Angels protect bad people?

That sums up what I was trying to say in the post. Doesn’t matter what you do, what bad or good you do, you call for that protection, they’ll protect.

With daemons you don’t have to be a correct good person, they won’t care right?

But with entities of light I’ve thought you have to be that honest person to earn their protection. What I’m learning is no, you don’t. They’ll do the job just as the daemons if you favor them enough/offer enough prayers, faith or things.

I don’t think it has anything to do with favouring them. It is an angel’s obligation to respond when properly called. They may personally dislike the person who summons them, but they will still help simply because it’s part of the role they fill in the universal hierarchy to do so.

I personally rarely make offerings, don’t have any religious faith, and certainly don’t pray, yet angels still walk with me, and come when I call.


I’m not even planting anything anymore. Its pointless for

  1. She’s gonna kill them and have fun with me knowing it was her and can’t even complain because she’s gonna turn it against me going to cry for my father. Just like the plant, i cant with her, she always win, because the judge is bought (father and brother)

  2. That ridiculous game of hers and others was only dragging my time around and it’s been too long.

The only thing I wanna focus is getting a job. But everytime I do some spell my brother takes the energy. Since I lost my last one, started being at home again and NOTHING comes my way, jot even one interview. I was at this study room before breaking the news and there the energy flew, i was getting contacted, getting to the manager interviews, but here everything just is stuck, drained from me. Now I understand why I stayed so long unemployed and without knowing she even got me playing those stupid games like her that has nothing better to do in life. She basically wants me buried in this house like she thinks she was. She resents her life then she tries to block me from building one.

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They pray for the Virgin Mary. Wich I guess is fucked up, because they are horrible narcissistic mothers, mine and my godmother. The irony of it all :rofl:

Oh, so that’s it.
Just to clear up, they are old church ladies praying, not practicing summonings.

But yet, if they call for protecting they have to do it, its their assignment, it’s automated function? It makes more sense to me now.

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Angels in general are aspects of the higher self or macrocosmic geometry, they are angles of light that are conscious because light is consciousness by nature

So they technically do serve the creator but that creator also lives inside of you

Angels tend to be pretty fair, for example, there are angels of wrath and maybe even malice

But would they attack a baby? No in fact that may even backfire on you because the one closer to God consciousness has more resonance wjth angels and heaven, and yes angels are cosmic order, just because you did something “bad” doesn’t mean you don’t deserve protection

Humans shame themselves for their lessons when in fact humans are just children and their evolution is pretty painful so they have compassion even for our wrong doings but they will still keep you accountable

From my personal experience I have pretty messed up past and at first the angels were pretty hostile towards me but the more I wanted to change and become better, they became compassionate and protected me like a mofo

So it’s just a matter of how much resonance wjth the angels energy, the things with angels is to follow unity consciousness and treat people the way you wish to be treated, if you’ve done bad things in the past, simply forgive yourself and pray for divine grace, they’re not gonna leave you in dust

However if you’re trying to protect yourself for doing something bad, if you were predatoril they may just defend the victim so it really depends on the circumstances

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No, it wasn’t me. I was just reflecting upon narcissistic behaviour and how good entities protect them even though they consistently do things that are considered bad (lie, rob, harrass, plot against people, gas light to the point you’re about to go crazy).
I’ve seen my godmother do this to her daughter all her life, and my mother does it to me even with a twist of witchcraft in my case and they just pray with so much faith and are always, always protected. Nothing bad ever happens to them, not even bad luck.
It’s just weird.

You made me curious about what you did for them to be hostile. It was working with daemons or something like that? (You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to)

It was a time where I was quite literally in hell I was abusing drugs, I was pretty hostile

I was pretty much the epitome of a fallen one or at least I was on that path

I had so much wrath, rage and hostility

And then I realized I had a “satanic” split personality thats been there for around 1400 years

I started noticing the split in my mind, I catapulted to Thaumiel, my mind split and I became the devil, I became that horrifying devilish magician I was in my past lives, he’s actually known by a more common name on the forum but I won’t share who he is but he’s a very powerful being that went through a lot of pain and neglect which made him very malevolent

So I did really bad things which took me years to forgive myself for, the guilt would eat me alive

It got to a point there was so much devilish energy in my apartment I was going insane, I felt horrified, I couldnt sleep in my room for months and it was like a horror movie, I was both the tormentor and the tormented at the same time

So when I started working with Archangels I had to really exorcise whatever was still stuck inside of me and I had to a lot of personal healing, shadow work so yeah I’ve had my dedicated RHP days but now I’m more in the middle

