Help! Need a big pact with a powerful demon!

Having no money sucks. I relate to this.

The reason for debt is either unforgiveness, or guilt and shame. You want to use Quran to drive away poverty at night, and ask Allah to forgive you during the day as you examine yourself to find the reason behind your poverty.

In your 2nd rak’ah after sajdah, modify your prayer to the following:

  • Recite Tashahhud as usual

  • Recite Durūd 49 (Durūd for acquiring easy sustenance and wealth) 3 times. Find it on page 24 of that link.

  • Recite Salawat e-Ibrahimi 3 times

  • Recite Surah Al-Waqi’ah

  • Recite the following dua to increase rizq and wealth, Inshallah: أذهب الله همك وقضى دينك ورزقك من حيث لا تحتسب للَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْهَمِّ وَالْحُزْنِ وَالْعَجْزِ وَالْكَسَلِ وَالْبُخْلِ وَالْجُبْنِ وَضَلَعِ الدَّيْنِ وَغَلَبَةِ الرِّجَالِ ('adhhab Allah humk waqadaa dinak warizqak min hayth la thtsb llahuma 'iiniy 'aeudh bik min alhami walhuzn waleajz walkasal walbukhl waljubn wadalae aldayn waghalabat alrijal).

  • Repeat Salawat e-Ibrahimi again 3 times.

  • Finish your prayer as usual.

Read here for more information on why i tell you to do this. Continue to pray 5 times a day as usual, with only that modification to your final prayer before bed.

During the day, figure out who you hold a grudge against or the reason for your guilt or shame. Really think about it.

Repeat Istighfar as much and as often as you can, day and night. To do Tasbih of Astaghfaar is like nothing! You can easily repeat سْتَغْفِرُ اللّٰهَ (Astaḡfiru llāha) 1000 times in 10 minutes. But it does everything for you. You should pray this all day every day and meditate upon الْغَفَّارُ (Al-Ghaffaar, the Great Protector) until your situation changes. You can’t find forgiveness in yourself, but Allah knows best. Read here for more information.

Over time you’ll figure out what the issue is, whether it is anger, shame, guilt, or whatever. Use The Work by Byron Katie to reason with yourself. And continue to do Tasbih every chance you get, all day long.

If you have to, go to mosque and speak to an elder or your imam about the problem. You have to figure out what’s wrong and get it sorted out.

Finally, find a way to earn money however you can. Get a job, start a side hustle business, trade or sell something, whatever you can to bring money in.

This business of you trying to sell your soul, why would you bother. The grass is not greener. The Sacred Magick of Abramelin The Mage says you should do magick within the culture you were brought up in for the beset results. Clearly you are a Muslim, because you said Ramadan. Islam is powerful, and Sufi esoteric work is better than the garbled Kabbalah magicians do in the West.

If you really have no choice but to do shirk, buy this pendant and repeat the following over it 1000 times a day during your morning prayer: بفضليكال ​​عدزم تسومل خوتيمإنها روبانا شولي علي سالميوال علي ورزوقنا كسروم أنتاس ساريو رجل عظيم (bifdlikal ​​edazm tasawmul khuatim 'iinaha rubanana shuli eali salimi wal ealia waruzuquna kasrum 'antas sariu rajul eazim). That is all the sorcery you need.

I laugh to myself when Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhist come to BALG looking for magick; what you do in Asia is miles ahead of what you find on here. It’s like you don’t know the value of what you already have. Don’t throw away your dollar to get our penny. Be wise.


That’s a nice reminder.


Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Thanks for replying and helping me out

Which other spirit do you recommend? Or even any demons anyone can recommend without pacts?

Tbh everything I hear are human ideas. So many things. People saying different things in religion and outside of it. I hear One demon is aggressive and demanding while another says he’s kind and gentle. That’s why I’m asking around to get a better picture of everything. But I get your point about it not having anything to do with Ramadan.

