How to get off this planet and never come back?

There is also this.

Which is designed to basically give you a forced NDE experience.

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Instead of reviving yourself you can have another compatible soul get in or just abandon the body completely

Where humans come from? In this simulation we evolved. We were programmed to reach this point as a re-creation of the one’s beyond. Maybe they programmed it to test something, maybe its a replay of their history and evolution , given a slight alteration to examine the trajectory of what may change and how.

We may be an experiment of sorts. We’re probably a simplified version, so all the complexity of being what we perceive of as human are downplayed from the “outside ones” who created this all. In other words, as complicated as life is, this is like the trial version , rather than the entire unlocked program…

Of course I have to add the cold ass indifference inspired by Lovecraftian realm in there being as I am…so we were probably abandoned to the ones beyond and left to just do whatever as they sought another project…maybe one to replace this aged simplified version…kinda like upgrading from a Playstation to PS 4 …This universe is gonna get shut down (need some existential horror in my paradigm) …

That aside, we are probably in actuality an improbably fluke of chance in nature. The novelty of our existence offers the ones in the aethyric plane some entertainment from their boredom…our torment is their comedy.

Are we important or does our ascent matter? Not collectively, individually maybe…

How could you be honest with yourself if you don’t know yoursel.f YOur all up in your head mind chatter about everything. Your debating being philosophical. Your not living or self cultivating yourself to learn about life. your running away from people or confrontation that you think is a confrontation that may not be a confrontation… etc… Your reacting base on how you get triggered. You think pessimistic so your reaction is going to be negative. If you filter everything through negative eyes ,… life will be hard as you see no hope. so get out of your head and live in your body and stop thinking too much. that’s also a mental issue. think think think. There are other areas of life other then your head thoughts.

I can guaranteed 100% if your optimistic none of all these BS argument that your making don’t exist cuz in the eyes of positivity, one see opportunity from all these drama instead of whining. That’s how the mind works. Go study NLP or hypnosis and you’ll learn it too. Basically your running a mess up program to be negative. So your limiting yourself. They call it meta program( filters in easy language) concept in nlp or ns ( neurolinguistice programming or NeuroSemantics.) Your not using your mind tools . Which is making meanings appropriatelyresourceful/positive to situations so that they serve you better in the future. Your making poor meanings. so they poorly serve you.

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Simple as I can state it.

Only through suffering can people learn.

In Paradise there is nothing gained.

This world / plane of existence and every realm we enter from it partake in illusion for the sake of improving the Self.

You chose the horrible circumstances, because YOU AND ONLY YOU, can overcome and interpret your circumstances for improving your self.

No gods, nor God will do this action for you alone. You are the driving force and must accept that role to gain help.

It is my personal belief we (people) (and gods/demons entities) are all creations of one ascended master. Splinters of his many faceted soul.

The Creator is also still Ascending. To do requires giving his creations free will and allowing us to either fuck off, fuck up, or seize the day and ascend to God like beings ourselves and try our hands at the Creators game.

There is the choice to do this in free will into infinity, or to fuck off into eternity.

Quite a thoughtful gift.

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he’s got free will. he’s just not using it resourcefully. He choose to be pessimistic using his free will. hence his view outlook shines through loathing this planet. well, i can also say he’s been programmed by his surroundings. Sometimes environment don’t teach you to think differently but react. That’s what trauma does. It’s only a trauma if you think bad of it. If u think it’s just another experience then there won’t be emotions attached so you don’t have either feelings of neg or pos. The moment you put too much meaning into something . it becomes drama and one can loop it to the point where one is cripple of resourceful thinking.

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“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.” ~Epictetus

Any emotion beneath boredom is considered a fear-based emotion. “Nobody can process love through fear.” We are trying to help you but your emotional state is generating a negative thought process, & it’s rejecting all the good advice you’re getting.

Fear advocates for itself. Anger advocates for itself. Sadness advocates for itself. You are not your pain, nor are you your thoughts. You havs no obligation to own any of them. The pain body convinces you otherwise. The pain body once it has the reigns, will convince you it is you, & in turn your lens of perspective becomes severely augmented. There is more to life than what you are focusing on, much much more.

Take a step back. Relax your forehead, take a few deep breaths & look at things objectively. Did you voluenteer your time selflessly as @Lady_Eva suggested? If so, how did that feel? If not, why havent you taken her advice? You dont know if it’ll will work for you or not if you never try.

I felt I summed it up pretty well in our PMs, looks like @Nick_lastnamehere hold the same opinion as I do. Please read this again. We are trying to help you.

