I Think You May Need To Read This - How You Are The Creator Of Your Life

I Think You May Need To Read This - How You Are The Creator Of Your Life.

Firstly I would like to state something here for you real quick, no matter who you are, no matter what situation or position you are in. You can change your life in the way that you want, you can change the self in any way that you want. Firstly it’s about knowing how special you are, it’s about realising how powerful you really are. So let’s look at that aspect first how you are truly powerful, how you are one of the most complex things in all of existence.

How Powerful You Are.

Did you know that the four elements of the four cardinal directions and the very watchtowers themselves are in your body. That you are indeed earth, air, fire, water embodied and incarnate, did you know this ?. Your flesh, your very body itself is the earth, so you are the element earth. The human body is made up mostly of water, so you are indeed the element known as water. Your lungs are filled with air not only that your blood had oxygen and thus air is also coming in and out of the body, therefore you are the element air. Your body burns fat, it does this to generate energy, anything that burns and generates energy is the nature of fire. Your very body produces heat and warmth, so with the combination of burning, heat and energy they are the emanations of fire, the very element hydrogen and if it becomes pure hydrogen-oxygen it will emit a flame even ultraviolet light so see fire is found In the human body therefore you are the element fire.

There are many traditional witches and so forth that are in awe at the elements, some sects and collectives see these forces as the most sacred of all. Yet these powerful sacred forces are manifest in the body and not only that, you are them you are the elements. These aren’t just in the spiritual parts of ourselves the very biological vehicle of the body consists of these forces, we are also spirit, our soul, our spirit is the fifth element. We are then five elements we are earth, air, fire, water and spirit.

You are a creator you know that right ? Just like a god would create, you are creator male and female. If you are male then the semen you carry you must know that is a elixir of life, it is a elixir of creation itself. If you are female your very womb is the centre of that life, without the womb the semen would be pointless, together the male and female organs create life. Not only are you a creator if you are male you may believe you have the power of the masculine force of existence, of the gods themselves. While this is correct it is also incorrect, males have not only testosterone (the male hormone) we also have oestrogen (the female hormone). This isn’t just for males either don’t think we are greater than females guys, because the women also have testosterone too.

So both genders have the universal and cosmic force of both the masculine and feminine forces. Therefore a mortal man is a emanation of all the gods and all the goddesses, just like a mortal woman is a emanation of all the gods and all the goddesses. So we also possess that great power within us all too, let’s go deeper shall we. In spirituality, occultism and magick stars have been seen as gateways, nexions of power and even considered divine. Well let me tell you as anyone would it’s true stars hold a great amount of power, did you know we are basically star-children, didn’t you know this or maybe you did. This isn’t just a spiritual thing, the planetary scientist and stardust expert Dr Ashley King has stated, that all the elements in the human body were made in a star and many have even come through supernovas.

The very blood that courses through your veins carries the power, the strength and guidance of all your ancestors. Your blood is yet again another elixir of life, just like the many other sexual fluids of the body, this is one of the reasons that blood is used as a powerful catalyst in our body. One drop of blood in a spell/ritual can do wonders, just one drop yet the average amount of blood in a adult body is between 9 to 12 pints. So imagine the power that is stored that is just running through your veins, I could keep going on about the body for hours but what’s the point as it is filled with so much more vital power and energy that most of us cannot fathom.

Are you aware that we are all connected, we are connected to all things in our universe through the phenomena of quantum entanglement. We are connected to and through all existence even at the most minuscule level, all the energy of the entire cosmos is shared through this connection in a constant cycle call it energetic, call it astral or whatever. We are the bi-product of the heart of existence, whether you call it the source, the dragon, God or whatever. If we are emanations of it which we surely are, then we are the isolated individuals spectrum of the all. We can experience this by turning inward we are the all, everything that exists externally also exists within, for we are the meta, the macro and the micro. We are the alpha and the omega, god and goddess, light and darkness.