People said if they don’t appear you can ask for signs and even ask something and get an answer you didn’t know before (telepathically). Or even in dreams. But not much luck anywhere…

Nothing lol that’s why I need help and it would be so much better/easier if the Spirit was present. So I can see what I can do to make a deal happen and we work together.

That’s why I need more info+(it’s gonna sound funny but) negotiate terms and come to an agreement. I swear I’m not trying to mock anything/anyone or be disrespectful.

You are great help, by even just passing this knowledge to me! Thank you again!

So to conclude, what should I do? You mentioned other spirits?

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Thank you very much for your very insightful help!
I’ve screenshot everything and will try to follow your word for word.
I looked at your profile, says you live in Toronto. Which is cool cause I used to live there. Now I go to university in London Ontario.

I am (or idk if I should say was at this moment). I was raised in a religious family.
Funny thing is I got a call from my mom today, after I asked her some questions about demons and Satan (not about me doing anything about it), and said she had a nightmare. She said I was in this very dark place and was surrounded by a lot of unfamiliar ‘people’. And she saw me eating a hand…
It really messed her up and called at 6am. I’ve been the boy that everyone in the family doesn’t expect to make big sins…
Anywho, I take it you’re a Muslim? Can you explain to me something you said please:

All Muslim kids are raised, told not to go near Magick and djinns and etc. That it’s Haram. That you shouldn’t ask for help from anyone other than Allah. But I’ve also heard of Muslims who summon demons. They fast and isolate themselves for 40 days and other details that you probably know of. Is that shirk too? To do it the “Muslim way”? And can you please tell me more about the Magick I can do within this culture! Is it the same? What are things you can get out of it? I’ve tried some research but the info out there on the internet is limited…

I feel like you understand my current situation a little bit better, and before I get too deep into anything, I really could use your advice! I don’t have anyone around me to talk about these things.

A bit more about my situation: I don’t intend on selling my soul like I mentioned. But like I also mentioned, almost everything that has gone wrong in my life has. And now with so much debt, that no 20 year old should ever be in, I’m trying to make enough money for my rent and food. So I’ve looking for (fast) solutions. I am working and trying to study too, while away from all my family. What I need/desire deeply is to become well off, if not rich. I don’t expect the demons or spirts or anything to just hand me a billion dollars. I have plans, I have ideas, I have visions that if executed properly I know I can somethings out of. But it’s really hard to when you’re in debt and have student loans and rent and school and etc. It feels too much and this depression at times gets the best of me. So little help to come out of this rut and/or help with my plans would help a great deal.

It would mean the world to me if you could give me more advice…

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Just do what i already explained to you. It’s all there.

You’re keeping the wrong company, man. Frankly, you don’t belong here. BALG is not the place for you.

No i’m not, but you are Muslim and i’m not going to lead you into error. I don’t want that on my conscience.

It is, depending on the attitude you take. When you follow any religious tradition with discipline, it opens up to you and you attain the esoteric side. This is why Taṣawwuf (Sufi esoteric practice) developed.

You have to be mature to go there. If you’re off your din, you’re skating on thin ice to look to shir for answers when worldly troubles beset you.

Your best bet is to attend mosque, and also look for a legit murshid at a Sufi tariqa if you can find a good one. If you’re serious about Taṣawwuf, you may be able to initiate you via bai’ah. To be a good murid you want these 20 qualities. It’s not something you just jump into on a whim. You have to train and be prepared.

The question of whether esoteric work is righteous or shirk, who do you give credit to when you attain miracles in piety? Read the 3rd Hadith e-Qudsi, Prophet Muhammad explains the idea very clearly to Zayd ibn Khalid al-Juhaniyy.

The reason the information is limited is because the practice of Sufi esoterics for personal gain like you said is haram.

Muslims who look to esoteric practice for personal gain often get in trouble down the road because of greed and sloppiness. I’ll tell you why - they’re impatient for blessings. Angels and pious djinni worship Allah and will work on your behalf, but they move slow. The fastest work is done by the shayāṭīn, but they are impious and will deceive you. So you find yourself in a catch-22. If you run into esoteric Islam looking for quick answers and shortcuts, you will eventually get yourself into a lot of trouble because you want miracles overnight and the only spirits who grant those are out to get you.

