Zeus and his demise

… What?
The Christians were insignificant fleas to the Greeks and Roman’s, never though of as a threat in any way.
You seriously need to read and watch some Joseph Campbell.
No ancient myth has anything to do with modern dogmas or moralisms.


Ill try to find just how in the fuck silent sees the greeks as anything other than assholes but to be honest idk how

I mean im open minded ig ill look into this

You do realize the Greeks and Roman’s got a lot of their stuff from trying to convert the Egyptians right? Had nothing to do with hypocrisy but conquest right?

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She is Greek… :roll_eyes:


Ah but wait why would egyptions convert to the greek pantheon when there was nothing good about it

One word: invasion.


It’s called CONQUEST, do you History bro?
It’s what most ancient religions did when taking over.
You miss the point that they used what was already there and morphed it.

Come on, is history class really this pc, and ignorant these days?

Just go do some research about it okay? Dang.


I mean people converted to christianity because they wanted a religion that wasnt filled with hoplessness and and the fear of being killed just because the king god might be bored if you think about it the norse and egyption pantheins had more hope in it than the greeks pantheon did

The main difference, as I see it, between the older pantheons like the Greek, and the newcomer Christian pantheon, is that the Greek (and Egyptian, Norse, etc) can be seen as humanity written large, and as such, their stories show them as having very human foibles and engaging in the kind of actions humans do. Adultery, rape, murder, incest, teenage rebelling, arranged marriages, trying to maintain power and control, these are all human traits, and because of this, it is much easier to relate to them.

When Christianity came along, they sought to set God and Christ above humanity. Humans were suddenly unclean and “sinful,” and all the traits within us that were celebrated in the Greek gods, were instead demonized and made evil, and something to be purged.


I am doing research and i have been for years im very familiar with conquest but im looking at the big picture conquest was just the goal of the religions and im not focused on their conquest im focused on other aspects

I love this answer this is wat im looking for

There was also cultural synthesis happening in those times, so to hybridize the religious beliefs meant that empires could be more wide spread, Royal families conducted war amongst each other usually by covert means. World trade was something big back in the ancient days and the more the “individual desires” of common people were met they were easily controlled, let us not forget all that bling that the slaves of Egypt once bared.


It’s almost impossible to talk to you because you know next to nothing about what you’re arguing.

People converted because they were forced too. Happened to them all.

Ya no you don’t or you’d understand more the why’s.

OH really, so disrespect a Greek and talk about the myths as if you’ve never read them then say you wanted what WE all knew already…
Don’t even understand you.


Im fully aware that there was fotced conversion however some converted willingly tho so

Your looking at this from a different perspective remember there are two sides to every coin

In this case its the big picture and the small picture

This was not the result i was looking for

Yes it is.
The big picture is knowing the culture and society of that time period. This way you truly understand why something was written the way it was.


Ive told you your looking at this from the perspective of a historian im looking at this from a philisophical stand point