I turn 38 this year, I’ve seen my share of trauma. I can tell you it does get better, then it gets worse, then it gets better, then it gets worse, maybe worse than ever before, it might get better or it might stay horrible for a long time, then it gets better then it gets worse… Repeat.

You can’t escape bad things. If what youre going through never happened, other bad things would have. The point of life isn’t always having everything be easy for us. It would be too easy, you gotta understand a lazy river existance begets lazy river thoughts. Creating a diamond is an intense process. You want a life with no struggles? Say hello to a life with no growth. Doomed to the third dimension forever, and you can bet you’re coming back to the same monotony time and again until you get a life of strife, overcome the hardships by learning from them, and become the diamond you were genetically constructed to be.

We progress through the pain.

If you do what’s easy, your life will be hard.
If you do what’s hard, your life will be easy.

With that in mind, I see hardship as a challenge to grow. I’ve said it many times before, toss me in the fire, forge me in the flame. I didn’t come here to sit around having everything handed to me on a silver platter. I came here to chisel away that which doesnt serve me and sculpt myself into the best version of myself. I dont know if I’ll figure it out in this life or not, but I do know the strength of buffalo. Facing toward the storm not away from it.

Youre young, and I’m sure you’ve seen a lot already. Chances are you didnt have anything to do with the circumstances surrounding your misery. When you get older, you’ll discover a lot of the problems we have we create ourselves. We adapt to trials and tribulations with coping mechanisms as children. The trouble comes when we carry those responses to adulthood. What once served us well now stands directly in our path, blocking any further progress.

So maybe you arent young, maybe your closer to my age. In which case I would suggest taking a hard look at yourself. What patterns in life have you seen repeat time and again and how how did you contribute to them? If you think nothing is within your control and you had no role in your entire life that’s the problem right there.

You do have control. You’re far more powerful than you’ve been conditioned to believe. The best way to stop the pain is to direct your attention toward things you have control over. You do that by dropping attachments/desires/expectations to the outcome of the events in your life.

You’re correct about not needing to ask spirits for assitance. You need not look to others for strength for the courage you seek lays within yourself. You’re incredibly powerful, @LightFire You have control over your life.


I’ve learned in Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) the amout of responsibility a person takes on is a direct measure of their maturity. You’ll develop quicker and adapt faster once you accept responsibility for your state of mind and it’s accompanying lifestyle.

You cant see the label while you are inside the jar, but once you get through a rough patch you can look back and say wow- look how tough I am. Look at all I know now. Applying knowledge youve gained from past experiences to better navigate present experiences is called wisdom.

Each life is like a rock in a rock tumbler. You get knocked around a bunch, then you shine. Seems to me like one of your setbacks is the cognative bias life is fair. I know it hurts to hear it isn’t, but what hurts more is operating as if it is. Direct your focus toward the things youre grateful for. You have the internet, a huge group of people trying to help you. Thats more than a lot of people have. Also, most of us learned this stuff on our own & much later in life. It would behoove you to be thankful you have this information avaiable to you now.

What you focus on grows, and right now youre focus is guided by this cognative bias life is fair and an unwilliness to accelt otherwise. What you resist persists. You cant change the world without changing yourself first. So what’s your story?

I put a lot of effort into explaining this, & so did a lot of people. This is all energy. Do you actually want our information, or are you simply here to draw energy from us?

Of course I sound negative. It’s learned behavior patterns over decades so yeah it would be tough to change. Even with putting in effort it’s hard to change. I did as @Lady_Eva suggested and volunteered for two different people for assignments about data entry years ago. It was nice to help people, sure. Data entry is easy enough. I just don’t know how to help myself with all these things I’m concerned about. Even with over a year of counseling, medicine, talking about my problems and reading the advice here I still feel lost. I’ll just have to pick something that I feel would sound good.

There’s a lot of good info here but it’s difficult for me to do something like NLP, reading books, or doing anything intense for long periods of time. I end up getting bored or annoyed because I have difficulty focusing. Even in school I would get off track trying to do homework because studying often came as a chore, not like the usefulness it is. I got good grades but the work seemed too much even though other kids seemed fine. Sometimes I would also get D’s and F’s too but always came back from it. Some teachers in school pointed out that it seems like when I learn something, it goes “in one ear, out the other” like I would only learn it because the class required it, not like I needed it.

