I’m doing it again and it makes me sooo restless and miserable.
Every Spring and Autumn, this urge takes me. I am massively unhappy in my own skin, with where I am - it doesn’t matter where I am I just want to be anywhere else, all the time, like an itch that can’t be scratched. I want to literally set fire to my life, burn everything, pick up sticks and start walking with my back to the flames, with no idea where I want to go as long as I’m going.
Traveling helps a little if I cross time zones and I try to plan some travel around these times. But it’s season dependent and timing varies so that can backfire. It’ll last 2 weeks to a month and then fade off. I’m traveling a lot for work this year and it’s not helping - a 1 1/2 hr flight, same timezone isn’t far enough.
My mother does this too, and she was the one who called it “yurting” after the portable tents used by Mongolian nomads called yurts; the name just stuck. She blamed it on the Romany blood in our family. The feeling is as if it’s not really natural to stay when the weather gets too cold, or too hot and I should be moving on, following the herds to friendlier climes. It’s every year, twice a year, since I was a young teen. The current cold snap here in NJ just magnified it for me tenfold and I’m quite beside myself.
So, yeah, it started a month ago and I’m getting nauseous and anxious with it now. I’m going to get in touch with Buer who’s helped me recently with the hidden sources of another of my thoroughly wonky emotions but any ideas, pointers or info would be appreciated!