Understand the meaning of haram is this: ‘something sacred to which access is forbidden to the people who are not in a state of purity or who are not initiated into the sacred knowledge.’

Haram means you have to be prepared so the miracles you seek don’t bite you on the back end. You have to develop discipline and patience. If you’re desperate or impatient and jump into the work without preparation or knowledge, you open the door for shayāṭīn to ruin your life.

The eminent polymaths in Islam such as Abu Ali Sina and Ibn Rushd wrote grimoires as part of their spiritual practice, but they didn’t focus on that. Their focus was to worship Allah and further intellectual knowledge in their careers. Magick just happened because they were pious and knew how to translate spiritual practice into manifestation. They didn’t focus on it. That’s what i mean by discipline. You have to let it happen on its own and not chase it. You follow Allah and the teachings of the Prophet and miracles may happen for you. Even if they don’t you remain pious which is the most important miracle of all.

The philosopher Ahmad ibn ‘Ali al-Buni wrote the Shams al-maʻārif al-kubrá wa-laṭāʼif al-ʻawārif, and mathematician Abu al-Qasim al-Qurtubi al-Majriti wrote Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm (The Picatrix). These two books are by far the most well-known Islamic magick grimoires in the West. But all of these philosophers and doctors were pious Muslims and Sufis. They weren’t uneducated and they were not charlatans which you often find in Western magick.

Here in the West, Nineveh Shadrach teaches some Islamic magick. In southeast Asia, Luxamore teaches Indonesian Islamic magick mixed with Javanese folk magick on his site Indotalisman. In Africa and southeast Asia there are Sufis and Marabouts who practice Islamic magick to great effect, but the ones in the Middle East who practice will obviously not promote themselves doing that. So looking for this information online don’t expect to find much if anything.

Your best bet is to initiate into Sufism if you’re serious. You’re already in a bad way, but don’t think for a second the shayāṭīn would hesitate to make bad things worse. For that reason i wouldn’t suggest you jump into magick on your own, especially selling your soul. Look for a legit Sufi order. Eventually you’ll find someone who knows what they’re doing to show you the way.

You’re probably not going to find any useful advice here on BALG, because the people here call on Iblis aduwallah and the shayāṭīn, which is clearly something you don’t want to do as a Muslim.

I’m not going to lead you into error. You have to figure it out on your own. So my advice is to again follow what i wrote in the first post and i’ll leave it at that.

Finally: read both of my responses to your mom word-for-word, as well as anyone else’s response on here that you take to heart. If she disagrees with what we all say and continues to get bad dreams about you, i’d advise you to not take anyone’s advice on BALG and leave here for good. Your mother’s intuition is sharper than yours and you should really pay attention to it.


Thank you for your advice. You’re right, I’ve been a little scared during this phase because of my religious background. I will most likely follow your suggestions and go from there.

But you do understand where I’m coming from. I’m in worst place of my life and I’m tired…I’ve heard multiple stories of how Shaytan and demons come to trick those who’ve they’ve made pacts with in the end. That it ends badly and bites them in the ass. If I’m being honest it’s the uncertainty of not knowing if I get what I want. One hand they say pray to God and if it’s best it’ll happen for you. On the other hand they say demons WILL give you what you want but it might cost you a lot. At this point of my life I just want it to happen, you know what I mean?

I really appreciate it as well, that you’re looking out for me and don’t want to send me down a path that you believe is wrong for me. I get that you don’t want that on your conscious either. So thank you.

I just had some final (maybe a bit personal) questions:

  1. Excuse me for asking but why are you here looking into dark Magick when you tell me things like the consequences? That the things you discussed (which you are extremely informative about) are more powerful in a sense?
  1. You mentioned that you can relate to me when I explained my financial situation and said that it sucks. Did you ever get out of it? If so do you mind telling me how? Like I know it would be hard work but with the help of who/which side?

