How to get off this planet and never come back?

That is such a convenient paradigm for the ruling classes to have the lower classes immersed in. If people have any problems with governance, they can meditates and send love, and will be too afraid of dissent because such lowers the vibration…bloody brilliant

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Hey Im so happy to hear this from you, and you took notes no less. I’m sorry I made that last comment about you wanting to quit, I misread your intentions. I lost patience and made an assumption. I know what it feels like when people do that, it sucks and Im sorry. Thank you for being kind to me and I’m very happy to hear you’re feelin better.

Ya know, it’s nothing that can happen overnight. Retraining your brain, I mean. The good news is theres plenty of opportunities to use these tools youve been given. I’ll share more about what works for me.

Like I said, Im no stranger to hardship. Its easy for those events from the past dictate our behavior. I have a theory about it. It’s like- the more often we tread these pathways in our mind, they become trenches and we start a war within ourseleves. We cant see whats actually going on when we’re marching back and forth in a trench higher than our heads chanting the nonbeneficial mantra “This is my pain. This is my hate.”

These chants are beacons. Summoning up even more pain and hate. Thoughts have an electrical charge, feelings have a magnetic charge. Electromagetism is light. We can typically only see one percent of the light spectrum, some people can see more. What they see is our aura. The light produced by the feelings we have and their accompanying thoughts. Angst is literally a beacon. The good news is so is every other emotion.

I think Lady Eva asked if you do HIIT toward the beginning of the thread. It didnt make sense to me at the time but shes right. A relaxed body is a relaxed mind. If youre stressed out from over thinking something as simple as a walk could help. I think HIIT is High Impact Interval Training, any form of exercise will do. Working both sides of the body makes both sides of your brain function at once. This is the way out of your rut.

I try to walk 5 miles a day. I downloaded an app to measure my steps and it still measures them even if I put my phone on airplane mode, which I often do. Something else I found that helps is order/routine/discipline. Get a schedule & stick with it. Laundry every Saturday, I hang out with my friend Jaina every Thursday, I do my best to wake up at 4am every morning. Start cleaning your home too. Bit by bit you’ll notice once you have some order in your life, the easier it is to incorperate more order in your life. When you focus on the things you can control on that level things not going as planned doesnt seem like a super-volcano anymore.

You may be like most people and have a B12 deficiancy. I take B12 supplements every morning and it gives me all kinds of extra energy to get me goin’. It took me 2 and half hours and now the only cleaning I have in my home is maintenance. You cant control how other people treat you but putting your laundry away once its washed or doing the dishes after you eat? Thats completely under your control.

Get a sheet of paper, write down your goals. If you have immediate goals and run toward them full speed, you’ll feel better. Just be sure to take into account other people exist and be sure to take that into account with your behavior. Just because youre trying to meet a goal you can still care for those around you.

Theres respit in balance. Part of you, your ego, is never going to be satisfied and will constantly be raising the bar. The other part of you wants everything to be okay as it is now. Make time for both. If you only listen to your ego telling you its never good enough youre doomed. Thats the lack mindstate. The lack mindstate is not a good story to be tellin’ yourself. Its a slippery slope, you know what I mean. If you listen to the voice that tells you everything is fine as it is now, you’re not going to expand outside of your current paradigm.

Theres billionares out there that have the lack mindstate. The way people with that kind of money behave, I wouldnt be surprised it it were all of them, honestly. Someone asked Seneca what it means to be rich and he said “To be content.” This is that feeling I was talking about when I said homelessness was a great teacher for me. “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.” ― Chuck Palahniuk

(Just a suggestion these are all suggestions) Be grateful for what you have. End each night rehashing the events of the day. See where you lived true to yourself and who you would like to live as, and where you reacted with those knee jerk reactions. Its so appealing to react in the moment, to act on our anger but ultimately you’re gonna wish you didnt. Then go on to list everything youre grateful for.

I can probably think of more advice later but Im hungry and this is a good start. I’m happy for you, count this as a win. You reached out, you got a lot of great ideas to work with. You’re doing great, keep it up.

I don’t think that’s necessarily true. Just because a rapist is enjoying hurting people doesn’t mean that’s a good vibration since it’s coming from a place of negativity and mental health issues. When criminals reform they may go from their “happy” positive feelings of rape to “negative” feelings of being caged when they go to jail, then may gain truly positive vibrations when they admit their mistakes and try to move forward. I personally think very few rapists reform but it’s possible that for those who do, their “negative” sentiment of feeling caged can turn into true positive feelings by learning new skills to be useful and get a job and to learn new skills like social skills, language learning, or learning a trade. Also, why would I want to feel the perverted, disgusting “positivity” that a rapist would feel? Wouldn’t that be closer to energy sucking vampirism? Getting off on people’s pain? I’m not insane so I would not hold perverts in very high regard to model myself after.

