Angels protect bad people?

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Side conversation inspired by convo about a narcissistic mother

Good Lord
If you’re interest in the original topic I’m so sorry. 'cause I feel like I already desvirtued the whole content to narcisism lol

Actually sorry for that to anyone reading it.

Yeah, it doesn’t even compare to bullying at someplace. I’ve been harassed at work and college, but at home it’s something 24/7 nowhere to go, every single person in the world thinks you’re wrong, because you can’t say anything about parents, they are divinities in everyones minds.

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Sorry about that.

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Wat you need is invoqe a few spirts pray chant etc,bcse not one is holy,and justice is divine whatever it’s karma or consequences.even if is Jesus,Michael,or any god,spirt,it’s a thin line tat they allow to get tru, by any means soon or later, find a good group of spirits,and pray,no matter what kind of tradiciones

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Exactly. Just do that and anyone can be protected, not matter what they do, right?

Yes , exactly you can be the best black magician but If you invoqe Michael and he use Michael the balance go against. Him.its a war of justice,.I have see cases of people call angels others demons others prays .and they win .I ask someone why ,? He say, it’s like you see a homeless guy you pass by the other stop and help,the balance go in you favor if the homeless is drugdic or alcoholic not matter just you deed

Who are you to judge people narcistic ?
are you somehow higher than their mindset, or are you that pure to throw the first rock ?
maybe they prot them because they see their “narcism” is allowed via natural reasons ?

their vision of hierarchy may differ from yours ?

Perhaps this information will be useful.

It isn’t just that “only good people believe X, and only bad people believe Y.” If nothing else, this article shows that calling someone a narcissist or a psychopath means different things not only in terms of their behavior but also in terms of their beliefs.

According to what I know about the ancient gnostics and my personal experience, angels are not protective spirits, they are ‘‘messengers’’ they are to deliver messages or run a certain type of action on earth and then they leave. So I prefer to call them ‘‘Messenger spirits’’. The way most people define angels is purely science fiction. They never existed. Our universe is a dark one. It doesn’t care about it,s own creation. The purpose of the universe is to create ‘‘Trauma’’ so the cycle of incarnation endlessly continues. This universe that is composed of billions of galaxy is ‘‘imperfect’’ ‘‘Defective’’ and intends to keep it that way. The magic energy that is contained in this universe has huge potential though for creating something entirely new. This ‘‘Sofia’’ earth-universe is also part of the deception. This universe is unbalanced. It’s why people’s energy for manifestation doesn’t come around or doesn’t happen,.It’s because this universe steal people’s energies. Angels, demons, Djinns, ascendant masters, they all work for this dark parasitic universe. The are all fake entities. This universe is the only one that is dark in nature, among the 11 others universe that is outside the light-source ‘‘home’’ universe. In other words, this universe we live in is a work in progress so the beings that lives in it, can have a shot has to who runs things and how matter and energy will be, in the future. Each of us humans must use our energy to transmute and to also, always take into account that we live in a giant hologram that we can have an influence on. Morality does matter, if we make it matter, the universe is a child growing up, and to my knowledge, all super high beings on top of the pyramid are mostly without moral and once they leave their body 3D shell, to become spirits, they no longer care about human beings on earth, because they suffered so much, they wish to entirely forget their time on earth.