Member’s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here, Part two!

Thank you to the following spirits for destroying my enemy

King Vine - to remove his defenses
Earl Raum - he lost his daughter, this person left the house but still leech of him big time monetarily.
Duke Forcalor - his household is a mess practically
Glasya Labolas - he went to get an urgent bypass surgery


Thank you great Valac. I asked you to give me a better job that will pay me well enough without me doing much stressed work and few months later you offer me two different better jobs without even going for interview. You brought it right to my door step and now I have chosen the one I want out of the two job opportunities. Thank you so much Valac.


Thank you, Bune (and Nitika) you helped me get some money, and I’m grateful!


Dear Zuhal, your influence has been really surprising and I don’t mean that in a bad way. You made it catch up with me - as formerly agreed to-, but in the most unexpected way. Thank you :thinking:


Hail, Belial! These days, i m tested, but still, you are here, in my soul, at every step…


Gremory 56#
Prase to the duchess Gremory!

The girl went FROM not picking up my calls and ignoring my text messages TO calling me “love” in every single sentence she types to me!


Thanks to Zepar for helping me with my love spell.


Thank you Duke Bathin for ensuring safe travel for my Family.

You have my Deepest Respect and Humblest Gratitude.

Hail Duke Bathin :green_heart::horse_racing::snake:


Thank you Hermes for assisting me in my “endeavour”. You are the best.


Thank you Queen Beleth for your continued guidance and support.

You have my Respect and Gratitude.

Hail Queen Beleth :orange_heart::tangerine::honeybee::princess:t2:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Side conversation

Thank you Lilith, Agareth, Eisheth and Naamah for your presence and blessing.


6 posts were split to a new topic: Side conversation

Thank you Leraje, for priming my discipline for years before making me commit to sobriety. You taught me everything (mentally and physically) I am currently making use of for this project. Thank you.


My sincere thanks to the servitors…
Luna, for always having and continuing to defend me from all evils, parasites and tricksters
To Stormy, for helping me connect not just with my ancestrals but also strengthening my psychic abilities
To ExuZen, for having opened my paths and opportunities

To the entities…
Lucifer, for guiding me to this world and for not having done what that my poor mind was thinking at the time
Hermes, for carrying my petitions to the gods and deities
Hecate, for being a patient teacher
Ronobe, for helping me socialize and be more open
Berith, for giving me the right answer at the right time

Hi fellas! Long time no see!

I have taken a time from the Forum. Someday I was browsing and interacting in the forum, then I found Lucius journal. All his experience and the things that he has went through made me look at how my progress both in magick and in my life I had achieve. I was very very beginner and the only magick that I knew how to do was servitors magick, but just that wasn’t taking me to my objectives.

I decide to get out of my comfort zone to risk myself. I noticed that even that I do not fear demons, I had not done any evocations evolving them. So the first book that called my attention was Goetia Pathworking from Gordon, the first goetic evocation that I did was to evoke president Ose to give me an aura of ability (to make people think that I’m very good at some skill). After the evocation I felt that it have worked! I did the ritual a day before my trip, and during the vacation I saw on BALG a recommendation to the book Lucifer and The Hidden Demons.

The first ritual that I did was just the Lucifer’s Pathworking, I had in mind to sort of get Gordon’s systems together with Theodore’s; however much like Theodore I believe that Lucifer’s legions are different from the Goetic Legions but I believed that I could use the “hierarchy” that Lucifer would give to me. And it worked! I asked to Lucifer gives me the the order of calling so I can call a specific demon without having to look at the sigil, I cannot remember the order or the demon that I was trying to contact (if I remember I put here) but I remember that I was successful!

The trip really helped me to improve a lot of problems that I had with stress. After returning I still had to solve the big X of the question, a troublesome person from my classroom. I decide to ask directly to Lucifer to curse the person, and in fact it worked, but not the way I expected, so I moved out from this system to try a new one (and I did this just for my results lust). From the Theodore system I moved on to Henry Archer the Magick of Angels and Demons. I evocated some Angels and Demons and again it worked, but not in the way (or in the intensity) that I expected.

