Kundalini sending/healing thread

Hello in this post I want to mainly practice my ability to send kundalini energy (shaktipat) to others. No need for any personal information, I can connect to your soul and also body through username only.

This energy can be used to heal also, you may notice an increase in pleasure, feeling horny or pain going away. If you’re interested please post but let me say it’s not a 100% gaurantee, I am still a beginner at it.

Please also post your experiences if you notice anything.


Let’s see how things will work it out.
Thank you very much :innocent::pray:t2:


I partake… Thank you!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Okay I will visualize and send both of you kundalini overtime, seems like it’s a bit off at the moment.

I’m taking part! thks

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I’d like to partake too. Thanks

Yeah im keen to give it a go. Are you able to post what time (and time zone of course) that you execute the process so we can later advise if we had any experiences that correlate to that time?

I will do it multiple times a day for every poster, it’s a bit off but it works sometimes and sometimes not. It may not work at all, so I have to try harder…

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There’s something really off with my kundalini sorry about that. I will try to send over a couple of weeks and try it on you guys. It should return sooner or later so there will have to be a delay. So make sure to post if you notice anything in the upcoming weeks.

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@Shamn pls help me with the healing too… thanks

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Im in. Thanks you

I am also interested.Thank you very much for your offer :blush:

Alright everyone, did you notice any changes? I basically visualized your bodies with kundalini being sent. It should work but as I said I will do it over a couple of weeks, hopefully it works.

Am I too late to join? I would also be interested. Thank you :pray:

Okay I will be back to sending kundalini now that it’s returned. Please report of any feeling of pleasure, excitement, arousal or other types of stimulation.

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I felt some energetic mini-jolts along my spine and at the base of the spine / root. Thank you :pray:

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Hi is it still open, would like to join

Hey, let’s give it a try (if still open)

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