the angels concerning the 72 Goetia (for other purposes than just wealth ).

I moved this in here as it seems all related to how to improve your wealth generally, and it’s helpful to keep these things together. It limits repetition in responses and some of the ideas probably overlap or you can hit them in one ritual.

Congrats! Sounds like you have a good-un, money is a survival necessity in this society so she’s not wrong. If you can keep her calm that would be ideal, as like attracts like, and if you are too afraid of going without, you could make more of that happen. She’s going to worry about the kids and look to you as the strong provider, so this is all natural and you just have to reassure her it’ll be ok and keep working the plans.

You can “edit” the working to suit and do workings for other people, you and your family, a working to get her a better job, all that is possible. Most rituals can be adapted to fit your intentions.

I wouldn’t be either. Are you saying you are worried about backlash and unexpected consequences?
It’s not usual for a money working to randomly cause breakups, at least I haven’t heard of such a thing. I’ve heard of lottery winners dumping their partner, and love spells can definitely go sideways and make the target run away, but money workings, not so much.

So yes, absolutely. You could call say, Bune… Clauneck, etc, you choose… and ask for literally that “bring my family and I financial stability and comfort, let my woman and children be not stressed from want”.

It’s said that the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash are matched on to one with 72 entities of the Goetia (I call them just “entities”, because I’m not Christian and I don’t use Christian terms for lots of reasons, and I consider their term “demon” to be misleading and unhelpful).

Here’s a list that links them in pairs: you could evoke both at the same time if you wanted.

If you’re looking to use Solomonic techniques, where you call angels first and bind the called entity using them, then there’s books for that. A good one, so I’m told (I don’t use Solomonic techniques) is Modern Magick by Donald Michael Craig.

If you just want to call Goetic entities without also calling angelic ones, I like Goetia Pathworking by Corwin Hargrove.

If you like books in general we have a list of our favorites here, and most of these can be got on Kindle pretty cheaply…

Well I am strictly luciferian so I view angels as higher articulated enpyrean self that guides primal Beast like demonic self , Angels in luciferian context is higher empyrean self. So yeah and well I went to that wilkipedia I found what I needed thank you

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Do you have any recommended reading like books or articles on making business plans?

Yeah to clarify though I read in various sources that the 72 angel’s associated with the Goetia were not directly from “YHVH” but from a source , and it has to do with your internal sources I.E black flame in this case.

I never gave much thought and working with angels because I shine away from angels due to the feeling of their ties to judeo christianity and I’m not a fan of YHVH. However, in the context of LHP I’m not using those names of God or whatever ask some external source I’m devouring try the essence as a predatory adversary. Taking in the god form. Anyway, that’s how I am approaching Angels because I feel the are representing the higher self articulated associated with logic, rational, reasoning in the overview of your life “the big picture “ specifically about your destiny that guides the natural primal beast self aka demonic. Lucifer is a union of these aspects or in Ford’s terms Union of Samael and Lilith that beget Cain or Baphomet

With that being said it brings me to a question, those angels of omnipresent are to be used before calling the Goetia spirit? Some day the Hebrew invocation is more effective when calling angel rather than reading a passage of the Bible like Psalms. Someone had a very good interpretation when reading certain books of the Bible, like the Psalms what is that? It’s metaphorical about the God within you. I hate when someone goes out of the way to say “do this this is better to get the best results” why meant to say you need to buy this by that to do it right so-and-so.

Last question, while I have been successful and certain operations, the only thing I’m having trouble understanding what it means to bind a spirit to object, dies it mean to direct the spiritual energy into it with some sort of invocation or breathe energy in from the stars or sun and exhale it into the object? I suppose Whoi could do the same with a spirit Like in a natural setting or ritual chamber, using my imagination and practicing deep breathing, etc., etc., and while I exhale and object, I visualize it being charged with a colored associated with the spirit? I can always amplify it with blood or Some potent life energy.big I want to do this and continue to feed the spirit to a task perform more than once, I also realize that I could bind more than one spirit to a large crystal that stores energy. So when I get ready to call again, I take it sigil and the crystal on top side of a triangle of evocation, etc So This is just a general idea of what I think. It means to buy a spirit to an object, and I am definitely interested in the idea of doing it with a crystal obvious reasons.

One of these days, I’m gonna create another post about King Solomon and the methods Very briefly, I will say I aspire to King Solomon and yeah, I’m a Luciferian and I consider Solomon one as well or a comrade of the left hand path and will explain more in detail.

