Xag's List of UPG (and more deeper Info) about King Beleth

Hello All,
I begun a three month pathworking with beleth and the other demonic kings.
here what information i collected about the wonderful being that is King Beleth.

Traditional Information
Bileth is a great king and a terrible, riding on a pale horsse, before whome go trumpets, and all kind of melodious musicke. When he is called up by an exorcist, he appeareth rough and furious, to deceive him. Then let the exorcist or conjuror take heed to himself; and to allaje his courage, let him hold a hazell bat in his hand, wherewithall he must reach out toward the east and south, and make a triangle without besides the circle; but if he hold not out his hand unto him, and he bid him come in, and he still refuse the bond or chain of spirits; let the conjuror proceed to reading, and by and by he will submit himselfe, and come in, and doo whatsoever the exorcist commandeth him, and he shalbe safe. If Bileth the king be more stubborne, and refuse to enter into the circle at the first call, and the conjuror shew himselfe fearfull, or if he have not the chaine of spirits, certeinelie he will never feare nor regard him after. Also, if the place he unapt for a triangle to be made without the circle, then set there a boll of wine, and the exorcist shall certeinlie knowe when he commeth out of his house, with his fellowes, and that the foresaid Bileth will be his helper, his friend, and obedient unto him when he commeth foorth. And when he commeth, let the exorcist receive him courteouslie, and glorifie him in his pride, and therfore he shall adore him as other kings doo, bicause he saith nothing without other princes. Also, if he be cited by an exorcist, alwaies a silver ring of the middle finger of the left hand must be held against the exorcists face, as they doo for Amaimon. And the dominion and power of so great a prince is not to be pretermitted; for there is none under the power and dominion of the conjuror, but he that deteineth both men and women in doting love, till the exorcist hath had his pleasure. He is of the orders of powers, hoping to returne to the seaventh throne, which is not altogether credible, and he ruleth eightie five legions.

this is general description of the spirit found in Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (1583) by Johann Weyer.

aslo a not very known attribute about this spirit is that he helps with natural sciences like mathematics, theres a story about Ham the son of noah who called upon beleth which helped him write a book about mathematics. which i can confirm (my Maths and physics go brrrrr)

Enn bv S.Connoly: Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehl Beleth

Xag’s UPG: Confirmed and not Confirmed Knowledge

here a few words about upg: this my knowledge and experience with my “version” of beleth. first i did not evoked or called beleth for love matters but i now consider pathworkings with spirits as “expanded ascetism” meaning that i now no longer seek to build an inner connection with my soul as i done three years ago but instead “inverse” it by dedicating my self to each demonic king for three months each. yes this sounds and probably is a gatekeeper rip off to be honest yes lol but power is proven. so lets start with the confirmed UPG.

Storms and Kingship
in my first demonic king evocations, i did not approached them like “hell yeah i am gonna work with the demon kings and learn a few things” but instead it was by choice, a choice of expansion and expansion of both intellect and strength is not easy so my approach had a very unwilling vibe to it, so i gave this up and went headfirst to “whirlwind of chaos” even the demon kings themselves had warned me about the dangers of this:

if you wish true communion with us, then your sacrifice will be the blood of others

(exprect from a larger conservation)

i do not take demonic works lightly so this might be aslo a reflection of my mind, it very well might be but when i first approached the demonic kings they called themselves Whirlwinds of Chaos and starting with beleth which i first called him a “storm of chaos” intuitively as i repeated his name in my evocation, and fair enough later i came across VK.Jehannumns article of Beleth who aslo called him/her as a Demoness of Storms
a few days ago i did a big ritual with him and i woken up at 3am with probably the largest storm that had hit cyprus in the recent years, as local mail called the destruction that this tornado caused as scenes of “biblical destruction”, this all happened as i blissfully half slept (yoga nidra) after my ritual and later was woken up to the storm. And i aslo foreseen the future that i want and things are falling into place, i got a new job opportunity today.
as a mighty demon king to approach him requires no fool but instead not necessarily some ape with a metal thing in his head but instead this being requires no begging but the magician has to be more of a magnet himself, the magician himself to have a vibe of bliss and power. think yourself as a torch approaching a larger body of flame. to attract, you must be.

