How Did Lucifer Become The Bible's "Big Bad"?

Very curious about C.Kendall’s thoughts on how Lucifer came to be the big bad in the Bible as it is now.

@Edith_Guzman if one looks in the Old Testament, the figure of Satan as Christians know him is hard to find after Adam and Eve…and even that story has been changed soooooo much that it’s hard to say whether we will ever know the version of the story that Moses knew.


This might help with some of your Lucifer questions.

Lucifer all you need to know if you want to start working with him Spirits, Evocation & Possession

I have written this for many reasons the main reason is because a lot of people, on the forum say they want to work with lucifer but find it difficult, second is because a lot of new comers are attracted to working with him so this is a thread, which will help those a lot. Lucifers enn - ’ Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa icar Lucifer '. Lucifers masks - Lucifer has many forms and masks to enter all traditions around the world these are his 11 gnostic forms that were pieced together by Asenath Mason …

Highly recommended as @C.Kendall has the metaphysical version of tenure when it comes to Lucifer on here. Though don’t be afraid to look elsewhere. Often wisdom is fragmented and you must piece the puzzle together until you get the spirit’s attention. Then they can be a bit like, “Oh, why didn’t you ask sooner?” and flood your brain with answers.

At least that’s my experiences with Asgardians.


In the old testament I remember the mentioning of Satan as being the one who afflicted Job to test his fidelity to God. Job 1:6-9 When the day came for the heavenly beings Satan was there among them. 7 The Lord asked him, “What have you been doing?”
Satan answered, “I have been walking here and there, roaming around the earth.”
8 “Did you notice my servant Job?” the Lord asked. “There is no one on earth as faithful and good as he is. He worships me and is careful not to do anything evil.”
9 Satan replied, “Would Job worship you if he got nothing out of it? 10 You have always protected him and his family and everything he owns. You bless everything he does, and you have given him enough cattle to fill the whole country. 11 But now suppose you take away everything he has—he will curse you to your face!”
Also, the only mention of Lucifer is Isiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

What I do find peculiar is that Satan is among the heavenly beings and that he was speaking directly to the Lord. I mean I thought he was kicked out? Right? I mean that is what we are led to believe. The one that appears to have fallen from heaven is Lucifer, so in these passages it would seem that they are different from each other.


@Edith_Guzman This is a huge problem when doing any kind of Exegesis on Job. Theologians have seemed to decide among themselves that this (and a few other conundrum’s presented in Job) can only be explained by presenting Job as metaphorical and not literal…because people started asking questions. Why was this entity speaking with God? And why did God go along with it only to end the entire book with basically, “Well, it is what it is. Who are you to question it?” Job is one of the MAIN books that made me start questioning everything.



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Let’s find out and see if he will come and answer…

@C.Kendall I evoke you…


Yea. He is. I am sure his perfect eternal possession with Lucifer helps with his endless knowledge on him.


Ohhhhhhh! Yes please!

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Yeah, he did do that, didn’t he? Lol. Though I can think of others that have done similar.

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Like this?

He’s the only one has been a prefect eternal to where he has become Lucifer.

I know lots that have been possessed by Lucifer including me. That’s a different type of possession that is for craft working.


I’m not at liberty to disclose all workings i’ve been told about, so “similar” is about as far as I can elaborate, sorry.

I’ll add though, that I’ve seen Legion types that may have likely gone PEP with at least one of their many.

This isn’t really the place for this. It’s the OP’s welcome post. And this isn’t really helping her with her questions about our path or the demons on it. @Lady_Eva what do you think?

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All we can do is see if he will come, His an author for BALG and has his own business and life. but in the mean time he has a a ton of posts. On all kinds of topics since he walked a ton of paths already.

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I was just reading this from him,

(Sure I most likely did not link that right.)

It’s strange to have been searching since I was very young for something…and then one reads a post like the one I linked above… More questions…always so many more questions.

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I just read this and it is really weird but before coming into this forum I had the name Conner stuck in my head for like 3 days.


I have a really firm grip on my godform, who I am now and my path… And I still have lots of questions. That’s the part of growing and learning.

I have done a lot of “OK, this is what I am destined to do.” But I am still like whoa this me?

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Conner is really active as an author for Become a Living God so that could be why he his name came to mind. He seems to be everywhere I look lately.

This. It happens so much. To the point where it’s an irritation. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could look at us and say, “I know you thought you were destined for this, but here is what it actually is.”

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Isn’t that a myth?

Conner also has a new youtube channel

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