But it’s gotten to a point where I don’t want to be hostile so I don’t do black magick unless someone really really really deserves it, like my mother psychiatrist for example, that piece of filth has been giving my mother the wrong medication for almost a decade and I’m yet to destroy his life, just haven’t really focused on it yet

I don’t hold guilt towards things like that but I have done things I regret unfortunately but these things happen I suppose especially if you don’t know what you are, I’m not even completely human so living in this world used to feel like hell which would make me lash out, I was only be able to tame my rage when I discovered what I was, and it was a conscious choice to consistently and daily change those parts of myself, hence why I focus a lot on soul retrieval, past life healing and the 72 challenge

My main goal in magick is to become whole because doctors can’t help me, what I’m dealing with is pretty archaic, fallen angelic even, it’s just karma I have to clean up in this life

That’s just so sad. Everything. And your poor mother. I’m so sorry that happened.

When you started I thought you were gonna say you discovered you had an obsessor with you.
How did you even come across this information of a personality from so long ago? You made some effort to see the akashic registers?

I have certain karmic contracts in this life, the Egyptian gods helped me out a lot, when I was tapping into my oversoul and remembering everything they blocked me so I wouldn’t become that thing again

This seems to be a consistent thing in my lives, I look almost identical to what I looked like back in ancient rome and even thousands of years before that. This split persona of myself, which is still aspect of me finds it way back to and I get subconsciously entangled with it, I have been for years, but this time I chose to just acknowledge it and feel it, rather than fight it.

It did feel like a living hell at one point but I got used to it, when you suffer that long to that degree you become pretty numb, but hey I guess thats what I get for wanting to become the greatest sorcerer of all time.

Ascent is not pretty, there’s so much junk humans have to clean up in their DNA most humans would go insane just by seeing how much homework they got.

However Raphael has helped me to a degree with the guilt, it feels like a bandaid and or like a magickal painkiller, it hard to describe, but if you work with the right angel they can help delete karma for sure


The angels are good demons are bad thing is the kind of stuff that some 101 newbie believes because they haven’t really dealt with these beings very much. Believing that or the reverse doesn’t have much to do with actual reality. Some people however, are more comfortable with certain spirits or classes of spirits than others.


It’s so hard to see how much we don’t know, even about ourselves, our souls. If we could see all lives or even what lies at the end of that one we’d go insane. It’s hard even understand what is all of this for, all of this ascending and suffering

You are quite correct. This video from TheraminTrees details narcissists and the black hole effect they bring to others. I recommend you watch this @InGodIDontTrust and maybe it will give you a new perspective on how to tackle your issues.

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So true, narcissists create a fake persona to hide their true self that they hate, and this fake persona is good and virtuous, most of them do believe they are good because they live in a fantasy world they created to hide the trauma that caused them to be narcissists in the first place. Is a incredible twisted psychological phenomena, very fascinating topic.

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I suffered from narcissistic abuse in ways that you would not believe, and after my experience (and a lot of pain and suffering till the point that I thought of killing myself) I realized the abuse was a blessing. Crazy uh? It took me a decade to realize that the narcissist had a mission in my life, that it was helping me realize how broken I was. I was too compassionate, too willing to please, I lacked proper healthy boundaries, I always thought of the others first, I had no self esteem so I thought I had to please others and be their doormat so they would love me, etc…

The abuse made me realize that I was the problem, I was the one allowing it to happen, accepting it, because I did not love myself enough. Then I started healing, doing shadow work, healing all the trauma and wounds that made me weak. I learned to establish healthy boundaries with people and I started rejecting toxic behavior in my life by walking away from it.

My life changed, I felt reborn, I felt worthy and strong. I learned that things do not happen to us, they happen for us. We attract what we are, or we attract what we need in order to heal and improve. In my case the experience made me become better, stronger, and whole again, it wasn’t easy but I needed it because I was broken inside by childhood trauma and I didn’t even know it. Narcissistic abuse is one of the most painful trials you can go through and maybe, just maybe, they are protected because they are on a mission that is bigger than any of us can comprehend where pain if the biggest catalyst for our change.

See how narcissist victims always attract this kind of people over and over, and they will keep repeating the lesson till they see the reason why, once you learn it…they vanish. I no longer attract this kind of personalities, because I changed in incredible ways for the better.

And still, I’ve seen narcissists end alone and in misery, after having a life of success and triumph. There is always a majestic plan behind the scenes and the spiritual realm know what they are doing and what we need.


Well, in my case is my parents, my brother doesn’t show any empathy too for anyone, so it might be 3 people.
It’s not a blessing if THEY forced my personality to be like that since the childhood.

I reject those people already. Thats where I dont think there’s any lesson, it’s just a torture really.

