Member’s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here, Part two!

Thank you Botis for answering my request to give my little boy courage and bravery. He started kindergarten this week and was afraid to be away from me for 8 hours a day, very much attached to me and auntie and grandma, but now he can’t wait to go to school every day and already has two friends :blush:

Also, thanks to whichever spirit is opening my clairsenses. I’ve yet to figure out who exactly is responsible but I’m immensely grateful.

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I asked - she not only delivered, but did so with intelligence, dignity, foresight, and regard to my genuine desires.
Thank you BUNE.


Great appreciation goes to President BUER for the healing power. It’s a miracle.
Hail President BUER

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Thank you President BUER for joining and healing my broken leg. What a great healer!!
Hail BUER!


I want to thanks Glasya-Labolas by making my enemy suffer from a accident


Hail to king Belial for canceling a meeting! May his name be made known in all the earth. The promised Sigil in gold lettering and three drops of blood!


Thank you nichsah for this new technique you taught me on invoking water can be used to ground. I like that that’s the first thing I end up learning how to do with water.

Thank you Bune for helping me get a big raise at work this year, and thank you King Asmodeus for helping me remove sexual blockages, and thank you King Belial for helping me transform my life and get tons of shit done that needed to get done this year. :black_heart:


Thank you Ama Lilith for once again blessing my life and my spirit

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Ill probably make a more detailed post about this at some point (because they both deserve it), but for now just let it be known that Lucifer and Ronwe/Ronove/Ben helped me secure a very sought after spot at a university to study psychology. About 1/5th of all applicants get a spot and I got news today that I will be one of them.
Lucifer, you know how grateful I am. You know I’ll have a hard time expressing this fully in words. Thank you!
Ronwe, you came to me when I was very doubtful and you boosted my learning capabilities beyond what I thought possible. If it wasn’t for your help I don’t know if I wouldve made it. Thank you!


Thank the Pomba gira Maria Padilla!
I also promised to tell everyone about her and I do it with the greatest pleasure! I know that soon my prayer to her will give the best result! Thank you, thank you, thank you

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Welcome to the forum @Svetleto!

Please do make your next post your Introduction here, which we need per the forum rules and see our posting guidelines in the FAQ.

I want to thanks Zeus :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain::eagle::deciduous_tree::seat::1st_place_medal::zap::bearded_person:t2: for making rain in my farm. There was a fire spreading and was to big to be extinguished totally, the weather was also dry. Zeus changed the moisture of the weather and sent a little rain to refresh. Many thanks!

Thanks Hermes :man_running:t3::footprints::dove::medical_symbol::classical_building:. For connecting me to Zeus.


Ave Lilith! Thank you for your patience and seeing what I’m capable of, even when I did not see it within myself. Thank you for helping me with my trauma and teaching me that it has no grip on me. Hail to the ruler of the night, she who rules without fear nor fright!


I deeply want to appreciate Prince Seere for the wonders he did for me.
I called Seere and asked him to help me with money to pay some debts.
Seere was so kind and swift in bringing money to me.
I deeply and publicly appreciate and thank you powerful demon Seere. I am grateful and I offer you thanks for coming through for me.
Pardon me in any way I’ve not acted properly.
Thank you Seere and I hope our relationship is long and fruitful.


Welcome @Evermore It is a tule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


I wanr to thank all the entities I’ve worked with for continuing getting rid of obstacles in my life. 2 colleagues were fired yesterday at my work. The one was my main target and the 2nd was collateral damage. So I’m noticing that the works I did and forgot about, are still actively removing enemies. Those that are hidden aswell. Really wish I knew all this 20 years ago🙏… Thanks to all who are helping for my greater good in life!


A big thanks to Belial who, as I saw with someone else here, took away any craving for alcohol that I had. It was literally gone the next day. HAIL BELIAL!


Yelahiah rocks. I’ve twice engaged yelahiah to help friends get houses fitting their wanted criteria and within their price ranges pretty quickly


Thank you Leraje, for keeping my body and my energy upright in times that scream for a long nap or a complete hibernation cycle. I promise that I will take care of that as soon as the worst part of everything is over.

Thank you Zuhal, for your quiet yet undeniable hand in the whole very confusing “purpose” department.