Member’s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here, Part two!

As promised, I offer my profound gratitude to King Asmodeus Lord of Passion, Lord of wrath and my benefactor.

I offer profound gratitude to Belial. King of the King of Kings.

To both of these infernal entities who answered my pleas and turned my nights into days, I am deeply indebted to. Thank you both for being there for me and bailing me out once more. Now for the big one!

I am grateful to Prince Orobas. Thank you great one, the oracle of Lucifer for the favor. The placement of a child into the exclusive school of her choice. Ave Orobas.


People were not kidding about Rosier being so subtle you may almost miss it,and Dantalion’s work I had a clear confirmation VIA phone calls. I feel for next time to specify a vague timeline (or feel enough) in my layered work,but not enough of a set timeframe to make the lust for results ever cross my mind. In my opinion I dont recommend layered work if you dont have the time or genuine longsought thirst.

I simply drew their sigils under a light trance,really slowly chanting their names and almost as if I was hanging out with these spirits in absolute sincerity and respect of my being. I did not use Enn’s for these 2 although next time I will. I made this account simply to hold up my end of the bargain because I dont want to “Wait and wait” to reward them incase I get lost in “coincidences” and forget to praise them. I probably wont check this thread or replies or DM’s and you know why,but this is a fantastic place for information and praise


Welcome to the forum!

Please do make your next post your Introduction here, which we need per the forum rules and see our posting guidelines in the FAQ.

I hear ya on that!

Hail Mary, Praises to St Rita, Glory and Thanks to YHWH

Twice now I have contacted the the trio for assistance and I usually work with the trio at once.
The two occasions I contacted them was successful.

First,some months back,I wanted to graduate with a particular cgpa.i began reciting the rosary daily,plus the novena of St Rita of impossible cases,and I said some prayers to YHWH. I graduated with the cgpa I had in mind with a hair breath.

Second was a job. Just barely thirty minutes of repeating the ritual,I received a call concerning the desired job I wanted. More like I was invited for an interview.And I am hopeful and Thankful for a request that is yet to be 100% completed.

Thank you St Rita and Mother Mary for your intercession. Thank you YHWH for coming through.


A big thank you goes to Tehyagrah and Pariel, for helping my sister out with the problems she had with her enemy. Now the enemy is miles and miles away from her. Great job guys!


Thank you Hubal for the rain and Dablat for holding the moisture into the ground! I just came across a scientific assessment about the respective soil moisture and its nothing but green flags! This work was amazing, lets do it again next summer :muscle:t2:


Thank you Prince Sitri and Duke Agares, for helping me out in my relationship. You always help me fast and within the time period.
Hail Prince Sitri and Duke Agares!!


Thank you, Nitika!
I am grateful for your help. You always seem to come through for me when it comes to small bits of cash! And I am grateful for every penny.


Wow, must have been a meeting you really wanted to avoid :slight_smile:


Someone did! :wink:


Thanks to Raziel and Tzadkiel and Michael for coming through, also hail Jove!!

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Thank you Sitri for reminding me.


Thanks to Forneus and Furcas for pulling off a nice little miracle for me :slight_smile:


Thanks, Saint Expedite, for coming through quickly when I needed him!

I’ve been traveling recently, and I had gotten a persistent mild illness. A sore throat and relentless exhaustion had been dogging me (and it’s not covid; I checked!). I’ve only got about a week left, and I really wanted to be able to enjoy it, but I couldn’t shake the persistent bleh feeling.

Walking down the street, I saw an image of Saint Expedite on the wall. Later, I was thinking that what I really wanted was to be healed of this minor illness fast so I could enjoy the rest of my trip. I prayed to him that if he healed me sufficiently within a day, I would offer him praise. Later that day I was led past that image again by my traveling companion.

And come through he did! I had a vast reduction in my exhaustion in the next few hours, and the next day it was pretty much gone. My sore throat was greatly improved too–I commented to my traveling companion that I had just managed to eat a meal without pain for the first time in days.

So, if you wants something done fast, even if it seems outside his normal remit, try Saint Expedite!

Praise to Saint Expedite!


Thank you

King Paimon

For all your assistance today :pray:t4::black_heart::peacock:


Thank you Halphas, Malphas and Naberius. This is a long time coming.


So last week i was fired from my job, i decided to evoke Volac for some help. This week i have been bombarded with emails, calls, and interveiws for different jobs. I start at a new company in the morning and my pay is double what i was making at the last job.
Volac is legit, and i am so grateful for the work he has done for me. Hail Volac


Wow, that’s incredible!

I’d like to give massive thanks to Diralisin (and Beelzebub and Lucifer for allowing me to summon this spirit) for ongoing help. Everytime I need someone to contact me, I call on Diralisin to reopen communication, and it has never failed me yet! Thanks Diralisin for always helping when I ask- an awesome spirit.

Kataron from the same book (L&THD), (and Astaroth) also rocks and has helped me have more open and honest communication with someone.

Also big thanks to these angels/spirits for helping me a lot the past 2 months:
Lucifer and his demons
Tulatu and Atuesuel for helping with love and communication.

And finally, Holy Santisima Muerte for her help with a love situation.