Beleth’s Nethers : “Field Marshals”
King Beleth aslo had given me the sigil for his house and and the names of his spirits, although they appear to function exactly the same as Azazel’s Nethers, i had heard him calling them Field Marshals a common doubt for this is probably my mind compensating the lack of originality, but i seen his power and results so you can have your own opinion about this. i will share them seperatly in anotherpost

Who was Beleth Before The Goetia?
in my evocations i repeated his name like “Beleth, Belet, Beleti, Byleth, Sekhmet”. sekhmet as the egyptian goddess of power but as i reasearched sekhmet indentity leaned more to kali, so abaddon.
this was just me but aslo done some homework to find beleth’s indentity before the goetia. as you most if not all demons and their names were ancient gods a daylight example of this is with baal the demon king and baal the canaanite god. and another example of how these goetic demons were “repurposed” by the people who wrote the bible and goetia is King Paimon, whose name in persian means “pact” or “oath” (source:The name "Paimon")
and in hebrew the name derives from the word “pomn” that means “a tinkling sound or small bell” (reference to this demonic king’s Glorious Presence)

So is there an ancient deity who is related to beleth in both name and powers? well yes there is
This spirit originates from Ancient Mesopotamia and was called Belet-Seri in so doing Beleth/ Belet literally means Mistress Or Lady so Belet Seri means mistress of steppe who acted as a scribe in the underworld but it seems like Belet-Seri acts more of an title to the goddess Asratum but aslo her spouce who is aslo a god of storms Amurru.

this all for now. i will continue to update this post.
verily, Xag.


“So is there an ancient deity who is related to beleth in both name and powers? well yes there is
This spirit originates from Ancient Mesopotamia and was called Belet-Seri in so doing Beleth/ Belet literally means Mistress Or Lady so Belet Seri means mistress of steppe who acted as a scribe in the underworld but it seems like Belet-Seri acts more of an title to the goddess Asratum but aslo her spouce who is aslo a god of storms Amurru .”

Maybe a servant of the goddess ?


Asratum in the form of a scribe is called “belet-seri” and functions as a servant to ereshkigal in the underworld
Aslo, Sorry I forgot to Source my claim:


Yep this was it.

Interesting you bring her up as a scribe figure. In my period of working with her/him years ago, here energy has a strong “helpfulness & service” vibe to it, like being of assistant to people. She then helped me become sharper at my particular career choice. A very meticulous and craftsmanship energy. She also helped manifest more compassion towards family and people in need. She made people value my presence for my personality traits, in the workplace and otherwise, causing the general love (favor) of people.

All of this together is a very virgo energy. (at least the manner of working, anyway)


Yep, beleth is indeed powerful in the domain of arts and sciences.

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@Xag_darklight She gave me a short vision right before I slipped into sleep the night I summoned her. My astral vision opened up to a pure white dimensional space with two figures standing facing each other, looking from their side at me.

One was a blond woman in a modest black dress, was a white haired man in a decorative black shirt, pants, and boots. Then in the darkness, a third form showed which looked more like a human goblin with glowing yellow eyes. I then realized beleth is not totally a female, but an amalgamation of a few things. Do you think this goetic king might be the combination of Belet-Seri and her consort, along with some other monstrous energies?


Very nice that you brought your experience that the different versions of Beleth we get might be a combination of of Belet-seri The artistic and science aspect , The Asratum which is the original goddess that is speculated to ne connected to Ishtar which is a love goddess and the consort aspect who is male which is Amurru and a literal storm god.

I seem to naturally lean to Amurru version when I call beleth.

I do actually believe that yes the being that we call to be beleth for our specific purposes resonates and calls the aspect that is attributed. For example I call beleth for love then Asratum comes forth, I call beleth to enter the eye of the storm then ammuru comes forth.

Thank you for bringing your experience up, this is literally so valuable and confirms a lot of things.

I have a sort of a conflict per say about how these “repurposed” ancient gods get into the status of an actual demon king, like the goddess resonates alot with the blissful source of all existence.
But beleth as the maybe umbrella term that is a demon king is anti-cosmic and that version that told me “enter the eye of the storm” which has a lot of gatekeepers vibes into it.


My current impression of how these ancient gods become actual demon kings and anti-cosmic bornless beings is that once the bornless spirit that Posseses and sort of “wears” like clothes the name of “Asratum” “Amurru” and the powers of storms and love sort of leaves it’s all closes and like a literal snake bites the new Jewish demonic indenty.

So names and powers are clothes, even if those are source creations.
There is a countering bornless force that is the real identity of the spirit and has no name, no certain powers but no matter what we give it it will always pervades.

