Why my curses fail?

At 1st I thought my infernal enemies were conspiring against me, next I believed it was the Law of Attraction, then I thought it was doubt, next I thought it was inertia of curses (I am unsure what is exactly the inertia of curse, curses don’t have mass do they?). But all of magic works, except baneful magic for specific cases. If I will them to feel a burning sensation, they do feel it. But when I curse them ritually the curse doesn’t manifest.

Could it be due to mental blocks like rituals are bullshit, waving magic wands and swishing them down on a person, with a few colorful sparks perhaps is real magic :sparkles: Or do most people are in egg shells of disbelief of magic so magic doesn’t affect them so much, there disbelief is a shield

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It’s a lot like this imo. they probably don’t know you cursed them so it’s not so much disbelief, but their own protections and confidence in their healthy future manifesting.

An analogy would be say, you pour a bath of hot water, and you want to curse it to be cold, and pour a cup of cold water into it - not much happens, it’s just not enough in contrast to the wealth of energy having the opposite effect.

You also have to consider it’s not just them, but everyone around them who likes them, and also had a certain confidence if the status quo continuing, from work colleagues that expect them to show up and do their job, to strangers in the street that assume they’re fine, all of these are flows of energy that passively negate ill will. (This is why celebs are notoriously almost impossible to affect, the millions of connections of people even just mildly expecting they’re fine supports them very strongly - try the search to look up those posts)

And finally on top of all that, the human system is designed to constant heal itself in every way, so any effect you do have heals and usually pretty quickly.

So, it’s complicated, because we live in a very complex world and a lot of it is unseen and unconsidered. Curses are hard and this is why the best ones usually rely on bad luck to attract accidents and external physical influences.

After that…

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Points to cover:

  • Do you have any practical experience in magick?

  • If so, what exactly do you practice and how long have you practiced?

  • Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

  • What are your areas of interest?

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Damn that sucks

Well if they are LHP then they do have Mass/Inertia. Thats pretty much an LHP concept. Do you know what it takes to acquire that? Alot of Hyper-Focus and Energy. That builds Mass or what you refer to as Inertia.

Its mostly bullshit. But ritual has its uses as it does things like reinforce something and Discipline to reinforce something like inertia/Momentum. You have to factor in their protetion: They may be one person, or they may be a small coven/group, or they may be a “System,” which could be a large collection of Groups to even being Global. A “Belial System,” for example are some of the hardest groups to go against.

This is especially the case when it comes to Celebrities and Politics; they have a very large backing, and Belial Systems are potentially infinite, because its not just about established politics at the top, but everything in between down to the small man at the bottom making some form of Deal and Exchange.

Why did I mention that? Well alot of things going on are a result of Belial Systems, but also a mis-alignment or imbalance. The System is going through a phase of correcting itself back to its true form. Taking an educated guess I would reckon you probably came up against someone who has his direct protection, or rather a Sub-group (say another demon under his command) that falls in line somewhere to warrant a certain level of protection. I mean you did say you were targeting “infernal enemies.”

But because it is a person who may have protection, you could say this peron/peoples may not even have to be aware or have a belief system, but are watched over not just a Spirit/God… which by the way the lense that alot of magicians view this through kind of makes such a Spirit seem “intangible” as if it does not have intelligence or anything. All spirits and most especially demons that create “Massive Inertia” are Beings that have been conjured/drawn down already from a Divine Source and Bound to exist on this earth with alot of Inertia. This basically means they are tied to living Human Mages/Witches as anchors and will have limitless inertia. For want of a better words, they basically “Out-Mass you.”

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Disbelief in magic only goes so far to protect someone. If you do an hours long committed ritual full of incantations, energy building, invocations, subconscious symbolism, evocations, offerings, prayers, etc etc there is really nothing anyone can do to stop it unless they actually have strong af protections up.

For example: When i commit to a curse im meditating and doing devotional prayers, then i start absorbing prana, then i begin evoking and invoking goetic spirits, elementals of fire, angels of death, saturn, and qliphothic energies then im giving offerings and praise to the spirits i evoke and invoke in thanks and gratefulness for their aid, then im using a repeated incantation while being inundated with saturnian symbolism around me, once i feel the energies in me and the room have reached a peak i burn a charcoal tablet or light a black candle to activate and send.

All this will take about hour or 2, sometimes ill go longer and work up more energy. Ive never had anyone not be affected by this lol but be careful with it because when u curse family members that you dont like you might just fuck yourself. Thankfully in my case, when she died i didnt really feel much remorse for doing it but i definitely felt bad for how her death affected the other members of my family.

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I’d say disbelief in magick can make one more vulnerable to attacks since when the baneful energies start to manifest around them, magick would be the last thing on their mind which would make someone more susceptible to magick attack

If the disbelief is from you, then YES that can be a cause why it is not working

The curse might be manifesting in ways that you can’t see yet or maybe more energies are needed from you

If originating from the operator’s mind, then YES - that can be a blockage. From the target’s mind, that can make them more vulnerable to attacks and if that is from your target’s that can be seen as advantage to you

Have you considered detachment from outcomes? Sometimes, that is all that’s needed

One method I’ve learned from one of E.A’s book and I’ve been using it whenever I’m engaged in baneful work - is asking Focalor to overthrow all defenses of the target to make it easier to be reached with my work. Try that, in addition to your spell, add Focalor in the mix

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Very well said…