Angels protect bad people?

I was thinking about something and I’d like the opinion of people that know more of magick than I do…

Often I see people that are awful, just completely awful, make others lives a living hell. People I KNOW, not just heard of.

And they not only never pay for anything, but seem to be protected to do so.

But is people who don’t work with magick per say, they’re Catholic people, praying to saints and all good things, that should be against what they actually do on the daily basis.

So it made me think about ethics and morals.
Most humans don’t actually have it. All it matters is them and how things affect them.

If someone in the family suffers because of a narcisist, the others only care if it impacts them directly. Otherwise they just pretend they didn’t see it. If that person inflicting pain on others does something good to them, they don’t care if the narcissist puts you under a train. Because the narcissist is good to them. That’s all that matters.

The “good” entities/spirits, angels are like that too. Aren’t they? If someone “feeds” them, always praying and making offerings for them, they’ll protect even the worst person. It doesn’t even matter what evil they do. Like a dog, if you feed him he’ll protect you constantly.

I passed by a post about a guy that said their parents were the worst, very toxic people. But prayed to archangel Michael everyday.

When he couldn’t take any more of their fights he cursed them in the name of a daemon and the curse came back to him, he even saw something come out of the statue of michael his mother has. He was questioning if an archangel wasn’t supposed to protect and be about the good things, but protected his parents who apparently are not nice people. (I’ll see if i can find the post and link it)

It made me think a lot. Because I’ve seen this situation frequently. People are the worst, sometimes even narcisists, but they pray and are very protected. Entities, doesn’t matter if the “good” or “bad” ones, are only about feeding themselves, right? If you pay a body guard he’ll protect you, doesn’t matter where your money comes from, illegal or legal. He just wants his payment and he’ll do the job. No ethics, no morals, no nothing.


They’re largely doing their own natural magick through energy work and the crystal clear vision of what they want manifested.
These people firmly believe others are stupid and have to be controlled and deserve to be used as resources.

Normal people doubt and second guess themselves, feel guilty for succeeding and have fear of failure. All that kills magick stone dead. Narcs don’t have that handicap.

They’re basally LHP, and it’s not about “angels”. They don’t really believe in spirituality, and praying to them in front of you may actually be an attempt at manipulation, using your beliefs against you on purpose. Research shows narcs and sociopaths tend to be very atheistic: they only believe in what they can get out of people.


I don’t know… those people I’m talking about are ACTIVELY praying, they go to church even more than once a week. And when at home they watch the mass on tv everyday. Like, it doesn’t seem to manipulate, you know?

And this corroborates with the post the other guy made. It doesn’t how you behavr if you get something to protect you, it will.

But I know to some extent this protections comes from not bothering with anyone else like you said. Strong willing people, never believing they’re wrong.

I know, I just don’t believe it based on my personal experience with these people. They are like black holes inside, they don’t even know they don’t feel like formal people, and they do things normal people would never think of and have no remorse, they build personas that they pretend to be to play thier games. And it’s fair to say there’s a spectrum, it’s not a switch so you can mix and match, but your description sounds on the extreme end.

You don’t have to believe me, do your own research, there are thousands of videos by everyone from psychiatrists to actual arcs to victims to enablers, every one of them says the same thing, but you should hear them for yourself.

If you reach out and ask to be guided to the right information to help you understand, you will find it.


No, no. I DO believe you. I just have a hard time to fit in what I see happening.

I don’t live with them, so I could never know a 100% if this one is narc of not. But it sure always seemed like that to me. A lot of lies, hates one daughter, the one that always helped her more, always bad mouthing that one. The one that used to do whatever she says could do no wrong (the golden child). They were always plotting for that one to find a rich husband so they could suck him dry. She did. That’s when the scapegoat daughter had some relieve, because when he didnt do whenever they said they turned against him, making his life a living hell.
The other daughter was the invisible one.
And a lot of other things… when the golden child one had a stroke and was in hospital in comma we went to their house for support.
This mother will have s conversation like nothing was happening, eveb laughing, like any other day. Then when she remebered she’d put this facade, start crying. Alternated like that the whole afternoon.

But, her “faith” if it’s fake but is very convincing. It kinda bugs my mind. Because she’s actually very protected. I think those people not only lie to make it seem like they’re good sheep, they actually pray to wash what they do, to complete the persona for THEMSELVES to believe they’re good. Like “how can I be a bad person? I just prayed the entire cult”.

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Yeah, the pieces start to fit better the more you know.

Like, this part is recognisable to me:

Golden Child vs Black Sheep is a well known narc tactic, it’s done to keep the children apart to prevent them from emotionally supporting each other and breaking the control. The golden child usually has no idea. I’m a black sheep, myself of course :slight_smile: ,my own mother was a sadistic narcissist.