Likewise the social injustice activist may fight their whole life for people to hear their beliefs and never make a dent if their views aren’t popular. I’m not sure they would feel so positive through many years of living a life of such hardship even if they think they’re making slow, gradual progress. It takes a lot to do that and either they fight their whole life and hope for the best or give up and do something else, feeling like they wasting many years of their life. I imagine they’d have many years of baggage and regrets for so much wasted time and could struggle during their career change trying to translate their skills into other kinds of work. For some people jobs aren’t easy to come by and with people already having their biases for that well-known person’s views, employers may feel vengeful and not want to hire someone like that just for their views, not because they may be lacking in skillset.

It’s hardly a casual assumption what with the hardships many people have with poverty, mental health concerns, wars, crime, and other social problems. Would you prefer I go back to my negativity sentiments that I had before, or would you prefer a forum member to improve their life? I think if you read my reply to @Mina earlier I said that the positivity of that video is really helping me. If I didn’t need uplifting then my comments in this thread would be all ^~glitter and sparkles~^. Some people get a bad hand dealt to them. I can’t make myself happy by snapping my fingers so these coping skills people are listing off are things many other people deal with too. Isn’t that uplifting to hear? Should I just accept how things are and never try to change them? Because I don’t like how I felt earlier before @Mina linked that video.

My intention wasn’t to come from a mindset of debate, it was to ask questions and get answers. Now that I have some clear understanding of where to start and what to do to feel better I don’t feel as much disagreeable sentiments as I did for most of this thread. From your comment it seems like I’m not the only one here in need of some coping skills and positive vibes.

Positive and negative seem like things based on the perception of the individuals. What is positive and uplifting for me, is not and will not seem uplifting to most individuals here. I dont have a reason to debate a belief or paradigm, use what u will, only results matter. I have no use for the vibration zeitgiest that seems all the rage these days, such would be self defeating…

I just think of them as “positive” and “negative” not neccessarily “good/high” or “bad/low”. Polarity man lol.

With that said, dont get me started on the shenanigans I’ve seen amongst new agers haha


Happy to see you listening and applying good advice. Remember, life is a lesson. Every struggle is an obstacle you are meant to learn from and overcome. It takes time bro. I was in the same place as you at one point, but I found my way out of it. Its not easy but Im proof its possible. Im sure the same goes for others in this thread. Thing is, most people are suffering in some way, you just learn to cope, and then you learn to overcome. Its a process and you have to work at it.

Good luck on your journey.

I’m not a New Ager. I use what I think sounds helpful and discard what doesn’t seem helpful. Origin is irrelevant.

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It was in response to his comment, not you or this thread.

Gratefulness update: My stomach felt better after the chiropractor adjusted my neck. Since the bones in the lower neck were pushed into place I don’t feel so backed up. TMI I guess but it’s progress and I feel happier, both in the physical and the mental.

U need both chiropractor adjustment and massage to get synergistic effect . Otherwise tight muscle easily pull bones right out of place again. It’s the muscles that pull them bones out of place. Go for the root cause which is tight muscles.

The massage therapist works on the muscles first then the chiropractor does the adjustment. Very useful.

Yes you are essentially killing off the parts of your soul that no longer serve you. Like going into a tune up. Or shedding off dead skin. It may have protected you and been of use then, but now its time for thicker new skin.

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Do you want to get off this planet and never come back as well?

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No. This planet gets a bad wrap.
People who blame circumstances that are uncontrollable stay depressed.
Focus on what you can control (your mind). And your reactions (Habits)
The best way to predict the future is by creating it.
I was depressed essentially my whole life. Anxiety came about halfway. I always held onto hope and constantly searched for answers. I never gave up.

I can honestly say a year of practicing magick has 180°ed my life. I am much more content. I can enjoy pleasures. I have crossed things off my bucket list as well as my daily and weekly planner more in the year than any other.

Make the most out of this life. The Earth is material so if you do not have any materialistic pleasures it can be a drag.
Sex, money, and power are tools of the trade here. You can choose to withdraw from these but you may find it hard. Especially sex and money.
Better to learn the tricks and tools of the trade, then to complain the whole game is rigged.

It’s like playing a multiplayer first person shooter and complaining about noob tubers or campers alike. Its coded into the game. Exploit the game or overcone those who do.

That’s my two cents.

How you identify yourself has a lot to do with how you experience reality. If you do not like feeling trapped or suffering then stop focusing on those feelings.

I employ you to practice stoicism.

Listen to Marcus Aurelius’s meditations or something from Senecca.

Listen to this after or before the summarized version.
The summarized version is a good refresher but I always come back to yhe long version. The guy sounds like what I think marcus would sound like and the meditations themselves are very poetic and insightful.
There’s plenty of stuff on YouTube. Practice replacing your thoughts and controlling your emotions.

Also I recommend you pick up Magickal Protection by Damon Brand. The initial 33 day ritual works as an uncrossing an establishes your authority and divine rite to peace.

Last year I went to the hospital multiple times, and had suicidal tendencies. I was homeless for a spell and a direct family member went through chemo therapy. The family Cat died, and I had to see my ex multiple times throughout my year.

The GoM has other books as well. No one is going to force you to get better. Any no one is going to come saving you. You can scream and say how unfair it is but it will not help.

