Could i turn someone who is hetero interested in the same sex?
Euoi tried it and failed if I recall correctly.
What the eye said.
I failed multiple times in fact. And I know for certain that it’s not because I’m a sucky magician because I have used love magic for clients with success.
And also, the failure was on different straight men
Now, I have heard of coptic magic being able to do this. But I have no experience in that. Extremely controlling and dominating love spells utilizing coercive spirits might yield something, but not lasting or even desired.
Occasionally an ordinary work will succeeded, but they never last and may go down in flames.
Hey… What could I say?!
- Avoid lust for results. (I’m sure you all know that.)
- It’s tricky 'cause such spells might trigger FEAR in certain (if not many) individuals as they’re accustomed to intimate relations with the opposite gender.
- According to what we’ve seen in another thread many spirits may very well assist with such endeavours. I’d suggest trying to develop a friendship with the target first and then see how it goes…
How can you expect positive results if you already figure it will fail? With magick ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE if you believe it is. Magick only goes as far as the operators imagination will let him. so no offfense, but you are a sucky magician if you couldn’t make that happen and make the guy fall in love with you. All he needs is a push and the rest is all you. Never the less thank you for the input
[quote=“Enlightener_Illuminator, post:4, topic:2529”]Hey… What could I say?!
- Avoid lust for results. (I’m sure you all know that.)
- It’s tricky 'cause such spells might trigger FEAR in certain (if not many) individuals as they’re accustomed to intimate relations with the opposite gender.
- According to what we’ve seen in another thread many spirits may very well assist with such endeavours. I’d suggest trying to develop a friendship with the target first and then see how it goes…[/quote]
Interesting…thanks for the input
And you know what? Not even make them gay, because you dont want them into anybody else of the same sex except you. More like make them fall in love with your soul, attracted to your conversation, to your understanding, so they feel like no one understands them but you. The sex can come later but you want that person to realize that you have unconditional love for them and they feel that for you too to the point that they see that love is spiritual, and only you have bonded with them to that depth. When you do that, you have them.
This is personality modification - you have to cut them off from their higher selves and revoke their autonomy. Alternatively, you could train an egrigore personality to install itself in their energy body and parasitize them till it replaces them. There are lots of avenues you could attack from, and lots of spirits you could work with, because you’re dealing with a combination of psychological conditioning and genetic switches.
Obviously, you should only override another individual’s autonomy and right to self-direction in a spirit of anarchic fun or outright predation.
I think personality overrides are definitely Specialist Magic, and most practitioners should probably abstain from it altogether because destroying a personality probably creates a greater danger of obsession and distraction from overall goals than most black magic out there.
The only “easy” magic I’ve heard repeated experiences of making people go “gay” for you is the apple spell from the Necronomicon, but by most accounts this tends to produce an obsessive “love slave”, so again, it’s only going to be useful to you if you’re being predatory.
IMO - there is absolutely no point in attempting to establish a respectful, intimate relationship with someone who has no clue about the physical mechanics of the sex they’re supposed to be having, with inexperience and psychological hangups there to make them even more tedious and boring for you. Either do magic to make them your bitch, or do magic to find somebody who knows what they’re doing. I personally have no patience for other people’s hangups and certainly wouldn’t want to have to deal with them when I was trying to get laid.
this isnt about getting laid. this is about helping somebody realize that you are their soul mate and are destined to be with them regardless of what the physical body looks like…
Yes, it’s perfectly possible. To do it successfully, you’d first have to understand what is the underlying mechanism that makes someone straight or gay. Then change that.
People fail because they don’t do the information gathering before they act. Doesn’t surprise me at all.
[quote=“Sultitan_Itan, post:8, topic:2529”]This is personality modification - you have to cut them off from their higher selves and revoke their autonomy. Alternatively, you could train an egrigore personality to install itself in their energy body and parasitize them till it replaces them. There are lots of avenues you could attack from, and lots of spirits you could work with, because you’re dealing with a combination of psychological conditioning and genetic switches.
Obviously, you should only override another individual’s autonomy and right to self-direction in a spirit of anarchic fun or outright predation.
I think personality overrides are definitely Specialist Magic, and most practitioners should probably abstain from it altogether because destroying a personality probably creates a greater danger of obsession and distraction from overall goals than most black magic out there.
The only “easy” magic I’ve heard repeated experiences of making people go “gay” for you is the apple spell from the Necronomicon, but by most accounts this tends to produce an obsessive “love slave”, so again, it’s only going to be useful to you if you’re being predatory.
