Your Intelligence Has Turned Against You - Anxiety, PTSD, Depression, Insomnia Etc

The internal must be changed before you can change the external according to your will. This has been a lesson that probably was the hardest for me to learn, and I still struggle with it because there is so much pressure on your mind from external factors.

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I havent experienced it that way. One of my earliest spells was to reshape my environment for that day, and it was a result of following instructions. I was far less stable internally than i am now. I jumped into chaos magick with no formal prior work. You say the internal must be changed, I say that’s common dogma…

The dogma serves the purpose of keeping those who will find the info from doing the good shit before they are ready…But it also conceals a metatruth that inside is out, and outside is in…

Also will? What is will? In how i’ve practiced it’s changing things in accordance with CONSCIOUS DESIRE…Will sound quite mystical doesn’t it? But will is not to the point.

Sorcery, magick attract because we consciously want power over stuff outside of us. Lets not kid ourselves. If it gave no results in the physical world, it’d be as wasted as religion.


The sigil for infinity or the Leviathan cross seems like they would fit well with that.


Meditation increases the neuroplasticity of your brain structure. It rewires the connections in your brain that you already have and makes new connections where before there was none!

Meditation can resolve a ton of problems but it probably isn’t gonna cure severe mental illnesses, without some extra help. But it can get you really close to feeling more normal than you’re used to :slight_smile:


How is that “rumour control” thread coming along, @Lady_Eva? :slightly_smiling_face:


I see you Kendall

This touches me. Complex PTSD can be very exhausting to deal with. I don’t call it a mental disorder but rather a reordering of the brain, a normal consequence from “abnormal” experiences and situations,. The beautiful thing is that patterns can still change in adulthood even tho the neuroplasticity of the brain is most mutual in childhood. Just as the neuropathways that cause a hijacked amygdala, anxiety and depression of repeated negative trauma, new pathways can be rebuilt with radical actions in transformative traumatic ways through ascension. Normal therapy takes decades if ever even helps. I don’t believe one can truly heal such wounds as one is still a walking human but what happens is that one gains strength, raw spiritual strength to endure anything and still fight even it with only one limb left, something that you can see in the eyes in people of that kind.

Through ascension, a bigger picture emerges and lesser things just doesn’t upset or bother as much anymore. It’s about being able to access and enlighten all hidden aspects of the self and beyond that, and this doesn’t just only help yourself but also the people you share your wisdom with. Keep up and your words are powerful.

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It’s wild you mention the word “ascend” because that’s exactly the word that Lucifer, King Paimon, and Azazel have been using as they help get me through my shit.

I haven’t been on the forum in a while, but nothing’s changed. Although I feel my mental health has improved in the two years I haven’t worked, I still can’t see myself going back to full-time work anytime soon. I tested myself out with a recent interview, and that gave me horrid anxiety even when I said outfront that I wouldn’t be accepting a position, just needed practicing. I’ve sought SSI but as these things usually go, they’ll find any excuse to not have to help you.

But for the past year, I’ve been working very hard with the aforementioned spirits, plus King Zagan, King Bael, and Leviathan. I’m in a better place now. There’s still a ways to go, but uplifting stories like these remind me that I can do it.

All of us in this thread struggling with our mental health, we’re all in this together. We can make it through.

– the witch formally known as Sapphire

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I strongly disagree with this. While there are times that meditation can help medication is most definitely a necessity. I cant just “not be depressed and anxious” its chemical shit man. I love ya but gotta disagree here. More importantly the point I’m trying to make is that magick can be used for alot of things. Magick is the use of the mind and spirit to affect the world. Medical level depression and anxiety are disorders that obstruct the pathway from the spirit to the mind causing an inability to project your will into the world. Medication can remove that blockage.


You have to introduce yourself. Make a topic saying how long you practiced magic and your experiences

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Either way I’m glad you overcame it with magick. Good luck to anyone else struggling with this.



I just wanted to note that in addition to other things you mentioned, our intellect can have devastating influence on our results.

I went through almost a year where I doubted everything. Was I crazy? Did I actually do that or was it coincidence?

I’ve read @DarkestKnight post many times about once being a coincidence, twice eh maybe luck, and after three times you have a pattern.

I went through my book of agares, the one I journal all of workings in and drew two stars next to everything I’ve done that has worked out in the way I attempted to have it work out.

Even with a journal scaling from August to March with over 30 double starred workings that I saw results from… I still find my pragmatically, logically inclined mind saying… nah. You didn’t do that. Nah you can’t do that. Nah…

So. I agree with you. Mental illness or not intellectual abilities can hands down Fck you over.

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Sorry, been a bit busy, all here:

If someone’s not TL3 and wants to know PM me, I’ll copy it in.

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I can’t see it.

@Harith you are ON the PM where I posted that info my dude?! :+1:

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Oof. My bad lol. For some reason I thought there was going to be additional stuff.

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How obvious your statement is

Sorry that lie they did about what I said wasn’t enough…? :thinking:

Like, wha’?

Ime it depends whether you have certain subconscious blocks that would keep you from making the outer changes you want.

So some things you can easily change outside of yourself, while others are much harder to change if you don’t change your subconscious beliefs and therefore yourself, first.


I think you are getting on the defensive a bit too quickly. I did see the stuff regarding Lawclark but not Purple. There were lots of responses and I didn’t have the time to see every little thing in-between other comments. For me the post seemed a bit scrambled but maybe I just didn’t read close enough. I overall was pulled into this involuntarily and I was being dragged in multiple directions so getting the whole picture was difficult for me.

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No, I will do the @Purple stuff probably tomorrow, and will PM tyou as you are not yet TL3. :+1:

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