The triangle of wajet, agnjia and RE’s eye, the trinity is also the smallest space you can evoke in.
Three layors in the Body.
Head,heart, and root / genitals.
Kunda force / infernal river for those on the path of qlippoth…
Three, times three, makes nine 9 - as mentioned in the linked post.
Avec locomoto tummo que Viv.
That should help focusing the center over to solar plexus.
I think it’s also used in remote control of bodies. /vessel’s.
Draconic infernal power structure
Void / personal sigil / 9 demonic gatekeepers / 7-9 planets. Each Chakra you removed, you can fill with a presence best fit for your personal path.
The 9 gatekeeper sigils for Chakra imbuements is to be discussed with lucifuge rofocale or belial before applying.
Genetic Manipulation with the black alchemy of belial.
The Key / merger for making new chakric grid on the Body function and transitioning possible ;
Devil Gene is a black alchemy tool, for the magician to program according to his / her needs.