So any information on this would be really good because I am a thorough thinker Examine details. I don’t just focus on a whim desire and want to hurry up and get it when it comes to something really really necessary and I take my time accordingly.

When I did one many years ago I actually went to the local community college for an afternoon course on it. I’d do that again, or use something like Udemy or youtube and search those for “how to write a business plan”. I’d get a book by just searching an amazon and picking one based on the reviews.

I’m not sure what you mean to be honest. What are “angels of omnipresent” if you didn’t mean the 72 in the shemhamephorash?
There IS a book called “The Angels of Omnipotence” by Jareth Tempest but that’s a completely separate system and has nothing to do with JCI or the Goetia.

Personally, my answer is no. I use E.A. Koetting’s modern techniques not Solomonic ones, and I have a conversation between the entity and I alone. It’s summed up neatly in this member’s words:

I work with entities that most call “angels” exactly the same way - approaching them as entities to work with not faceless bouncers.

As in binding a Djinni to a ring? Or do you mean creating an effigy or idol as a vessel for working with a spirit longer term? A binding is forceful, but the vessel is populated by invitation - kind of like the vessel has the spirit invoked into it.
But your text went on to talk about energy not spirits, so maybe you mean you want to make a talisman aka amulet? In which csae yes breathe the energy into it s you mentioned.

Evoke the entity and offer the vessel as an idol, tell it your intention to provide it with a home-from-home, as it were, and ask it to use the vessel to that you two can communicate quickly.
You should have your senses somewhat developed or ask for a sign that the spirit accepts and wants to work with you like this, or you might get nothing. I also like to connect to spirit when I shop for a special idol for it to use so it gets some choice, if it cares, they don’t always care about these things.

These are offerings and not needed to creating a vessel. At least I never anointed vessels with anything myself. I may have called the entity with blood on a sigil, but once they are in the room, then it’s more about the conversation for me.

Triangle of manifestation? Which you evoke the entity into under the Solomonic approach? I don’t use one - this this you are using force and angels and such to bind the entity into the triangle so that it doesn’t hurt you having pissed it off so much.

I prefer to just talk to them face to face, they’re not “evil” (ok , Andras is lol), not ALL evil and I don’t find it at all necessary and it’s a lot of extra faffing around for no real benefit (imo, as usual)… I get that Solomonic mages disagree and why, but I’ve tried both and treating them like they are actually decent people seems to work just fine.

What are the “obvious” reasons, sorry? Crystal are like batteries, how would you apply one to an evocation? Explain to me like I’m 12, because I’ve never, ever used a crystal to evoke and I’m curious. :slight_smile:

Oh God, yeah I am not going to use those Solomon methods That is so not my cup of tea. I mostly consider myself a God, but I’m somewhere between being Atheist and atheist.
In fact, you could consider me somewhat of a demonolator Not as the same definition of S Connelly. It’s complicated.

Damn phone :telephone_receiver:

lol ignore that I am having issues with mobile device at the moment. And it’s hard for me to use this son of a bitch. Anyway, Goetia is particular of interest to me because a lot of those spirits in there or actually old pagan Canaanite Gods I was so surprised to see how many of those gods were listed in traditions involving to work with Qlipoth And among others And grimoires like The famous key of Solomon.

I have interest in Babylonian, Persian and the culture of Canaan, Phoenicia etc but primarily Babylonian and Persian, and when I find two is that they are very compatible with the Goetia and approaching spirit like the old ways I feel much more comfortable with. When I am commanding them, I do it from the perceptive of being God myself or Adversary made flesh. Anyway, I point is that’s the approach I take and prefer to do them being forceful In a disrespectful manner. I do not believe in so-called threats or “spirit abuse” Of any type.

So when I am doing from looking at the stuff you sent me, I want to approach The spirits and the perceptive of pagan God rather than doing it within a certain tradition other than Luciferian.

I am pretty sure you may know what I mean? I’m atheist in the sense that there is no other God that I bow down to. I am the king of my own reality and universe I direct and compel spirit and gods according to my will. But never disrespect them just like a king wouldn’t disrespect his subjects and treat them With fairness, kindness and respect, etc. I believe in that same approach when it comes to working with denizens of hell and of course nature.

It’s probably my fault because I wasn’t clear on what method I was looking for because I asked about the angels and retrospective because I was curious about them Merely only wanted to learn and not really use. No matter how I spent it I’m still not interested in working with angels probably because of the association with Judio Christianity that I personally am against.