I explained this very badly yes, I still can’t decipher as clear as I want to what’s inside my head but another key essence of what I am trying to say is related to the ancient Egyptian notion of creation and apophis.

Nothingness, always there
Atum, the power of nothingness itself decides to create.
Apophis, is the darkness inside the cave that is nothingness doesn’t like creation because thats not the original state of nothingness so he decides to go against it.

So even if there is a flash of light in nothingness, the light itself is aslo nothingness, but the darkness existed even before that flash, so darkness chooses to be the enemy and destroy that light.

So there is no new things, only some activity in the womb or cave that is nothingness.

Tried my best lol.


@Xag_darklight I’m also on-board with this theory. Its almost like the magicians of later demonology grouped these pagan entites together, and fused them with a larger, deeply chaotic primordial monster energy that they saw as cosmicly evil. (Qliphoth)

Thats why even though they come from pagan identities, they can switch between male, female, monster, or something other, instantaneously. So the monsterous Qliphothic demon is actually not the pagan goddess, but a totally different entity who operates through that form. Same thing with Astaroth.

The demonologists literally fused these pagan gods together with monsters.


Yes you said better than I ever could in a simple sentence rather than me who tried it in two essays lol.

Something else to confirm your storm aspect claim. I had a second vision a fews days after the first one, proceeding from a second ritual.

I was in a mansion lined with doors, red floral wallpaper, dark wood accents & furniture, candle stands, and a hallway liked with paintings. The paintings were moving.

One a portrait of a duchess looking woman, another a wooden puppet thing on strings, one a group of people, then the last one was a whirling storm. Tan colored clouds, sideways tornadoes twisting & wrapping through the clouds, and a giant cloud vortex with flashing lightning bolts. It reminded me of Jupiter’s atmosphere.

As i observed this motion painting, my vision began moving through the frame, and floated closer to that mega-storm like i was about to be dropped into that vortex. Then i woke to the yellow eyed Beleth again.


Yes I also seen this but it was as I gazed into the sigil for all nine demonic kings.

Aslo I had spoke to friend about the storm aspect of beleth and he agrees.

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Continuing the Purple rain prince topic in this thread, in order to no go off topic.

The word Prince specifically… It contains much synchronity Because beleth him self wants to be approached in a royal, loyal dedicated manner.
He wants mutual respect, attraction. Rising him from the abyss.
Similarly to the definition of doting.

King Beleth three years ago, literally told me
To Become The Prince-Emoeror, The Transition Must be Severe
I have this saying written in paper and sticked in my door for me to everyday see it and Remind me that the effort I put in Will be the results that I get in.

This also matches with the Current’s 218 advice (liber azerate I think) which is not completely magical but advice as in the matter how to magicly live life. Which basically goes in the lines of inseminate each moment of life with black light


Here’s the saying. I used speed fix for this yes but I will upgrade this while retraining the original paper, I plan to a sort of a decoration kinda 3d painting with it.

I am aslo seeing DH thornes video about beleth
And he says that sometimes he brings a loud stormy presence for you to assume the equal position of royalty so to become the prince-emperor, the transition must be Severe holds weight.


@Xag_darklight That’s kinda odd because Beleth was never like that with me. (It was red, warm, image of a cat, and excited me) I think many of these more popular magicians just rant about their own perception of things, and these spirits respond by showing up like that.

Even many experienced magicians also fall prey to exacerbating their own personal views (even delusions) through spirit contact, and preach about it in that manner. D.H. Thorne especially is really preachy often times. So is VK Jehannum and certain BALG authors.

My own experience with spirits taught me not to fully believe anyones views, even experienced magicians.


Yeah its been said that these spirits don’t actually give a fuck about telling you the “real” truth.

I heard the analogy of the spirits being the parents and the magician the kid and we are in the position of asking if santa Klaus is real and the parents are like “yeah yeah he is Indeed real”.

I had yet to experience this myself but my working with the kings is a willing one, meaning I want to into their Hellmouth even when my mind is not for it. I do not want them to evoke them for simple manners, I just want to experience their being that’s why I consider the characteristic like name, attributes as secondary things.

And yes personal experience is the Goat.
No-one is the same, the world manifests to each one of us as reflection of our current level of consciousness.


Looking forward to seeing this post, very interesting this!

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Will do brother.

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