Zeus and his demise

Ive had visions of primordial darkness for some time one of these visions show darkness destroying all the greek gods that wouldnt fuck off trying to dick over humanity and only half of the greek pantheon stopped being assholes ares athena and a few others remain but zeus was destroyed and hades and persephone fled down mount olympus however died to a lack of energy from trying so hard tto escape and taking alot of damage when they practically fell from the mountain they then reincarnated in the umbra several other gods were also destroyed however some people still try to summon zeus ive heard mammon was going by that name are they really the same person

Interesting gnosis.

V.K. Jehannum had a very interesting take on dead gods. Basically, you can’t really find a dead god in this universe, but other spirits step in to take the role so everybody can carry on working with them.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed - the gods are made of energy - so, if death is change what does it mean for a god to die anyway - they quit the job and are doing something else?, they recombined the energy a different way, the energy lost all its pattern and was recycled to source/void?


Good thing they live in the Underworld.
Greek Gods are fine and are sending their regards.


I sure hope so. I’m waiting with my musaka, wine and ready to party with Dionysos. Would be a pure malaka if they are gone.


Worry not, they survived this far, they’re not going anywhere :wink:




I read some say they died or Pan is the only death but how can they die if you think, say, read, or mention them. As is said

“Listen to the sky, there Zeus, listen to the ocean, there is Poseidon.

For all the blood spilt into the wine red sea, not until Kronos usurps Gaia will the reign of Zeus come at an end.”

So when the earth and it’s inhabitants are no more then maybe they will have death.


Doesn’t the mythology say that the Titans will return and destroy the gods?

Zeus is the child of the Titan Cronus, and was the main cause of their defeat, which is seen allegorically as the forces of Order overcoming the forces of Chaos, but it is said that the Titans (Chaos) will eventually return and bring about the death of the gods. It is a very similar concept to that of Ragnarok and the Twilight of the Gods in Norse mythology.


I was never a big fan of tthe greek pantheon so the death of the greek pantheon is pretty good in my opinion however i like the norse pantheon

Also i thought the titans were portrayed as good guys

Your vision reminds me of a dream I had some months back, except with different people.

  1. Maybe you would like to check your Greek mythology again.
  2. I don’t see how it’s “pretty good in your opinion” for a whole Pantheon to get killed just because you’re not a fan of it. :woman_facepalming:
    Reminds me someone who wanted to kill the whole universe for an equally silly reason.

Zeus was a rapist and a genocidal maniac in mythology thats why im not a fan of it he was king of assholes inside a pantheon of assholes who were worse than most beings so yes the greek pantheon needs to die so im not apolagizing for hating a pantheon built around rape, cannibalising children, unjust omnicide, sexism, and 100s of other fucked up things

Nice, sounds like most of the ancient Pantheons… :roll_eyes:
It’s not the Pantheon’s fault if you can’t get the hidden messages behind the myths…
Anyway, I’m out of this, peace! :v:


Ok i actually did find hidden meaning

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I will say this is really no different than Norse or Egyptian.
Odin does quite a few hanus things and Freya screws a mountain of dwarves for some trinkets. They also, happily bludgeoned, stabbed, poisoned, etc Baldor daily until Loki got it right.

Egyptian is worse, necrophilia, incest, the attempted rape of Horus, and Horus committing matricide.

You forget myths are created and warped by man not usually by the Deities.


Zeus three Mount Etna on top of one of Gaia’s creations. She’s never been happy with his actions. A lot of cosmogonies have some seriously messed up family trees and actions.

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I think the hidden message behind the greeks was just how hypocritical the christian pantheon was and how the luciferian dieties try to stop the rhp only to be seen as bad

There’s also that time Loki turned himself into a mare and got pregnant with another horse’s baby. And the time when Ra cursed Nut to stay pregnant wih Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephtys until Thoth stepped in and added several extra days to the year.


The Greek pantheon was around long before the Abrahamic religions were.