It doesn’t matter what the black sheep does, if they’re more useful and helpful, because the narc thinks that’s their due anyway, they do not have gratitude, only satisfaction that you did as you were told without question. They cannot do anything right, period. Even when they do. :slight_smile:

I was ‘was’ because I went no contact in the end, and I have no idea if she is dead or alive and I don’t want to know. No contact is the only way to win with a narc, just don’t play.

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I had a feeling you were. You seem to know much about them.

I’ve read a lot about it too. My mother is one. My that story is actually of my godmother’s. Awful woman, that’s why they get along so well.

The golden child actually died in that case. She used her so much, always giving money for her to stay, they got have control and seem nice.

Wich I know recognize is what my mother did to me. Always making me stay, always manipulated and putting fear in my head when I was younger so I wouldn’t get out, always putting me down so would build self esteem.

I now years later am able to recognize some other things like she knows magick. She used against me so I could never get out of here. I even found a candle broken in half, buried in a vase of a dead plant. Begging to notice that every single vase in the yard was ok, but that one was going dead. Thought she just didn’t care about the plant. Then there was a pouring rain and the dirt fell off the vase because it was recently moved. I found this candle with my name carved.

Every job I had went down (not after the candle. EVER) with a lot of misconceptions about me, people back stabbing without reason, just like she does.

My father only recently told me she used go to this african practice (i don’t think u have in the US. R u in the US?). Then I asked more, he began to gaslight me too. And just walk away not telling me anything else. Just told me to be afraid of her. He’s sadistic as hell. Told me just like people tell a joke.

For me they were catholic, but not like my godmother. With them is very clear is just a facade, they don’t go to church in 15 years. She to this day denies it, that way we know narcs do, telling 10 lies about it that dont even go together. Her catholic is just for saying.

Just right now she was about to throw out some papers she wrote normal food recipes. She did something like saying something whispering and then shredded the papers. When I asked what for she was strange, like when I know shes lying to others and said “oh, just so people don’t get a hold of my hand writing, I dont want people to falsify my documents, my signature”???
Like what??? People are gonna go through garbage they dont even know who is it from? (It’s not like in the US that you have a container outside you’re home. Its gonna be put outside tomorrow only when the garbage man takes it out.

I know that face. Thats when you were used to do something to someone and you’re afraid someone would do the same. She probably used/uses this with someone. She knows magick can be done with something that has her energy because she know of magick.


I think on The ens of a Day, everything IS business, If you Will…
Onko reason you Are thinking about this way IS that you Are not bein paid on current.

IS this possible exact ?

I don’t know if I understood you correctly.
But actually I was thinking about why “good entities” protect bad people, even narcissists.

Lol, yes, they project what they do on to others. They lie so they assume everyone lies. This is a bit worrisome because it probably means she’s done that at some point and got away with it, or thought about doing it. Who’s garbage has she been in then? (They really to do stuff no normal person would think of.)

So ongoing candle magick, possibly with jar work as the contents of the jar went to the plant and killed it as well? Plants die when you hate them, she probably hates you for resisting.

Definitely a job for a hex breaking, and it sounds like there are many to root out and counter. Probably best to represent them all in one lump. Maybe create a poppet, that looks like an ugly lump (take paper that is stained from the garbage, bind it with grey yarn until it represents the hex cluster in your mind), then burn it. Do that once a week for 9 weeks or until you feel like it’s redundant.

At the same time heal the damage it’s left behind, build your energy with good food and good sleep and sunshine, do energy cultivation, stop talking to these people except to stay off the radar (when you do pretend to be nice like nothing is wrong) and avoid being in their presence as much as possible.

Also, that plant, if it’s still alive go talk to it. Tell it you know what happened and it’s not it’s fault, that it’s not bad or hated and send love to it. Give it some clean water and repot it to replace it’s poisoned soil. In secret. Then watch what she does when it starts doing better. The plant is a stand in for you, like a poppet, so see that connection broken, see the plant as it’s own being, that will also help break her hexing using it.


Why wouldn’t they? “Good” and “bad” are subjective.

Magick functions the same for everyone. If you use a proper magical technique, like true prayer, the spirits will respond regardless of whether you are subjectively considered a “good” person or not. Angels and demons are not moral in the same sense we are. Their perspective is higher than ours, and they can see farther.

Why do demon worshippers claim those they worship aren’t dangerous, but then turn around and in the same breath threaten their enemies with their wrath?

To a Christian, a demon is an evil creature condemned by God, and quite pissed off about it, and to a demonolator, a demon is considered just as divine as an angel, maybe even godly.