Thank you very much again for replying. I will also tell my mom what you mentioned and see what the outcome is. I’m curious because I had a dream as well and I want to post them on a thread and ask around for interpretations.

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Just some things to help out. Having an alter and magick tools is not nessary what matters is your intent to make contact.


The reason i steer you away from this work is because of your attitude. You’re in a bad place and are not here to ascend. You just want out of hardship. When you get yourself sorted out, you’re going right back to who you were before. You only approach shaytan for favors. If your life was going swimmingly, you would not be here.

Let me ask you a question. How would you treat someone who only comes around when they want something from you? You would either avoid them, laugh at their distress, punish them to add to their misery, or exploit them. Maybe you’d pray for them but you’re not going to jump in their mix.

Guess what you can expect the shayatin to do to you?

Think about it.

All spirits want to be approached with respect. You want to sell your soul when you have nothing to offer. You have no bargaining power. No spirit worth their salt wants to buy you at a garage sale.

There is no real win for you here. The shayatin and ʻafarit can be dangerous to call on. You need to know this. I’m not going to lie to you.

What i’m telling you to do instead of calling on demonic forces, is to practice Istigfar with Taubah and thereby save yourself from trouble.

Yes, i know. You can use spiritual means to do this. You can buy a khodam to guide you. You can appeal to your qareen (soul, or subconscious mind). I mean, i get it. Your khodam and qareen can work with you to corral ḥamlat al-arsh, other khodam, peri and djinni, or shayatin, afarit and zabaniyah to give you the effect you want in life. In Western kabbalism, acquiring your khodam and qareen is called the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel(s - the HGA is TWO spirits, not one). So it can be done and has been done, and yes, it works.

But why not call on Allah, the most merciful, most beneficient? Why would you not do this first?

You need to know things you don’t know to call on these other spirits. Plus it will take time, and it’s complicated.

You already know how to call on Allah, through salat, and you can do that today. It’s easy and doesn’t take time.

Why not use what is available to you? Then learn Sufi practice when you’re more stable economically. The grass is not any greener in demonolatry than it is in Islamic esoterica. Paganism isn’t superior to Islam, they’re just different ways to gain the same thing, spiritual mastery.

That’s why i tell you what i do.


Just here to point out that if he’s here and desperate, he’s probably already called on Abraham’s God. A lot of people come to magic when Allah/Yahweh/Jehova has let them down. It’s part of the big question: does prayer work? And if it’s that effective, why turn to complicated rituals and other beings?


Good question to me its because when you use a use a rutiral to summon great duke bune or another spirit you know you are heard. Even if things dont go they way you want them to creating your own person servitor always works.


This is it! Yes, prayer does work. But you can’t be hungry and sit in your room praying. Just as you can’t be jobless and petitioned an entity to get you a job but you sat in the corner of your room. Are there no rituals that fail, and bring no desired results? There are those who got tired of occult, many rituals but nothing; so they returned back to their religious life, saying Magic is not made for them.

Performing ritual is much the same as praying, just that one requires ceremonies, while the others don’t. One works faster, like, you know a Spirit that operates in love affair, then go for it. Than the other where you just sit or kneel and talk, then wait if your sin isn’t much to block your prayer request.



Here’s the thing, though: on the back side of any dead religion is a living esoteric tradition.

There’s power in accessing the secret side in what you already know.

Much more useful than jumping into a completely different sphere when things don’t seem to go your way.


For some reason, when you said “living esoteric tradition” I thought of Benny Hinn. LOL.

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Hey everyone.

Just to clearify some things and to answer some concerns:

  1. Yes I do believe in God. Yes I have/had Muslim beliefs and prayed.

  2. Yes I have prayed for certain things through out my life to God. Most cases I find out that he helps me when I try. Now before anyone says “then why are you here” it’s because I can’t ask God to give me a large sum of money suddenly. It will come with patience and time. (No one can go to God and ask for unreasonable things like ‘make me the best at sex’). Cause he won’t make sudden changes like that. He helps you change the things you have a control of. I reached out to the demons because I’ve been told that they can. So it’s not exactly like that @DungeonMaster , but yes I can’t get what I want the way I want it this through prayer. At least I don’t think. I’ve yet to try @emperor ‘s advice.