The last part may sound harsh but Im talking from experience. I got the police called on me because I was screaming in my car. I had no where to go and it was probably 40° outside. I had no blanket and my car only had two seats.
I tried to escape the pain with marijuana but she just thrust the emotions and problems in my face more.
When the cops showed up they told me I had to move. .

Love yourself better than anyone else. And treat yourself better than anyone else.




Make a morning routine keep it simple to start.
Wake up
Drink a full glass of water
Ritual (Like I said I recommend the GoM)
Workout (keep it simple to start, jump rope for 5 min or do 10 push ups, 10 jumping jacks, 10 squats)
Take a Cold shower
(I like to play my favorite song, focus on calming your breath and breathing slowly)

This is a concept called priming. You wake up and the first thing you do is wake up your body and do something important.
Exercise will clean out any mental junk (and will ground you after a ritual)
The cold shower main sound trivial but say that after you’ve done it for a week straight.

Here’s a workout program. Its $80 or so. It requires no equipment and is honestly the trainer who created it has multiple videos on YouTube. He has trained elite athletes and is also a physical therapist.


Female program (requires some equipment)


Like the goddess of victory said JUST DO IT!





:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:It! :triumph:


Leave Earth, where will u go? Mars? Moon of Jupiter? Wherever u go , your torment will follow. Thats what being human means. To grip only one side of one’s being, the light and all one considers good is one sided and causes self torment…It’s neurotic. Humans are tortured, torturers as much as things that can love care, and heal things… Whether u leave the planet, realm, or vibration, u will suffer the same shit…

You know how people move out of their parent’s house, get a different job, travel to a different country, go to different restaurants, get different friends, etc.? People leave their old baggage behind when they leave the toxic stuff behind. Why can’t that be the case for the multiverse? If I find better things out there why should my old feelings follow me? Maybe I can’t get rid of everything by going away but if I can leave most of it behind then why not give it a try? I’d rather give the universe a chance then stay on earth just because that’s what I know. People often change things in their lives to make things better so might as well.

old feelings don’t follow you. you make too much meaning of events that isn’t to your liking. That’s why it’s easy to recall them. REMEMBER THAT!! It’s great strategy for leaning stuff and remembering knowledge info. MAKE WHAT YOU WANT TO LEARN MEANINGFUL!!. sorry about the caps but the message needed to made important. it applies to any event good or bad or neutral event. So all the hardships you having. don’t blame others . you created the thoughts. you think it’s hard. Or u react base on bad habits.of how u respond with negative emotion.

Update–I started doing squats yesterday, starting at 20. I did another 20 today and my thighs mildly hurt. It’s from a sedentary lifestyle and with the virus it’s difficult to do many of these things (take a walk is difficult on lockdown, getting a pet at a shelter where a lot of people would be working at, volunteering where many people would need to ask me to do required tasks, HIIT training would be too intense without doing the squats and walking for a time first, as well as needing to be sparing of water and food) but I’m making do with what I can.

When I do the squats I can feel a rush in my torso and I don’t feel so sleepy. A little bit of exercise can help perk you up when you’re feeling sleepy. Good stuff!


I would suggest giving shamanic shadow work a shot.

It seems from early fucked up childhood experiences that traumatized you, that your subconscious has made beliefs that this world is suffering and you’re replaying this scenario in your life over and over again unfortunately.

I have suffered great abuse as well growing up and my own beliefs perpetuated my suffering, until I began self intospection and self healing.

Shamanic work has proven very powerful for me even after using NLP, EFT, affirmations, autohypnosis, etc.

Once you find your power animal and start taking back your power, you will see the world in a whole new light.

I would also encourage you to find the youtube video titled “God Doesn’t Care” by occultist MindandMagick on his channel where you can recognize the patterns in your life and see how to change them to your liking :+1:

As for ending the cycle of reincarnation: you have to somehow make your astral body immortal so that you will be conscious if you die.

Then you have a choice where you want to go according to your development/consciousness.

As said in another post certain qlippothic initiations can help solidify your consciousness so that you don’t want reincarnation anymore and don’t fall into the “trap”, working with high vibrational entities like angels, elementals, gods, goddesses, and I’m sure powerful demons can evolve your astral body and make it immortal as well over time by repeatedly soaking in their energies.(as told by spirits of alchemy)

There are other ways that spirits in Bardon’s evocation book teach on many different levels of immortality including astral as well, and even Zagan supposedly shows you how to do this from a vampiric standpoint at least.

If you awaken the Kundalini and it grants you the golden body, you also have the option of astral immortality if you so desire.

This world and universe is full of possibilities and adventure, you just have to be able to see it.

I wish you all the best!


I don’t think no one except spirits can answer that question,were all tied to a soul mission because it attract all paths,trust me all paths !!
wether divine arts like music,painter,surgeons,sex or other species like vampyres,dragons,warlocks,gargoyles and who knows…
I believe in rebirth not reincarnation don’t get it mixed up,cuz to me a soul is like a wisp it directs,teaches, it learns then poof! dissapear and evolves to light,we all are wisp that becone s light or dark eventually…I used to think I that’s its suffocating also ,but I told myself in all this bullshit what levelling up without a little exp…

The question is how you gain it?