Finally I’m there, @Titan.M.
Sometimes Belial can be VERY AGGRESSIVE and upfront , like a frenemy of sorts. I’ve found his tactics to be quite cruel and rude at times until i realize their worth later.
I like His personality. Being agressive so suddenly is not not unusual even from me either, and as I see, He is a very dominant God, who enjoys controlling the situation with His power (via by knowing His power), His sentences and movements.
For me it took being thrown in jail, a mental hospital then psychosis, but now going “crazy” is my superpower. I can’t look at the cops or the laws of reality the same, they are just playthings to me at this point, but that doesn’t mean we dont respect boundaries of others. We just like to show them how belittling rules can be for the child playing with fire.
I can agree with you!
I’m living with illegal stuffs (even my everyday job), and I think rules exist only your head, nowhere else. It is funny, because you can use rules against people in several ways, and you do not need to respect it at all, not like they do.
Rules be like imagined doors:
I had some researches about Belial some days ago, and looks like illegal things are really close to Him. What a surprise, an another in common thing in Us.
If i had to GUESS , I’m sure he was dying to have a taste of you, once you give them a taste they keep cumming back. Or at least that’s how it always works for me!
He showed a strong, physycally sign to me today. It proved that He want contact with me as soon as possible. I am not ready for that yet, but I do not want Him to take it badly, so I offered to Him some alcohol tonight, and He gave a chance to talking together for a little while.
It was like a…mini rendezvous. He was mysterious, ribald, nasty and tender, but dominant and a bit “sadistic” in the same time. My little “offering” ritual is ended up with a promise of mine, so I have to invite Him on Monday night, and He made some comments about what will He do with me…
I’ll be honest. I am good at making hot and thrilling sentences about wild sex acts but He… He is the best. I has blushed crimson because of it. Some compliments have been said between Us back and forth.
+ I know a “pact” between Him and Abaddon, and looks like the Key person in this game is ME. So I must be strong, after He found a way, a hole in the pact’s shield, and I am the third person in this game. Damn it boys, why do you do this?
We said goodbye with a tender kiss (only to His cheek - I know He wanted to charm me and get more - it was god damn sudden and… unusual),
after I drink a little the from the alcohol I offered.
By the way, I can relate with your 2nd pic, but the first one is not that cool to me, my bad.