IMO - there is absolutely no point in attempting to establish a respectful, intimate relationship with someone who has no clue about the physical mechanics of the sex they’re supposed to be having, with inexperience and psychological hangups there to make them even more tedious and boring for you. Either do magic to make them your bitch, or do magic to find somebody who knows what they’re doing. I personally have no patience for other people’s hangups and certainly wouldn’t want to have to deal with them when I was trying to get laid.[/quote]
You guys are thinking about this wrong. Your trying to fit a square into a round hole, if you want to make someone gay the best way I can think of is time travel magic. Send something back to influence them while still in the womb to have that predispostion. Just because you observe them seemingly being straight this doesn’t mean its nessecerily the case. After that, you just need to give them a push in the proper direction.
And I’m telling you that the higher self will reserve the right to override any attempts you make to alter essential aspects of its chosen identity if it doesn’t like those changes.
[quote=“Marie Laveau, post:9, topic:2529”]this isnt about getting laid. this is about helping somebody realize that you are their soul mate and are destined to be with them regardless of what the physical body looks like…[/quote]You can’t be someone’s “soul mate” if you have to use coercive spells to dominate them. That is the exact opposite of the standard New Age idea. Obviously, you’re not “destined to be with them” if they don’t view you in the same way as you view them. However, the concept of soul mates does not necessarily mean you have to be lovers, or even in a relationship. All it is supposed to mean is someone who compliments yourself, whose traits are the mirror to your own. No where is it written that a “soul mate” has to be a sexual partner.
I agree with Sultitan and defectron here. Time travel magick is actually a good idea- change their predisposition in the womb and that would make it easier for them- and by them, I mean their Higher Self- to accept the change.
But if you’re not into time travelling, Sultitan pretty much hit the nail on the head- you’d have to entirely reconstruct their personalities, and their Higher Selves will not only not accept but fight you.
Spiritually awakened humans are a pain in the ass to deal with in the first place, but Higher Selves? You better go into that fight prepared.
Do be warned: if you do manage to overcome that Higher Self and rebuild it from the ground up, the mid-life change could be catastrophic for the person in question. Instead of merely changing their outlook, you’ll send them into a madness.
DarkestKnight has a part correct: consistent coercive spells will not convince a Higher Self.
Never believe in destiny saying no, by the way. Just don’t. Destiny is a flexible substance for you to bend as a mage, it’s merely a path that all things take. You can put road blocks or holes in, or make the road nice and smooth because you’re a sorcerer and guess what? Fuck rules. I’m off topic, so let me end this post before it gets even MORE rant-y.
I wish you good luck.
Years ago I worked with someone’s higher self to implore them to make their “everyday” self love me… they granted permission and it was all going great - until I fell for someone else. I had to end the whole thing, but the point is, their HS was in agreement once I made my case to them.
Because of that, I believe that there’s always room for negotiation with someone’s HS and I’ve heard plenty of cases of someone basically straight falling for one special person of the same sex, and I think if you, Marie Leveau, are female (which sounds silly, but I don’t want to jump to conclusions based on your log-in name & avatar) and you’re trying to get another woman to fall in love with you, we have less of a stigma about it than a straight man would about the whole thing. At least that’s true where I live, in England.
So, I think contacting their HS might be the first place to go?
Yes i can and yes i am…and i am not dominating anyone. Aaaaand i never spoke about sex being the point of it all cuz its not.
Years ago I worked with someone’s higher self to implore them to make their “everyday” self love me… they granted permission and it was all going great - until I fell for someone else. I had to end the whole thing, but the point is, their HS was in agreement once I made my case to them.
Because of that, I believe that there’s always room for negotiation with someone’s HS and I’ve heard plenty of cases of someone basically straight falling for one special person of the same sex, and I think if you, Marie Leveau, are female (which sounds silly, but I don’t want to jump to conclusions based on your log-in name & avatar) and you’re trying to get another woman to fall in love with you, we have less of a stigma about it than a straight man would about the whole thing. At least that’s true where I live, in England.
So, I think contacting their HS might be the first place to go?[/quote]
Yes i am female, the person in question has told me i am beautiful and that we have a soul connection, i just want her to move down here and fall in love with me. I can make her happier than any man could. And she will realize that
Years ago I worked with someone’s higher self to implore them to make their “everyday” self love me… they granted permission and it was all going great - until I fell for someone else. I had to end the whole thing, but the point is, their HS was in agreement once I made my case to them.
Because of that, I believe that there’s always room for negotiation with someone’s HS and I’ve heard plenty of cases of someone basically straight falling for one special person of the same sex, and I think if you, Marie Leveau, are female (which sounds silly, but I don’t want to jump to conclusions based on your log-in name & avatar) and you’re trying to get another woman to fall in love with you, we have less of a stigma about it than a straight man would about the whole thing. At least that’s true where I live, in England.