Our very perception can change things itself, we understand more about the cosmos than our very own brain. The brain is the most complex organ In the human body and dare I say it, the most complex thing in our universe. We are chi, we are prana, we are light, we are darkness, we are good, we are evil, we transcend good and evil. We are adversaries, we are saviours, we are everything that exists manifested as a singular individual entity which has condensed all things into the self. Fuck yeah man we are gods, we are truly living gods, destroyers and creators, call yourself what you want a witch, sorcerer, magician, magi, necromancer whatever it is, your true name is beyond logic, your true title is beyond logic and reason.

From my own experience and understanding from over a decade of intense devotion and immersion into spirituality, magick and occultism. We are eternity emanated as a soul which wandered the many realms and planes of existence and descended through a anti-transmigration of the soul into the flesh. So basically if there was a God we are all it, we wanted to come here to experience and live out in a variety of different ways, different lives, different locations, perspectives, observations and so on.

We are powerful so understand that and let that sink in and we still haven’t been able to fathom how more powerful we are.

The Usage Of This Power.

Yeah okay but can we use this power, like is any of this truly and utterly real, can we make physical changes, alterations and creations in the physical world with non physical means. Yes from my own experience and the experience of many others most definitely. If your skeptic then good that’s good, cause that means you don’t just buy into bullshit or believe what your told. I can tell you even when my magick gained success, I would always allow my logical, mathematical and rational inclined thinking get in the way. I used to think okay that’s a coincidence, but through repetition and constant success I thought it can’t just be coincidence.

So I began creating changes in other people’s lives without them even knowing I was doing the ritual, to disprove the placebo effect and it still was a success over and over. Yes this power works, sometimes the mathematical, logical and analytical mind is your biggest blockage to freely using this power. If you can surpass/bypass that then you have accessed the pool of limitless power and limitless possibility.

My Own Story

I went from a life of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, being abused, neglected, I was homeless, I had no one and was stuck in poverty and tried to kill myself and all my closest loved ones died. I had nothing literally nothing, until I applied this power through using rituals, spells, meditations, prayers, mantras and so forth as a catalyst for that power.

I manifested love, money, sex, revenge, happiness, satisfaction, justice and so much more. I indulged in every sin and pleasure I possibly could and so no end to the bounties I wanted and then manifested.
Then I did the same for others, so if I went from the lowest depths to where I am now, that story and the story of so many others like me should serve as a constant reminder.

Why Am I Telling You All This.

Because we can do more, be more, so much more, stop with the excuses, stop the denial, stop feeling down and sorry for yourself. Your the chosen one, I’m the chosen one, we all fucking are, I don’t believe in coincidence anymore. Something brought you to all this occult stuff for a reason, you were brought to this forum for a reason, you clicked and kept reading this post for a reason. I wrote this post for you for a reason, how many more signs do we fucking need.

Go get the life you want, do more, be more, we are limitless, so let’s start fucking acting like it. We all need to read this it isn’t just a motivational speech, if that’s the shit you want, you’ll find loads on social media. No this is a wake up call I honestly believe there is so much more we should, could and need to do more. Come on guys you can do it, whatever you’ve been lusting for or wanting you can do it.
Stop giving excuses there is nothing holding you back other than yourself, even if you have to burn yourself in hellfire and rebuild yourself from the ashes.

If you called demons or gods or whatever into your life and suddenly it all fell apart, they probably did it for a reason to rebuild you empire from the ashes of the old one. If you’ve tried to manifest something before and failed then keep going, use that as a drive as a motivation to keep striving forward.
Remember if your trying hard, your setting yourself up for a failure, this all comes naturally and true power is effortless, using that power however and walking the path of power is a different story. Do not let that discourage you though, recently no one knows this and I’m finally gonna admit it.

I almost had a heart attack and went to commit suicide, that came from me, because I resisted a change in my life, I resisted a entity which tried to help me. I blamed the entity for the chaos that ensued in my life, now I know that it was my resistance to that entity and to the change. It was my resistance that drove me back into the relapse of my former life and former self, I am not that man nor will I be ever again. I snapped the fuck out of it, cause everything in our lives good and bad can be traced to one origin which is ourselves.

So come on guys it’s 2020 let the living gods rise in all our fucking glory.

