I need to get some help, I’ve contracted an imposter I believe. Who keeps attacking me, leaving me feeling very drained. I’ve been calling on Lord yeesch and Lucifer for help but it or more energies keep returning. I’m struggling alot right now.
Have you tried attacking it back? What have you done as far as setting up wards and protections?
I would say the same thing I say to everyone having issues with unwanted entities:
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Thank you, and yes I have been attacking it in return followed up by banishing.
What are you doing to attack it? When it drains your energy, it makes a connection to you… try using that connection, seeing it like a straw it’s using to suck energy from you, but you get the end and suck your own energy back into you… only double. Notice how you don’t feel drained any more, and it gets fed up having lost more than it could have gained and goes away to find easier prey.
I think a very easy solution is to just make a pact with an entity to keep yourself and your areas clear of all parasites and unwanted entities. That’s what I did, and as far as I know, I haven’t had any problems with parasites.
Use this as a ward:
I do want to express that I should have just opened with this in the original post. But I’m also happy to express my embarrassment and a successful lesson through extreme difficulty.
I have been doing that, I like to vision it as a line of energy embedded in me and by grabbing hold of it I can choose what goes down it.
Anyways I got it from somebody I work with we were at a staff party on Saturday and towards the end we were horsing around playing shot for shot.
As he grabbed my wrist to gain to hold me in place I felt something go up my arm and pierce my chest.
Wasn’t until the next day when I was taking the bus home I felt extremely tired all of a sudden with a difficulty to breathe. And I had this instinctive thought that I was being attacked. A few minutes after that realization I became undeniably enraged like clenching my jaw telling it to go f*** itself.
(I just want to State before going on that I’ve spent time with all these spirits wether it was a short or an extended period.)
I had to get off the bus very quickly. Once off I started pacing back and forth clenching my teeth while feeling like I was fighting for my own movements. I struggled to pull my phone out of my pocket but once I did I called out to AA Michael and asked for help he came forward and did just that but I felt like I was being forced to the ground so I called out to Lord yeesh and he came forward and together they put things back in check.
But due to my instability in that moment I called out to Lucifer and he gave me much needed comfort and relaxation. Upon returning home I began to meditate, as I got deeper into meditation lucifer came forward and he gave me a companion which he expressed to me was one of his daughters a succubi because she latched onto me and was exploding with sexual energy which out of curiosity and lack of better judgment I kept near me because I felt safe and allowed me to sleep with a deep sense of comfort.
However going into this morning the feeling of her presence was very heavy and I had a great difficulty controlling myself. Right around 8:30a.m. I felt her grab a hold of my crown chakra and really dig into it I called out to Lucifer and told him to divide us. That I can’t handle such an emotional entity. He asked me “What did you learn from this…Whole ordeal”? I expressed to him "I’m not as strong as I thought I was and I’m not ready to have such strong energy around me. That I’m I lack experience for I’m still a beginner and do not possess the skills necessary this early on to be acting the way I was with overconfidence. But it wasn’t until I expressed “I need to dedicate more time to energy work”. It was at that moment he said “that’s it”. That it all stopped. I felt like this concentration of energy was literally divided from within me.
I was completely drained of everything I had in me. And was trying to contact the Lord yeesch again. But every time I did or thought about doing it I became extremely nauseous and more exhausted. It wasn’t until Marbas (who I have been working with for 5 months now) told me to stop doing that. Go home and dismiss everybody but him. So I did.
After the dismissing was done. While lying in bed he came forward and enveloped me in his energy it felt like he was reinflating me to my original size and went on to expressed his gratitude and that he likes me and enjoys watching what I’m becoming aswell as to say with a soft smile “you are mine by the way”
And that is the end of this curb stomping event.