So, I think contacting their HS might be the first place to go?[/quote]
Could you tell me how you contact her higher self? Please?
I don’t know what method/s of soul travel you use, I did a shamanic-style trance journey to the upper world of spirit with my example, intending to meet his HS and I made the case that I would love him faithfully (ahem!) and so on, and that I had a lot to bring to him because I’m basically pretty awesome.
The only warning is that HS’s don’t like to be pestered, so pick a good time when you have all your power flooding through you and ideally make just the one visit to her HS (you can check out the trance methods beforehand and maybe get some practice in) - sort of “Do it once, do it right” - this has been my experience anyway.
You could do that, and then make your case as strongly and politely as possible. It’s a start and it may do everything you need, with no risk of warping that person’s spiritual “destiny” or anything.
There’s an example shamanic journey here: [url=][/url]
And info on the upper world here: [url=][/url]
You need to either visualise a large tree in front of you once you’ve done the first part of that exercise to get to your “starting point” and then climb that tree, or fly upwards instead of descending into the ground as the first site says, and you’ll only be in the upper world once you feel yourself penetrate a kind of membrane, and then INTEND really strongly to meet with her HS - you’ll recognise them, and then you can speak to them, make your case, then descend back through the membrane, down the tree, back to your starting point.
I’m assuming since you’re here you’re familiar with the normal kinds of cautions and stuff not to go in with fear, just go in a spirit of frank curiosity and the love you feel. People learn this stuff in weekend workshops so I can’t offer you the kind of guidance you’d get there, but almost everyone can do basic journeys for themselves (doing them to heal someone else etc is where it gets complicated) and if you do any kind of occult work, you’re head and shoulders above the people I learned with who still successfully found the upper world and got useful guidance etc.
If you don’t feel any changes after a reasonable period of time with her, move on and try another method because if you repeat a journey too often because things aren’t going the way you want, you end up just muddling around in your own mind, so I’m only offering this as a first thing to try and not saying it’s superior to any other, but it is simple and ethically neutral.
Oh, and before someone says in my example the guy’s HS only agreed because it foresaw I’d move on, maybe, but still I had to do a seperate releasing thing because I’d linked our destinites, so I think as magicians we can change our destiny and that of other people… I mean, that’s kind of the point isn’t it?
Good luck.
[quote=“Lady Eva, post:19, topic:2529”]I don’t know what method/s of soul travel you use, I did a shamanic-style trance journey to the upper world of spirit with my example, intending to meet his HS and I made the case that I would love him faithfully (ahem!) and so on, and that I had a lot to bring to him because I’m basically pretty awesome.
The only warning is that HS’s don’t like to be pestered, so pick a good time when you have all your power flooding through you and ideally make just the one visit to her HS (you can check out the trance methods beforehand and maybe get some practice in) - sort of “Do it once, do it right” - this has been my experience anyway.
You could do that, and then make your case as strongly and politely as possible. It’s a start and it may do everything you need, with no risk of warping that person’s spiritual “destiny” or anything.
There’s an example shamanic journey here: [url=][/url]
And info on the upper world here: [url=][/url]
You need to either visualise a large tree in front of you once you’ve done the first part of that exercise to get to your “starting point” and then climb that tree, or fly upwards instead of descending into the ground as the first site says, and you’ll only be in the upper world once you feel yourself penetrate a kind of membrane, and then INTEND really strongly to meet with her HS - you’ll recognise them, and then you can speak to them, make your case, then descend back through the membrane, down the tree, back to your starting point.
I’m assuming since you’re here you’re familiar with the normal kinds of cautions and stuff not to go in with fear, just go in a spirit of frank curiosity and the love you feel. People learn this stuff in weekend workshops so I can’t offer you the kind of guidance you’d get there, but almost everyone can do basic journeys for themselves (doing them to heal someone else etc is where it gets complicated) and if you do any kind of occult work, you’re head and shoulders above the people I learned with who still successfully found the upper world and got useful guidance etc.
If you don’t feel any changes after a reasonable period of time with her, move on and try another method because if you repeat a journey too often because things aren’t going the way you want, you end up just muddling around in your own mind, so I’m only offering this as a first thing to try and not saying it’s superior to any other, but it is simple and ethically neutral.
Oh, and before someone says in my example the guy’s HS only agreed because it foresaw I’d move on, maybe, but still I had to do a seperate releasing thing because I’d linked our destinites, so I think as magicians we can change our destiny and that of other people… I mean, that’s kind of the point isn’t it?
Good luck.[/quote]
Omg thank you so much!!!