Then being given a psych test two years ago and being told I’m on the autism spectrum, have anxiety and stress amongst other things it’s quite a mission trying to straighten out my feelings and trying to see what would be a good fit. I do think I’m getting there though, just much slower than I would like.

Thanks. I’ve wanted healthy relationships for a long time and I’ve found people who seemed nice enough at first but turned out to be all wrong for me. I’m still learning coping skills to deal with problems so I have a long way to go but I think it will get better. Feels like it’s taking forever but if I put in effort like people say I’ll get there. I feel much better this year than I did last year so it’s going to take a while to get better.

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u making excuse. reading or studying nlp is fun so anything fun it’s easy to remember or learn. And it’s important to you so it’s easier to focus. I understand school cuz the requirement subjects sucks. i get easily bored too in school. so what i did was read more other stuff and explore things of my interest.

nlp; make it so easy to change your neg to pos. less then 10 mins. It’s about knowing the ‘how to’ and nlp teach you that.

Also you got great focus. You spend so much time avoiding and complaining and arguing. That is so much focus I dont’ know what else to call it. haha. =o)

“If you fight for your limitations, you get them.” ~Richard Bach

You might be able to convince yourself youre incapable of changing with your excuses but we arent buyin it. You keep using words to disempower yourself. Indicating to me you didnt watch the video. He’s that information once more. You can either watch it or continue to complain life is too hard to people that have been where you are and were able to work their way out it and are trying to help you. In any case I am officially giving up trying to get through to you.

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When you’re interested in something you take in the information about it like a sponge. You’re not interested in growing. You’re interested in quitting. We’re not going to help you do that.

Okay sitting on your butt with a screen isn’t the kind of thing that will take you out of yourself though. :thinking:

Dig gardens, work in a shop, help out at an animal shelter, or join a litter-picking group for a local green space.

And easy isn’t really the goal, you want a sense of accomplishment and have moved your body at the end of that day, one morning a week, or month even, is plenty to begin with because over-committing could fail and make you feel worse.

THOSE things engage your body, reaching, digging, cleaning, they’re much healthier, especially if they involve being outdoors. :+1:

Too much introspection and rumination are not helpful, same with too much screentime.

Try waking up, doing a quick round of EFT tapping just on your hand (takes maybe half a minute), run some Afformations (not affirmations) as you make breakfast or a hot drink, then pick what you’re going to focus on for that day.

Just the daily decision to fight back, made before your brain’s even woken up and started delivering all the reasons to be miserable, will be helpful. :+1:


Concentrate on something you like, do something artitistic or do some crafting. Unrelentlessly hear music that gives you good emotions. For me I’m pushing myself with Sabaton or power metal. I’m turning bad moods with black metal in anger and feed my self with it. I’m pretty good in treasuring emotions and throwing the Key to it away. I heard 1 part of 5 parts of the last year music :joy: I am going pretty insane when there is silence.

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I saw the video and took notes!

First things first I saw the video and I actually focused and paid attention as much as I could. I guess the colors on the wall really helped to focus on his face and voice more than those boring white backgrounds people often use. Breaks the monotony.

I spoke these phrases out loud and even just speaking these things made me feel like I’ll be all right:

-“The way you frame things affects your mindset”
-“The people in my life made me feel worth less than I am but I’m going to get through it.”
-“I might not have much financially but I’m going to get through it.”
-“I have back problems but I’m going to get through it.”
-“Today traffic was a hassle but sometimes you gotta laugh at people.” (The bad driving episodes people have on the road are absolutely hysterical sometimes. XD)

At a point in the video he said “Describe your situation to a friend. Be honest.”

I described my situation to my psychiatrist yesterday and it was very candid like this thread. I was crying, I was a mess, my nose was red and I had a headache for much of the day from the intensity of the crying. I felt so stressed that I broke down in the car because the person next to me made me feel like they’re always so hard on me. I spoke to the psychiatrist about how I feel like I have no one to talk to and she said I can talk to her and the counselor she’ll set me up with. I called the psychiatrist’s office later to ask about the referral for the counselor and the staffer said that if the counselor makes me feel like my problems were my fault or that they just want me to deal with it and move forward without wanting to really talk about it then they’ll find another one for me. Find what works for ME since this is MY health journey.

You’re right. I’ve only been describing how hard things are and not so much the positive. The video was very uplifting and helped me hear what I needed to hear without the impatience of the IRL people here. I’m also grateful for the people around me being much more patient with me than I wanted to admit. It must take a lot for the people here to take care of me and if I had to do this all alone things would be even worse so as flawed as they are, they’re doing their best.