When it seemed that I had tried all the paths I found a book that helped me a lot in my progress, it continues to help and will help even more. I found in Amazon the book Olympian’s Pathworking from Hecate Apulienses, this book literally open my mind not just for knowledge but for patience too. I discover a banish ritual (the four winds’ banishing) that I still use and I found to be the most effective to me while also being simple to use. After some days or just meditation and focusing on myself (rather than focusing on cursing someone), when I arrived at home and looked at my altar the card that I printed Luna it had disappeared. I looked around the house to see if it had fallen because of the wind, but I couldn’t find it (Stormy stills in the altar). Later on I understand this sign, I have already understood the banishing principles and Luna trusts me to proceed.

Last Friday I evoked Ronobe through Pathworking in the book Walk Through Darkness, and I regret had doubt. Ronobe was super nice even that I summoned him in a place where I couldn’t light incense because it was already night (the smell could piss off my parents) so he said to me that I could light the jasmine incense in the other day as a offering. I asked him to make me more charismatic, and oh boy… it worked very well!

☆And finally, the last thanks, to Berith. Today the troublesome person made me furious again and on impulse I wanted to summon Focalor to kill him, however I was wise enough to ask Berith (who truly answers your questions, if you are prepared to the truth) about what would happen to the person if I summon Focalor. He said: “He would be dead. He would die. He would die just like any human”. And again, even with the dry but accurate answer he didn’t warm up about me not using enn or not using an incense. He asked me to give him a public praise, so here is! Hail Berith!


Thank you Bune for making dreams come true. I have never been in such a good situation and it is you that made it happen. I’m humbled.

Thank you Gremory for your help in every facet of life.

Thank you Leraje for the lessons and push when things were unpleasant.

Thank you Naberius for your help and wisdom.


Thank you Duke Astaroth for a wonderful evocation and for promptly accepting my request.

Thank you for the wonderful signs and physical manifestations.

You have my Respect and my Gratitude.

Hail Duke Astaroth :heart::heart::rose::eggplant:


I identify as Irish neopagan LHP eclectic solitary witch. I have an intimate relationship with Irish Goddess, Brighid, Daughter of the Daghda, Goddess of the Forge, Goddess of Poets, Goddess of Healing. Brighid has given a family member a wonderful and very much needed gift, and confirmed that it came from Herself.

She has been so kind and giving to me, a Very Present Help in a Time of Need. She has changed minds and opened doors for my family. I want to give Herself the glory she so richly deserves and thank her for her continued companionship and guidance. I am truly grateful for her favor and I trust her wise counsel. I seek to know her in deeper, more manifest ways in the future.

HAIL, BRIGHID, and infernal blessings to all!!

Thank you Focalor, Biel and Dablat. A weird combination but we’ll make it work :smiley:


Massive thanks to Marquis Cimeies, the absolute GOAT of finding lost objects :pray:

So this is actually kind of a funny one. One of my hobbies is collecting and restoring vintage leather handbags from the 80s, I hit the thrift stores pretty much every weekend and have found some really nice ones. I don’t resell them or anything, I just clean them up, condition the leather, repair any broken parts, then use them. Anyway, last night I realized that I hadn’t seen my favorite one in a while. Last time I’d seen it was about a month or so ago in my suitcase after I got back from a trip. I had taken this purse with me on the trip and I thought I had unpacked it and put it away, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.

I live with my extended family and my mom had been planning to make a donation trip soon, which included my old suitcase since I was going to buy a new one before my next trip. She had put it in the back of her car with the rest of the donation pile a few days ago so I rushed outside to rifle through the suitcase… and her car was empty. The horrifying realization that my purse had probably been donated with the suitcase hit me and I almost cried. I know how silly this sounds cause it’s just an old purse, but y’all I LOVED THIS PURSE. I don’t know if it’s my autism or what but I was weirdly emotionally attached to it. Losing it was genuinely upsetting. I asked her if she checked the suitcase before dropping it off, she said yes and it was empty. I thought I was going insane at this point, I had torn the whole house apart looking for it, I even looked in parts of the house I don’t go into regularly and it was just nowhere. Either it vanished into thin air or it had been in that damn suitcase, which was the worst case scenario since this thrift store is super busy and everything good gets bought quickly. I usually don’t like to bother demons over small things, but last night I asked Cimeies to please help me find my silly little purse. It would mean so much to me and I’d give him a nice candle and a public thank-you if he helped me find it.

This morning I went to the thrift store and OMG there’s my purse hanging right there on the middle of the accessories wall :dizzy_face: I had to buy back my own purse but I don’t even care, I’m just so happy to have it back. Thank you Cimeies!!! Thank you for reading another of my long-winded posts lol.