Side conversation inspired by convo about a narcissistic mother

As someone whose not a direct seer this topic interests me. On one hand I am interested in understanding what’s said about evil vs. what’s real as well as the whole map of progress (what seems to be in alignment with ‘good’) and just how much ‘evil’ is required to give good it’s steadiness and resilience.

In particular when I look at people’s social interactions it seems like a lot of people just aren’t good at handling entropy and when it comes to bullying and the like or treating other people terribly it’s a way of shoving their own entropy off on someone else (and sadly - when it comes to power - shit rolls downhill, which is part of why childhood is often a dangerous and miserable time when everyone else has as much power to really screw up your path).

I do wonder how angels and demons sort of ‘live’ in the entropy.

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