At 14:17 the part where we should develop self-awareness of how we react to people’s statements is also something we discussed yesterday. I told her that while sometimes I’ll let people talk completely to spill the beans then respond, I also admitted that often times people will say things about me that I feel are wrong, get upset, then feel the need to “jump in and join the fight” and turn the conversation into shouting wars. She said that the next time that happens to stop and think, breathe, let the other person talk and once they’ve done all the talking then I can give my opinion.

14:38 The question “Why am I using this narrative?” I’m describing what I’ve had to deal with and unfortunately while it’s been negative for a long time, I’m doing what I can to work through it. Taking notes like this has helped me sort out my immediate feelings that came to mind when I watch through it so my feelings don’t feel so “all over the place.” I feel like I can focus more on one thing and deal with it better now.

14:54 Trying to move into the new narrative by building a case for it. Listening to the advice on the video, this thread, and IRL coping skills will be useful to me as negative experiences happen so I can deal with it better and smile more.

16:50 He spoke about how he didn’t have much time for himself because he was helping with other projects and not enough for his own benefit, so he’s quite a giver. It’s nice to see people in this thread doing this for me, so thanks everyone.

17:38 He got some assignment handed to him that needed to be done quickly and he immediately got bent out of shape. Then at 18:00 he stopped and thought that maybe he could have dealt with that better than he did and that he was glad that he could express himself, but thought “what could I do to change the situation?”

That knee-jerk reaction to get upset without thinking reminds me of the time where my self-advocacy coach told a story of how he and his college graduation class I think it was where one of the people on the camp retreat they were on at gave him the kerosene gas for the grill. He put the kerosene in his bag and it spilled as the day went on. Everyone was sympathetic to that except one guy who got upset, but later on calmed down and acknowledged that things happen and it was out of his control.

18:28 Everything happens for a reason. Everything that happens is for our personal growth and all of our experiences are part of that. If we look at the situation and find what we think could be an empowering experience, then we can get out of our headspace and feel better about what happened. So if we bring this mindset of “everything happens for a reason” in our daily life we can start to see positive changes.

If we can bring this mindset more into our daily situations and keep coming back to it when we feel negativity then it becomes a ritual we can use to become more accepting of our experiences and learn to face them better then grow from them.

Meta example! The video kept having loading problems where the video stops after several minutes so I chose a simple solution: to download the video instead of getting annoyed like I do for other videos when this happens. Simple solutions to simple problems! If only emotions could always be that simple to deal with all the time LOL!

Thanks Mina. This really helped a LOT.


After this I got up to eat a fig and thanked my roommate for all the cooking they do, although they said I often don’t eat the foods they cook. I felt like it was kind of them to do so I thanked them for all the food they cook.

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Jim Carrey:

Comedy is his “thing”, but Jim Carrey is very much spiritual in-between his recent “crazy” appearances in interviews, which basically are his own “wake up call” to this crazy place we call Earth. I would say that he stepped back from the consciousness of the masses and followed his own path, whatever that was, and came back a stronger person. Good for him, right? At least I think so.

I think you need routines, something to occupy yourself with on a daily basis. When I was in-between jobs, I woke up early in the morning, took the bus to the library and read books about magic and spirituality. I’ve read 4-5 books by Sylvia Brown, a few books by Thomas Karlsson and other interesting books. Routines are valuable, and it is inevitible in most cases, and there’s a lot to learn from your routines. Create your own routines, on your own terms and conditions and make it a great habit.

Just a question…why do you assume that negative emotions are a low vibration and positive one’s are a high vibration??I’m guess the idea stems from a mix of theosophy and the American spiritualism movement? It sounds so new age as to be absurd.

Surely a lunatic who’s happily raping someone is at a high vibration, and someone being vocal about an injustice is a low vibration because they aren’t happy???Crock pot of shit number 1 .

Second, why the casual assumption that Earth is somehow a low frequency and we have to be lifted up in vibration? Sorry if you want to become Ultraviolet or Gamma Radiation, ITS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN…Of course I just assumed science where the perspective is based on none. Still, the idea post death, or non physical realms are somehow a higher vibration seems absurd…

Those of u who somehow have the answers or are convinced, ignore me. Naturally I have to challenge EVERYTHING, its my nature.

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The new age movement emphasizes it which the new age movement is centered largely in the UK then made an appearance in the US around the 80s and 90s. Where part of it was the affect of emotions, anger, sadness, etc were “low vibration” and happiness, love, etc were “high vibrations”

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