  3. I know, as someone who’s been told this multiple times in religion, that you can’t achieve what you want without even trying and putting in work. You can’t pray when you’re hungry and not go out to get food (it was a good example @luxfero ). If I wanted to do that I’d ask God or demons or whoever to help me while I try my best. And as @emperor said, I could do that in my own religion already. I’m here looking to make a pact. I understand im asking for something big, that I can’t ask God for, and I’m trying to give something in return.

  4. @emperor , I’ve said this a couple of times but you keep mentioning it again. I don’t know if you miss it or misunderstand what I’m saying. I’m not trying to sell my soul. (I hear even if someone wanted to couldn’t anyways) but I can’t see any amount of money being enough for me to spend eternity in hell or whatever the high price will be. I’m willing to do anything else (make tributes, Satan mosques, sacrifices, etc anything that they want).

  5. I don’t want there to be any confusions. I am in debts for my school, government student loans, and rent. I need money for food for me and my rescue cat, books and etc. But I am working. I’m not sitting around for a demon to come help me with rent. I need the large sum of money to turn my life around. I know it’s ridiculous and some will laugh but in a way it’s like I’m looking for an invester in the demons. To give me money and I put my plans into action and Start the companies I have ideas for. By ideas I mean legitimate business proposal written up. Yes. I could be patient and pray and in a way I know things will work out for the best by God’s will in 20-30 years maybe idk. I do know that I’m tired. I have so many side concerns (school, Being in a foreign country away from family, money, jobs, future, my gf, etc) that it keeps me away from my future plans. I can’t put them aside because some are essential.

  6. And lastly, I know I’m coming to demos when I’m in need @emperor . You’re absolutely right, doesn’t look fair. But how I see it is I’ve never been around this culture before. Everyone always tells me be thankful to God and ask God for help. No one has ever in my life told me to go to the demons to thrive. And before I posted anything here, I always thought that if this problem does get solved/improve with this method, I am so curious as to how much I can improve in my life with the help of demons. Not money wise, but like harnessing the power of darkness like some ppl have mentioned or improving myself and etc. With this in mind, I always try to be respectful towards demons. I mentioned somewhere else, I can’t compare myself with entities who have lived thousands of years and know so much about the world. I believe even if someone hated demons (not the case with me), they should still be respectful.

Once again, thank you everyone for sharing, making suggestions, and helping me. I appreciate all of your help♥️


Bro… I wanna ask, have you any idea about black smith, or those who deal with gold or can extract gold from rocks?

Or you can play lotto or lottery, you know… Anything of such… Do let me know, please. And I will PM you


Do I know anything of mining and black smithing? I do but I don’t know how to do it.

Do I know how lottery works? Yes. Can I play it? Yes.

Feel free to PM me


not really.

Ask Lucifuge Rofocale for pacts.




I see two issues here OP. The first one is that you aren’t really all that sure of yourself. On the one hand, you seem super concerned about going to hell, and maintaining your relationship with God…but on the other hand you’re willing to go to a satanic mosque and do sacrifices in the name of demons to get rich? You don’t think your God would have a thing or two to say about this?

Secondly, you seem to only be looking for posts that you want to hear. I get the impression that you’re desperately waiting for someone to say, “Yes, I have just the demon you can turn to right now who will give you any amount of cash you ask for…just follow steps A, B and C and you’ll get exactly what you want asap” I gave you a straight up honest answer early on in this thread, as someone who’s been researching and doing Magick for years but you ignored it because I guess i didn’t give you an answer you wanted to hear? I’ll just state it again:

You can get a lot of money via Magick. You can get things fast via Magick. And Magick can help people in desperate situations. But you aren’t really going to get all these things all at once at this particular moment of your life. The reason for this is because you are new to Magick and don’t have the required skills yet to manifest such a fantastical result in record time. It’s like a novice pianist wanting to expertly play one of Beethoven’s symphonies. It’s not that playing the symphony is impossible, it’s just not within the realm of possibility for the novice because they lack the required skillset