Every religion believes its spirits are true and superior, and will call them against their enemies. Christians and Muslims do it, invoking divine wrath upon non-believers, demonolators do it against whoever happened to piss them off that day, pagans do it against their noisy neighbours. To believers, the very fact that they are believers means their gods will act on their behalf, regardless of their own personal conduct.

According to Greek mythology, Zeus was an abusive father and rapist, insecure in his power, who was always afraid of being deposed in the same way he deposed his own father, and who originally destroyed humanity 4 times (that’s more than the Christian god, who LHP’ers love to rail against, ever did) so by every modern standard, he was a cruel despot, yet people still call upon him to act in their lives.


Lol, yes, they project what they do on to others. They lie so they assume everyone lies. This is a bit worrisome because it probably means she’s done that at some point and got away with it, or thought about doing it. Who’s garbage has she been in then? (They really to do stuff no normal person would think of.)


No, you didn’t get it. My worrisome is not even about going through the trash. Is that she knows people can use hand writing or anything with a personal energy signature. And she was afraid of that. I could see is because she’s done magick work with things like that.

She’s been through everyone’s garbage in this house. Everything we throw away, that was even broke we often find back in the house. She picks from the can and brings back saying she’s gonna use, and never does.
But the worst is she looks at everything we throw away and in our closets. She reads notes, punch time sheets from work. She has to know everything so she can control.

One time i finish the semester in college and threw away some xeroxs. Then I get to the yard and my father is holding the can for her and she on the ground looking through ALL the shredded papers. Like a dog in an airport snnifing for drugs. Her face was like a pleasure.

But what did it for me was my father not even asking just yelling at me: “YOU HAVE NO IDEA IN YOUR HEAD YOU DUMBASS?! YOU THROW AWAY DOCUMENTS?”
She said to him they had to go through all the papers because I was so irresponsible and stupid I threw away documents.

Completely insane. I should’ve just got out back then.


As far as I know, angels specifically follow the will of the Abrahamic God. Anything outside of that dichotomy is considered a demon, which is a subjective term. Someone has recently told me that angels are constructs. He didn’t explain what that means, but what’s interesting is that in various anime angels are portrayed as machines as opposed to flesh and blood beings. In Yugioh, for example, there were some cards in the 2000s that portrayed them as being made from metal bodies and crystals. However, I think he meant that they were created as autonomations for God to project his will on. I assume “fallen angels” might be those who developed a personality and self-awareness.

I feel as if the Abrahamic god isn’t “fair” with how he runs things. He tends to favor some people over others, and he won’t change his mind just because someone prays. Why he would favor a narcissist, or generally terrible person, I don’t know. I do have an opinion, and that is because he likes to create problems and sell himself as the solution. So, it would make sense he would favor such a person because of how useful he is. So, angels would act upon his will and protect these sorts of people.


Ah, yes, it seems clear she’s an accomplished black magickian. So it’s time to treat her like one. Very carefully, and don’t let her know you know. Or him, he knows and didn’t help you, shut him out too.


The plant was dead already when I found the candle.

I don’t think there was a jar, I don’t think she knows about that hex. (What do I know?! she lied to me my whole life about being only catholic).

I think she just stop watering just that plant, so that one could die. Because it didn’t matter what time of the day I looked at it, tgat vase was ALWAYS dry. And the other ones not.
And as the plant dies, the energy dries my life out. I think that’s sympathetic magick, isn’t it?

I didn’t go to entire vase, the candle was not buried deep, even the rain could show it. I just took the candle out put some urine on it and discarded in a river.

I’ll try to do the lump. But is very hard to do magick around here. They are always sniffing around trying to find anything against me. They could go to practice and do those kinda things but if I do she turns it around and tarnish my reputation. You know how narcs are.

do energy cultivation

Do you believe I cant? She kills my plants. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.

She kills them, and likes to bring me to show me in this sarcastic voice and looking right at my face to get the suply from my reaction. “Ownnn, look at that! That one you planted died!”
When I don’t care, she repeats 3, 4 times. Until she sees I know it was her.
If I accuse her she goes right to my father with this doomsday voice “OMG LOOK AT HER AGAIN SWEETIE! SAYING THAT I KILLED HER PLANTS! WHY WOULD I DO SUCH A THING” Starts cryibg and my father consoles her from this awful, horrible person that’s me.

Two times was the strangest things:

One time she started to kill hers and to say to my father i did it, cause I hate her so much. Only to see my father attacking me. My father believes her a 100%, sometimes the has this hypnotized look in his eyes. Right when she has this smirk smile. Its the weirdest thing. Thats when all the non sense happens.

