Catholic here

I reccomend you watch these videos to find the answers you seek.




He’s One of Lucifer’s/ infernal’s demonic Gatekeepers. There’s a lot. Just search either of them. Think of Satan as a infernal angel of death. Where as Lucifer is Emperor of the infernal empire.

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Thank you so much for this!!! I will definitely be giving it a listen!


This might help with some of your Lucifer questions.


Welcome to the forum!


21 posts were split to a new topic: How Did Lucifer Become The Bible’s “Big Bad”?

Welcome to the forum.

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I have never been on here till today. I stumbled upon this forum when looking for info on incubus encounters.:grin:


I came here looking for information on Azazel.

I probably would have been like go away I am not doing that or looked at them like that are crazy.

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Depends I guess. I’d hope I’d be smart enough to see it for what it was. Unless that person had a strong energy and damn stern eyes…well, I’m most likely right there with you!

It’s not easy being Catholic and choosing your path. I chose the LHP. The child molesting priests were enough or me.

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Just going to say some things here that may or may have not been already said in posts above me,

  1. There is no heaven or hell those or states of being, vibrations of emptiness and horrible feelings and vibrations of enlightenment and joy ,
  2. Demons were just slandered by the church , they are not malovelent torturous evil beings , some are just as kind as any angel

Isn’t what a myth? Not sure what you were referring to there.

That priests are child molesters

Oh dear. Okay, well, if you’re being sarcastic, good on you because I have no idea. But for the sake of not appearing rude…nope, not a myth.

I’m not being sarcastic, my post was a response/question to red. And I was just curious, because all the priests I’ve talked to are really nice, so I figured it was a myth.

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No. Not a myth. It was a big scandal a few years ago, but it would take hours to go through it all. Not all priests…but there were quite a few.

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Perhaps, the best things for a Catholic to do are:

  1. Seek to find the message hidden in the Biblical allegories. The Old Testament must be considered symbolically most of the time. The New Testament is more direct but still requires understanding through self-knowledge.

  2. Read the Biblically influenced works of authors likeNeville Goddard, Ernest Holmes, Florence Scovel Schinn and others. The Secret and The Magic by Rhonda Byrne, despite the seeming fluff and commercialisation, actually do convey the critical essentials of the principles involved. All ritual/magic/spells work because of the “Law of Attraction”, which is basically not an independent/objective law but simply the real You.

  3. Read also the Kybalion by The Three Initiates.

  4. Read Catholic specific ritualistic books written by one Brother ADA. I haven’t found them for free online but a Kindle copy can cost as little as USD 6.

  5. The most important thing of course is self-knowledge via meditation, introspection, contemplation and mindfulness in every moment. You can also engage in any ritual work that interests you but not without this–at least, not usually.


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