Magick is real and it can help you immensely (Proof of my experience)

I’ve always wondered what that means? Is it being positive that a spell will work or wanting it too work too much? I’ve always assumed the latter


Yeah, it sure does.

Are you talking about “lust for results”? It is basically when people keep thinking about the magick, f.e a spell they just cast and expecting to see results from the first day, then the day after and so on. They don’t understand that this lust interferes with the magick and either cancels the spell or further delays the results. So basically the latter, yeah.


Nice! Keep up the progress!
I had my fair share of failures and successes with magick myself… it gets on my nerves when people give up… you don’t need to believe in magick for it to work! You just have to pass the intent to your subconscious successfully! Everyone needs to search and understand the 7 hermetic principles so they understand how to work magick better!


Very well said! :slightly_smiling_face:


Magic isnt working for me, thats why I made the account, I hope I get as many successes as this.

Hello @Pomki please post an intro in the thread below , before you continue posting. It is a rule of this forum.

Sorry i just did

Thank you. I’m sure you’ll eventually start seeing results and witness success if you keep practising and not get discouraged. I’ve had to watch myself fail one too many times to get where I am , and even now I keep practicing and researching and spread my wings to other aspects of magick. It’s lifelong journey, but that’s partly why it’s so appealing ,is it not? :slightly_smiling_face:


(forgot to add pm me if you have any problems)

With limited magical abilities, I know it’s going to be an uphill battle, I won’t give up, I will get results, I will be powerful, and I have all you to be thankful for


That’s the spirit !! (pun intended)
I love your determination! Keep on practising and you’ll achieve your goals in no time :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:


Bless you my friend @Mystic-Void I love your drawings, I can in time, will feel the energy of the entities I call apon, and avail myself thoes seeking help

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Thanks a lot :slightly_smiling_face:
I’m sure you will . Best of luck in your journey sister/brother :black_heart:


These are both beautiful. I can’t draw at all.

But as for keeping on with magic, yes it does work, and if it doesn’t, try try again. Definitely agree 10/10.

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Thank you.

Practice makes perfect :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:


the real uphill battle is TIME. while you put everything into a ritual and trust its coming about. only to find out months later it didnt quite manifest. or smthn went wrong. thats when the frustration starts to kick in.

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that’s not magick. That’s effort and practice. Your underestimating yourself. It’s always the same excuse people make when it comes to drawing. ‘i can’t draw’. That’s why they are taking drawing class. To learn. Yet they still making same statement which brainwash them or limit their learning ability of drawing. Even while in the class for weeks they be making the self harmful statement over and over. :man_shrugging:

check out these sites for more practice of people to draw to improve your skills. Learning figure drawing is best to improve your skills. starting with gesture training your eyes. I was somewhat an art major. Somewhat cuz the stupid university won’t let me double major due to lack of space in art department classes.
Quickposes: free image library and gesture drawing tool for artists
SketchDaily Reference Site

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I never said, it was solely thanks to magick. You can’t expect magick to work without putting in your personal effort, I believe I’ve made that clear. I am, by no means whatsoever, underestimating myself and my effort. But, trust me, I’ve taken drawing lessons in the past and never saw results like these with the same amount of practise, in the same amount of time. Sorry, if that doesn’t leave you satisfied, but you have to take my word for it when I say “I’ve never been a good artist”. It’s not underestimation , it’s the truth. Should I be telling myself that I can draw like DaVinci even though I can’t ?
So, allow me to respectfully disagree, but yeah, it is magick. While it wasn’t the only thing that helped me improve , you can’t just disregard it by saying “that’s not magick”, either.

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yes. you should be telling yourself you can draw. that’s how u improve. It’s telling your mind to do better. If u tell it not to. it will not do better. it’s basics of training in any performance activity weather it be sports or learning or even magick. It’s how the mind work. You have to be congruent to get to your goals.

And don’t be rebellious and get offensive/defensive as it’s not doing you any good. Give credit that it’s you practicing. Take the responsibility that you are doing good with your own efforts.

Don’t go being negative about your potential skills. We may not be all skillful like da vinci yet we can get to a level that is great. Up to you in how much you practice and effort with proper guidance of course. Tons of great instruction books out there.

People don’t realize one of the secrets to doing better. EXPECTATION of self to do better. Just that alone affects one to do better with less effort. And u casting magick already cuz that expectation in you so that’s why u did better. =o)

It’s the basics to the Law Of Attraction. I am aware.
But, for what is worth, reality checks aren’t detrimental to one’s health and motivation.
If you paid attention to my original post, you’d notice that I used sigil magick for this.
Sigil magick is based on this Law.
So, there is no question here, I did tell myself I could improve.
The sentences I used were “I improve in drawing every single day” and “I can learn design quickly”. But these sentences have nothing to do with my situation back then. I wasn’t a good artist, why would I seek magick aid else?
It strikes me as unusual that I got over the fact of not being able to draw as good as I want to and actually improved because of it ,while people can’t wrap their heads around it and just accept facts.

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