I’ve always had nice boundaries. I had this boyfriend one time, he was so mean to me, even though I didn’t know about narcs yet I knew that way was not normal. Now I know he fits every category. But at the time I already let him go knowing that you if u don’t respect me I don’t want you in my life. Isn’t that the lesson you’re supposed to learn with those people? To love yourself more? To respect yourself? I already knew it, even without all the information we have today about these people. But then appeared a boss, turned into the whole teamwork, then someone at college, then another boss at my internship, now I see my own parents.

When is it done? Or do I have to keep running away from every situation on my life? Because with narcs we know you just have to go no contact and that’s it. But that’s what I did my whole life. It’s not normal to be that hated.

I think now learning about my mother is the root, because I don’t think I’ve lived a normal life outside of home. Paths very, very blocked. And I’ve recently learned the she has some knowledge about witchcraft and I think things are related I just don’t know how, I’m not that good yet in magick.

What did you change in yourself so those people vanished?

She’s never gonna end up alone. Everyone loves, lives and dies for her. They’re never gonna know her real face.

Your mom sounds like a covert narcissist, the worst kind there is because of the damage they inflict while pretending to be sweet and good out of the house. There are more narcissistic people than we think and they are extremely destructive, but you are not like them and that is your power. Narcs only target good people with empathy and compassion, they are like energy vampires really, as another person just said: they are black holes, void of any human quality.

I see them as organic portals that roam the world inflicting pain, but I, personally, find the lesson in the suffering,and helped me heal my inner wounds. I understand every experience is different too.

Have you tried to do some soul retrieval? It would help you recover from the damage they cause, also look into past life healing, so many times we carry karma and bs from past lives and we drag it into this one, a good aura cleaning and cord cutting would help you too, because those negative forces really sink their energy suckers into our energy field and drain it. You can feel it when you are around them.

You really need to put serious protections in place, I will try to pm you a good protection ritual (I am new to the forum so I will figure how) Without protecting yourself this people can destroy your life and cause devastating effects, even kill you,victims are called narcissist abuse survivors for a reason.

I am really sorry you had to deal with this, I know how freaking painful and soul crushing it is, but it also tells me that you have a special soul so don’t let them drag you into their low level of shitty existence. Use any weapon you can against their emotional warfare.

Something that helped me to deal with the abuse was meditation, when they tried to engage in a fight I would just plug my headphones and vanish from their sphere of influence, taking away their power and helping me cope with the negative emotions they trigger. Also learn the grey rock technique against narcissism.

Another thing I just thought can help you, go to youtube and find the channel universal mastery, he has a video called “How to drain your enemies”. There are techniques you can learn to drain someone’s energy field, this will teach you to not giving them your energy to thrive, but to drain them instead. I would also use a freezer spell on your mom, just to take away her power so she leaves you alone, because this kind of people are ALWAYS trying to stir drama, toxicity and conflict, they are exhausting!
You got this.

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She really is. I’ve read a lot about it, she fits everything.

I didn’t those things. I don’t believe I have much time to do that anymore. I just need to get a job in my field and be able to afford a place. As I was saying to someone else, even the magick work I do for myself the energy gets drained for them. I do a spell for prosperity… My father gets a new idea for a job. Do a spell for a job… my brother gets hired. I’ve tried limitant beliefs/self worth spell, felt great, but didnt make a difference on this. It feels like a bucket with a hole. Like I need something to be shut, but I don’t know how to. They rob me, even my energy.

Its been 2 months since I’m at home with them. Not one single call for an interview. Before that I was at this study room all day. I was getting calls for interviews, doing them, getting to the second ones. Its the energy here. And she does something. I dont know if it was at this topic, but I was telling to another person here at the forum how she used to be in this african american practicing. She hides it, she did my whole life, thought she was a catholic. but she knows magic and she uses against me.

Please do. I was actually looking for something on archangel michael since he brings justice, but I don’t know if he’s best to try against her or even how to contact him. I’ve only practiced some spells, idk how to summon any entity.

Also learn the grey rock technique against narcissism.

I have used. Things get really worst 'cause she has to win at any costs and if I’m not reacting she goes to everyone trying to make them attack me even more.

Another person gave this idea, but she’ll probably get sick and then I’ll really never be able to get out of this house. As you said covert narcs have this angel sweet face outside home, I’m never gonna be able to prove the things she used to do with me and every family member will condemn me for leaving this sweet angel of heaven alone at the worst (my father and brother see the abuse even covert but just repeat whatever she comands, like hypnotized. I’m really all alone).

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Side conversation inspired by convo about a narcissistic mother