I’m a transgender male who is seen as very ugly no matter what gender I present as. I truly do feel like I’m meant to be male though, and current bottom surgery options just won’t work. I’m not tryna have complications with my body rejecting implants, inflatable plastics inside my skin, not be able to have erotic sensation, or have it too small to do anything with.
I want to transform myself into a handsome biological man, but I don’t know how. Can any demons help me with this? I’ve meditated a few times and had the name Flauros come up repeatedly, but from what I’ve read Flauros is more adept at baneful magic.
In a word, no. If you try the search, there have been a few posts here from transgender people looking for magickal solutions.
The issue is not that we think it’s not possible, but it’s not a thing a beginner can do, it would take time and effort, it’s not instant, and needs many years of self development basically raising your kundalini and developing very high level magickal abilities and then you can start on this work. And we tend not to really hear from them again after that.
Please do make your next post your Introduction here, which we need per the forum rules and see our posting guidelines in the FAQ.
Points to cover:
Do you have any practical experience in magick?
If so, what exactly do you practice and how long have you practiced?