One other time I was treating a fungus at one plant. I put in a different place to soak up the sun and them started to notice it was shrinking. But how that kinda plant shrink??? Thought I was going crazy.
But didn’t care much. Then one day I see her with this one in her hands, she was hiding it when she saw me and had this bugged eyes.
I went to the direction she was coming from and the 2 twigs taken of. Everyday she was doing that. You should see her face, the true face, so evil, like very pleased to be killing something mine. Then it even becomes more strange.

She planted MY PLANT on her balcony. There was several ones already, she hid behind other plants so I didn’t know. Only thing she had to do was ask, or even take it. No need to hide it.

One time I told this story to someone into witchcraft and she said " that’s vampirism. She was stolen you’re energy, sucking it dry, letting your plant die and making your things hers.

All of this was also for my father who bought the plants, one for each of us, to see that I’m no good, only my mother is good at all the things in the house.

I don’t even think about the plants anymore, just the intent and the energy that she sends my way, she robs in any way she can, and is not for the plant or the money, she drains the energy of my things using it. She knows magick unintentionally.

And now that you said that the plant is me I put one more piece together. She planted in that vase a plant for her called here “with me no one can”. There are of types of plants here, she chose the one with that name… funny.
I noticed that when I got a job last year she got rid of almost all my plants and traded for hers.

One more weird thing that says she knows magick or senses things. A red rose I bought I dedicated to Hekate and planted in the garden, so she could help me against her. SHE HATED THAT ROSE WITH ALL HER HEART. Wich is weird because she loves red things. She didnt have peace until she made my father take it off. She put all the flaws and obstacles possible in that plant just so she could get rid of it. Like she knew.


Doesn’t every spirit? I’ mean, just look at the experiences of people who are close to certain demons. When that demon is tasked by someone else to attack them, more often than not, the demon will favour the one they have a close relationship with, and either not follow through on the task, or will do so in a way that fulfills the letter of the request, if not the spirit (ie a slap on the wrist as an “attack,” instead of destroying their life, for example).

The whole point of any religion, including Left Hand Path religions, is to gain the favour of the spirit being worshipped. Whether you’re praying to Yahweh, Lucifer, Satan, or Odin, the intent behind it is exactly the same.

Sorry, but this is not borne out in actual practice. Sure, if you evoke them under that paradigm, they will pay lip service to that particular religion, and humans have been doing so for centuries, but it is really more of a human lens, than anything angels are actually beholden to.

You can evoke angels using a demonic call, for example, and demons using an angelic call.

Angels are beings of cosmic order, and some can come across as a bit machine like simply because of the clock-work nature of the universe, but in my personal experience, this applies more to those angels who are responsible for higher duties, not those such as the well-known archangels, who have been interacting with humans for centuries. Raziel, Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel have always come across as very personable to me.


Yeah she knew, so you could give her decoy plants that you have pre enchanted to point back to her, like suddenly decide you love the "with me no one can " plant… or stop giving plants that only become cannon fodder at all. Stop playing her games her way.

She has to not know about your job until you move out soon after you start. It would help to put a protection circle around your bed, imagine making a salt circle, only it will be astral. Set up a glamour that makes it look like nothing has changed. This is like the decoy only for the room.


Yeah, I know they are, that’s why i used the ". Its a concept.

But… again if you rob someone, lie about them constantly like is amusement for you, harass someone, we’re talking narcissistic behaviour here.

So… not good people by the standards of what good entities, saints or God proclaims we should act. Why would a saint protect someone like that if they know this person acts against everything good they stand for?

It was kinda what I was asking.

But I think it’s like another comment here. Narcisists protect themselves by not believing or caring about anything other than them. Very strong willing people.

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Man, I don’t think I could ever agree more with someone lol

I’ve studied some astrology and I think the planets are those kind of constructs to put things on track for him. They do the work that’s already planned.

And I do think he likes to create problems to always have people praying for him, something feeds off of this energy for sure.

I don’t buy this “we’re here to grow, to learn”. To what? So we can die and go back this one big consciousness thats God? The original fountain?
Or even heaven?

I went through all this hell here only to come back to heaven? When would I use how I learned how to defend myself against every lie my narcisistic mother told about me in heaven? Those kinda people are there too? Wasn’t it supposed to be only the good ones?

And also, I was a way better person when I got on Earth than what I am now. I had no work coming here in the first place then. Lol He should’ve just let me be at the fountain instead :slightly_smiling_face:

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A saint is considerably different from an angel, though. A saint was once human, and so still possesses their human morals and ethics, something an angel does not have.

According to the author and mage Jason Miller, whose work includes St. Cyprian the “sorcerer saint,” a saint who was known for exorcising demons in his mortal life, for example, would be unlikely to help someone who trafficked with them, simply because it would be contrary to their own beliefs.