

IMPORTANT: I am rarely active in this forum anymore. I have grown immensely in my practice and I feel like I need to carve my own path now, unbothered and undistracted. I have come to be extremely busy in my everyday life. If you need something, take a chance and text me. But I don’t guarantee that you’ll get an answer.

I am just a person that spends most of their time in their astral temple in the middle of the void.

Before I became a LHP witch I was:

Areas of expertise:

Other types of magick that
I currently practise:

Please don’t PM and ask about any types of services , unless I make a voluntarily (free) offer for them in this forum. I get A LOT of requests for death magick and curses and I just won’t accept them for simple and obvious reasons:

I won’t give out the methods either for obvious reasons. These types of spells, I give to people I trust with my eyes closed.
Thank you.

Infernal blessings brothers and sisters :metal:t2: :black_heart: