Member’s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here, Part two!

Thank you Halphas! Legit everything I’ve asked, you respond in less than 24 hours


Thank You Prince Sitri for always helping me out. Petitioned on 14th April and got it done today.
Hail Prince Sitri!!!


Thank you to King Paimon! He helped me to get refunded nearly $400 when I was weeks outside of the refund window.


I would like to express my public gratitude to SHAX for his help in stopping the plans of one person that would be able to undermine my progress and development in the company where I am currently working for. With his help, I will be able to focus on helping my company and develop my career without the negative obstacles that this person may have represented to me. Once again Thanks to SHAX for stopping the plan of this person in a quick and effective way!


Praises to Agares for delivering my petition quickly. I had previously done invocations for a particular situation on a particular target, and this time I just called Agares and for help to bring forth communication from a target that I have struggled with, and Agares delivered quickly! If you need someone to text or call if communicate with you, Agares is the one you are looking for.


I want to give public thanks to every demon that helped me pass my courses last semester:

Thanks to Belial for giving me the energy needed to push through for weeks on end and manipulating my teachers to give me higher grades. BOTH of my teachers gave me way higher grades than I should have gotten for my exams and there is litterally no other explanation than Belial interventing.

Thanks to Seer for helping me get answers to a few impossible questions I had to answer in an essay, and within 40 hours of petitioning too. I asked him to help me get the correct answers to those questions within 40 hours and it happened pretty much exactly within that time.

And thanks to Orias for manipulating my teacher to give me a good grade for my essay. It was even higher than I asked for.

Now I need to do all of that again for this semester :sweat_smile:


Thank you Leraje, for freeing me officially from a flakey and unpleasant business partner and for making him commit suicide by words in the press about the whole thing. That was surprisingly fun.


Thank you Mighty King Belial for coming to my aid and assisting me in my desire.

It was fascinating to see it in action unfold as it went along.

Your might knows no bounds.

You have my Deepest Respect and Humblest Gratitude.

Hail King Belial :heart::japanese_ogre::tiger::tiger2::scorpion:


Thank you to the following spirits for destroying my enemy

King Vine - to remove his defenses
Earl Raum - he lost his daughter, this person left the house but still leech of him big time monetarily.
Duke Forcalor - his household is a mess practically
Glasya Labolas - he went to get an urgent bypass surgery


Thank you great Valac. I asked you to give me a better job that will pay me well enough without me doing much stressed work and few months later you offer me two different better jobs without even going for interview. You brought it right to my door step and now I have chosen the one I want out of the two job opportunities. Thank you so much Valac.


Thank you, Bune (and Nitika) you helped me get some money, and I’m grateful!


Dear Zuhal, your influence has been really surprising and I don’t mean that in a bad way. You made it catch up with me - as formerly agreed to-, but in the most unexpected way. Thank you :thinking:


Hail, Belial! These days, i m tested, but still, you are here, in my soul, at every step…


Gremory 56#
Prase to the duchess Gremory!

The girl went FROM not picking up my calls and ignoring my text messages TO calling me “love” in every single sentence she types to me!


Thanks to Zepar for helping me with my love spell.


Thank you Duke Bathin for ensuring safe travel for my Family.

You have my Deepest Respect and Humblest Gratitude.

Hail Duke Bathin :green_heart::horse_racing::snake:


Thank you Hermes for assisting me in my “endeavour”. You are the best.


Thank you Queen Beleth for your continued guidance and support.

You have my Respect and Gratitude.

Hail Queen Beleth :orange_heart::tangerine::honeybee::princess:t2:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Side conversation

Thank you Lilith, Agareth, Eisheth and Naamah for your presence and blessing.