All of this back and forth that you’re doing now in the hopes that someone will come along and drop for you that super special demon that will make you wealthy at breakneck speed is a huge waste of your time… because it’s not going to happen. You really need to accept this and not ignore it. What you should be doing is looking to improve your magickal skillset by starting small and working your way up. Start meditating. Start petitioning entities like Sastan (use the search function to find more info on him) to help improve your astral senses. You can’t make a pact with a demon if you can’t even have a back and forth conversation with one in order to outline the terms of said pact. You need developed astral senses for that. This is what you’re missing right now. You’re expecting to make 3 point throws on the net before ever actually picking up a basketball. You seem willing to work when it comes to starting w/e business ideas you have in mind or your current job, but lazy when it comes to putting in the months of work necessary to develop your magickal abilities and learn the tricks of the trade. I don’t really know how else to tell you this, but I’ll just say again…if you insist on getting everything quickly, you will ultimately fail. I promise you that. You need to humble yourself and submit to the fact that you’re not going to get this any time soon. The sooner you do this, the sooner you’ll actually step on the road of turning your circumstances around


Honestly this is a very good example. And you’re right too.

I did not ignore your last comment. I always reply saying thank you everyone for the advice. I actually did see yours and took your words into consideration. But thank you again for still following up and trying to help me!

I’m not some dumbass screaming “where’s my money Demons?” I know that I’m a beginner. I know I’m desperate. And I definitely know that I’m looking for unusually fast results. It makes total sense that if you want a demon to help you and do you a favour you need a relationship with them. Work your way up. But here’s the thing: people who pray here to their Gods and demons and Satan for help and get results with patience and hard work…well I pray to my God too for help and get results with patients and hard work as well.
And another thing: I’m not saying that demons owe me or that why can’t they help me this once. I know I’m asking for a lot. That’s why I’m looking for a pact, to give something in return. In that sense, I’m looking for fast results. So like I mentioned earlier above. Im not looking for a favour, I’m looking at this in more of a business deal of some sort which might sound idiotic but that’s why I’m here asking.
(Side note: and if that becomes a start of a relationship, and their skills and knowledge interests me, I’d be more than glad to pray and ask for their guidance. To teach me.)

I hope I’m not coming out rude or anything btw, I’m just explaining and still appreciate your advice!

There are people who come and want to shoot a 3 when they don’t even know how to dribble yeah. But then there are people who come and say “pay me 20$ and I’ll teach you how to shoot a 3”. Not to teach how to dribble, history of the game, the rules, to lay up. It does happen.

And I’m honestly not here just waiting for someone to say yes you can. I’m not like those moms who look for the correlation between vaccines and autism, and while 1000 sources say no and one says yes, and go with that. But when I see someone as respected as EA, doing pacts with Belial for people (in his words he can help you get out of any sticky situation) for I think $900 then yeah I’m kind of curious. If others have done a pact for money. If it works. If they can help. Which a little surprising to me that no one has experience with this really. Like I get it, this website is made by people who wanted to further their knowledge of the demon world and most people here are not for money or…but no ones tried to make a pact to get insanely rich (which isn’t me, I just want a decent amount :joy:) or are they just not here anymore cause they’re done?

And lastly to answer something: yeah I’m hella confused. Imagine being raised in a Muslim country and in a family with Muslim beliefs that “demons are bad, you’ll go to hell …” and as I explained above^^^^why I can’t ask this of God I’m here.
And I know! That even satanism people believe in God and Hell/heaven.
So with my beliefs I know I’ll have to pay for this regardless if I repent my sins (if they really are sins) rn or continue. But I came here for faster results of all the stories I hear and all the rumours. And all these well respected and no so much respected people doing deals for you at a price … I just wonder. That’s all. That’s why I’m here, trying to understand everything.

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