To all my brothers and sisters.




Thanks, C.kendall for this gem !


Thank you for the awesome post @C.Kendall

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Thank you.


Wow, you truly get it.There’s a handful of people on this forum that truly do.

I think the thing that I love about you most is that you’re not afraid to take the steps, you’re not afraid to fail get up and try again and you teach others by not only your successes but also your failures. You really are an inspiration.

It is so difficult to make people see this, especially ones who are spiraling downwards and turn to the occult for help.

Thank you for posting this. If you reach just one person, it was worth your time and effort. But I have a feeling this is going to speak to a lot of people.


This is what I need. Especially for the last few months. Pathologic laziness and procrastination kills me for a very long time. Its my fatal flaw I’m sure of it. I don’t want superpowers, sums of money, and stuff like that. I want a extreme triggering that will make me hardwork and struggle for my greatest ambitions.


Thank you, i really needed to read this and struggle with just getting anything done. Ive always felt a deep sense of universal awareness and dont connect with many people.
Want i want in life cannot be bought, money doesnt bring happiness but is needed to survive.
I just want to harness the power i feel, be in tune with myself, the earth, the universe.
I want to explore the astral, celestial and multi-dimentional planes of existense.
I want to communicate with all spirits of nature, angels, demons and higher beings and master myself… i dont know what myself even is but i feel it so deep.
The older i get the more i struggle with mindless distractions and want to give up all earthly posessions to meditate and spend more time in nature.
Sometimes the loneliness is crushing even though im around people all day at work but i need to be alone to pursure my true path. At the end of my work day im drained cause i absord everyones emotion crap and dont know how to properly shield myself from feeling and everyones emotions and being my true self. Work at walmart btw so around many different people.
I know what i want but im not even sure where to start and im almost 40 so i dont have much time but i know i have to walk my own path.
Ive always been drawn to the occult, magic and metaphysical side of life but havent seriously dived in.
I could keep going on and about how i feel this in my bones, it helps to get this out and i know there are others who will understand completely.
Intuition is strong and i have this ability to know and understand without fully knowing a subject and im gery aware that most people dont understand know i can “just know” so i keep silent.
Starting to ramble but i pray to be understood.
I thank all of you and honor you as well as honoring and respecting myself.
Take care :pray:


Wonderfull, thank You so mucho!!!

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What a gem. I’m gonna read this a few times to make sure I really understand it

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Thank you so much for this! This truly spoke to me and it was the exact reminder I needed.

Beautiful. This reminds me the Kryon channeling’s. I have read this type of channelings for years but it no longer felt good. I needed a balance, to expand or something that maybe I haven’t found. Sadly I have not come far, I must act from my power. But how? That’s why I’m here.

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Thank you for this. I definitely needed to read this with everything going on right now.

I see you are starting to understand existence.

we talk occasionally, its intresting to see where you end, you could do much worse!

I suggest that next you study concepts of FIRST WORLD, SECOND WORLD and THIRD WORLD

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Wow, Conner.

This is brilliant and much needed for me to read. :butterfly::ringer_planet:

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Great topic good tittle, thank you for all the great knowledge given and to take heed, much reason to accept this guidance.

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@C.Kendall, seriously, thank you so much for this. Life has been very hard recently, and ive had my moments where i question myself, question my magical abilities, etc. All this you wrote i really needed to hear. Thanks a million :metal:


Every time I try to give up on getting my ex back, something always pulls me back. Idk what it is. First I thought it was my feelings but then it’s like something deeper won’t let go hope. Either way I can’t let that dictate my life. This was a great read

I truly needed to read this! Thx you Mr. Kendall! I was giving in to self doubt and pity- just the slap of reality I needed. Thx you brother :metal::fire::cupid::cupid::cupid::cupid::cupid::cupid::cupid::cupid:

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Wow amazing read, like someone else said, totally mind blowing stuff… So true Thankyou so much this is the answer I’ve been looking for :grinning:

Well written, articulate, and it made me feel empowered just reading this. Thank you :pray:t2: Also, you’re on YouTube, right?

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