Belial and sex. Is that the expected?

This. Been working with him for a year, he never showed his dick. Maybe his metaphorical dick, as in trying to establish authority but nah, we never had sex. Guess he’s just not into me, lol.


Come on, even I am into you (platonically). He is polite :smiley:


Ya me neither. Ive had a father figure vibe from him, nothing no way sexual.



Hehehe. He called me a conceited bitch once.


I hear “You little shit” on a regular basis for quite some time now. I am sure thats how they show that they care. Lel. (my favourite burn was “You dense cabbage head”, so far, tho)




35 posts were split to a new topic: First Evocation Of Belial

Thread re-opened, and trash taken out. :pray:


Wow, I guess all my posts were considered trash then… :rofl:


You were replying to someone who was derailing the topic and throwing seriously abusive words around, and I could hardly remove theirs and leave yours in place. Back on topic please folks. :+1:


Well, it looks like a couple of my links to other Forum sections got caught in the crossfire, which is understandable as the first one I provided was somewhat dual-purpose in that it proved my claim in the debate that arose that Belial can mess with you sexually to prove a point. I’ll just grab those and edit them in here as I think anyone down this topic might find those other two topics helpful for the initial reason this topic was made.


To the OP, same here. I’ve gotten overwhelming sensual energy from Belial before even working with him, which is very recently. As you said, it’s a rough sexual energy yet loving at the same time. I’m still trying to make sense of it as im not as advanced astrally or with evokations. Is it just with females though? Didn’t E.A. mention in the book of Azezal that the female insisted on being possessed by Belial? Totally understand why now :woman_facepalming:t2:


*Azazel …what a terrible typo to make :black_heart:


Actually, while my astral senses weren’t very developed, I think I may have had one or perhaps two sexual encounters with Belial but it hasn’t happened again since then. Don’t remember who initiated them.


I have only had one sexual encounter with him. And I think it was so that he could make a point to me that he’s interested in more than just helping with one particular problem I’m asking about currently. And maybe also to help me see that there is already a familiarity between us and has been for some time, even before I knew him. He came suddenly in the midst of a dream and there was just darkness. I sensed the form of someone there and I knew it was him.
There was such a warmth and lovingness that I kissed the form and one thing led to another. The imagery was quite striking as well, considering that as I mounted him I was engulfed in flames. It wasn’t painful, just very intense and I felt so powerful. Not to mention, I was screaming (like, literal screams of power and ecstasy). I woke up like, wow thanks for that. But since then I have expressed that I’m not comfortable with that. He understands and respects my boundaries.


I have had the same experience of the sex thing with him.
He kept wanting to fuck me and have sex with me but he wanted me to want it and allow myself to permit to embrace the lustfulness and sex vibrations.
He was very very forceful and kept seducing me very strongly, I kept trying to turn away from him, however his cock was acting like a magnet and trying to suck me into it to worship him and give myself to him.
He felt like a cockroach being, it had a very insect, bug feel to him.
Was a very intense experience.


@pantheons Halt!!!

Go to the thread introduction and tell us about yourself.

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Did you find this sexually attractive?

Never had sex with him, but he did use sexual metaphors to teach me things.

Sex with him is not an automatic thing, it depends on the person, their personality, the way they learn, the lessons he has planned, ECT.

While their was no sex, there was energy exchange and sex is a medium for exchanging energy. That may be what he’s ultimately concerned with.


This post is old now.
What I meant with “having sex” was more sort of a communion type of exchange of sexual energy.
Not literal sex.

I was not used to this, and I created the thread but people misunderstands.

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