My favourite grimoire for working with the Goetia is Corwin Hargrove’s “Goetia Pathworking”. Maybe try that, and get, oh maybe Glasya Labolas to work with you on getting rid of this trespasser on your territory. The family is your now you have to do what it takes to take care of it.

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Will look into it. Thank you.

Is there any similar deities in pagan pantheons with similar office?

I’d say go with gods of war, pestilence and death.

Nergal, Pazuzu, Mars, Sorath, The Morrighan, Thor, Hades, etc

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That’s pretty cool because it makes perfect sense I am intensely drawn to Babylonian god Nergal and know he has association with Rephesh and Chemosh. Been interested in him for a while now just haven’t set foot in his current Because the image in my mind gets conjured of war like a battle, but out in the public rather than going unseen, undetected, causing havoc and destruction. Silent but deadly. I will perhaps look more into Nergal god associations.

Thank you for the information.
I’ll just go from there


Ok one last question and I think I am good for a while. I been having trouble in finding Persian or Babylonian gods or goddesses associated with wealth, money , similar to Mercury Dolius. Any info on this? The closet I can name off is Marduk.

You probably want Angra Mainyu aka Ahriman.

There’s a book I enjoyed about him with a plain-English approach by Kurtis Joseph

Discussions bout that here - books tend to get discussed more when they’re newer or classic, but the forum remembers :slight_smile:

Great article with info and an image of a statue of Ahriman with a lions head and wings, coiled about by a snake.

The Mithraic religion contains many underpinnings of Zoroastrianism which fed into Christianity, including the idea of sacrificing the bull (later, lamb) of heaven to absolve humanity of it’s “sins”. Pretty much all of Christianity is plagiarism when it’s not just documenting history.

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I would love to get my hands on that book by Kurtis Black Magick of Ahriman but of course, I highly doubt I could afford it at this point because at the title become a living God And a lot of those types of books are really pricey. But I definitely would look towards getting it when I can and when it’s in stock.

I do want to ask how come I can’t find a statue of Ahriman anywhere With the snake around it and the lions head.

Another thing I realized is I remember one of the myths of Ahriman Was being accused of only producing ugly Corrupt things? No, he created the Peacock. And the funny thing is the Peacock is beyond good and evil. But what interests me about this myth I heard of a crossover that the peacock angel MELEKH taus originated from Ahriman Which kind of makes sense because the Yeizidis have proclaimed to worship the Devil. So that’s another branch I am interested in so up as a companion to Persian magick

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Um just to update. I don’t know if it’s me just simply focusing on help. I was actually doing some focus on Mercury Dolius Because I was just really worried and stressing out and I kind of calm down later in the day. My fiancé sister just bought a whole ton of groceries That I was struggling to get for the boys. She even went out of her way and got me a few things for myself. I don’t cry, but I can feel my eyes swell with water as I write this because I’m grateful.

Lol, anyways, it’s all good and like I said I was just you know zooming in on this deity And I honestly feel like I didn’t even have to do a prayer or a ritual or anything. It just happened.

Thank you Information and advice I can finally focus on reviewing it tonight without being stressed out.

Damn. I just realized I forgot to add something else. I was just curious. Although I’m heavily interested in Persian Ahrimanic sorcerous practices And I did ask about any of those deities or demons associated with money, wealth abundance. I wanted to ask also if there’s any Mesopotamian/babylonian gods Associated with money as well. The only one I can think of for that would be Marduk. And I can also assume of his 50 names one of the epithets What is associated be similar to Mercury Dolius? If anybody has a clue, I’m all ears.

I think that’s pretty much all I have to say or ask for now just trying to be thorough.

Have a good night Everyone!

Mod note: I have moved these posts in here, as the OP they were on is a thread to collect popular money tutorials, and I want to keep it easy to scroll through and focused on listing tutorials more than discussing money magick in general.

They are also relevant to this conversation about your money workings, so it keeps all that together too. :slight_smile: :+1:

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Not that much. Here is a list: All Powerful Babylonian Gods - A Comprehensive List - Symbol Sage

None of them are specifically about wealth, money or trade. Probably your best bet here are the ones for agriculture and fertility - ancient cultures’ wealth resided in the animals and land they were able to keep.

Inanna aka Ishtar who was demonized as Astaroth as seen in the Goetia is popular and has good reviews for general life help on here, I noticed. :thinking:

50 names of marduk: - none are about money.

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