Why does it seem like the majority of spellcasters exaggerate about "seeing or conversing with demons?

Demon predates abrahamic religions, but considering them the same seems misplaced but if it works. :man_shrugging: but also wrong because the goetia as the “Gods of yesterday” was already debunked as LHP made of nonsense.

Christianity didn’t name the goetia from Gods, it was actually many LHP people who chose to demonize the Gods and merge them with the goetia who are their own individuals/demons.


The Goetic spirits have only ever been benevolent to me, and have worked alongside angels and archangels as if they were brothers and sisters, which leads me to believe that they are all cut from the same cloth. In my times of need, they’ve given me the same kind of light energy as angels, and have performed the same kind of banishing light to get rid of parasites. While they may at times draw energy from a dark source, this just means that they are balanced and neutral, as most living beings are. I see the good in everyone, and wish to live a positive life where I have no enemies amongst humans or spirits, thus seeking to help raise the vibrations of all.


What is clairsentience?

Feelings, emotions, sensing energies all on distinct levels etc… In the case with spirits/energies around you.


Geez that’s so entitled, you do the work and summon them yourself

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Lol. I know exactly what you mean but its so hard to explain. Almost like a hyper real cartoon… they usually seem statuesque and glowing for me too when I see them like that.


people seem to be under the assumption that seeing a deamon or entity consists of being confronted with some statuesque half nude god like being looking down at you cruelly but it really doesn’t happen like that (very often), most times i see a spirit their highly abstract to the point of seeing manifest in front of me teeth gnashing, or twisting energy that’s similar to a snake twisting up on itself. often times i see them similar too 2d drawings that just appear and hang in the air. this just happened recently with a very successful journey to the underworld after i woke from the trance; i closed my eyes and saw a double headed purple snake head that was just hanging there in my vision.


Ego, larping, clout, for the edginess/trying to seem cool, not enough experience/knowledge etc.
I’ve met people IRL who claimed to know everything about the occult, and when I brought them to see things either in their energy or more rarely physical forms, they were scared shitless and didn’t know what happened. This one person always claimed he was ‘satans favorite’ like nice tulpa if it’s even real even though I never picked up on it’s energy. And always claimed to be a medium, so I’d always ask him to have this or that demon communicate through him, he’d do this larping shit straight from hollywood and expected everyone to believe it. Worst part is, he actually believes it. And one night I manifested a servitor of mine to just stand there barely noticable. At least he felt it, and he was scared shitless thinking it was some big bad demon. Like bruh


I can see your point, Raukfaisk.
I had spirit comunication in past but each of them was unintentional.
I saw images of the borders of spirits, then I heard the answer and when it comes to Angels, it’s like many voices speak for one.

Here in Italy, famous for witchcraft but now it has degenerated.
In magick forums everyone is initiated, everyone is taught by their grandmom ecc… if you listen to them, they speak to spirits and get responses. How?
By pendulum, the very first time they used it, they have magical responses.
Of course it’s subconscious talking but they take it very personally and ban people because “spirits told me to do it”.
Only few people really talk about how a spirit, particulary Demons, behave and each of them got books from Koetting, Kostantinos, Lon Milo Douqette ecc…
Italy is far from magick, it’s everything about olive oil (not kidding, even in witchcraft)

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Hey man, got these in my email before they were redacted here and I wanna clear the air really quick.

Just so you’re aware; none of the above is in reference to you at all though it might seem familiar to your situation due to some of the terms being similar. You can probably gather there are some very …interesting types in the occult that can’t take a hint even when told directly about their situation yet insist anyway and won’t take a “no” for an answer.

I’m up front with everyone I consult about my views on their situation and prefer to only spend my time on rites that I believe are going to work. It’s a personal branding thing. I like to be known for quality results as it’s nearly impossible to be known for magickal technique alone

Anyway, a client I met via another community I’ve done reads for in the past sent me $20 out of the blue and demanded an in depth conversational evocation with a spirit regarding a pact they made long ago without providing any further details. Due to how crypto works it would cost me more money to simply refund them and say “not happening” and getting details from them is like emotional dentistry so the situation is frustrating.

I’ve got a lot bigger things to worry about than a magician who rolls with a group that likes to curse people for fun perceiving a slight over $20 so I don’t like feeling bound to an agreement they aren’t really helping.

While you did hire me at a discount to my normal rate I agreed to the terms as I consider you a friend and we have experience receiving a certain disruptive group attack in the past I can’t really discuss here.

My apologizes if it appears I’ve dropped the ball on your situation though rest assured there isn’t any hidden drama between us. We’re cool on my end. I’ve done some shorter throw ancillary workings we’ve discussed to make up for some of this as I’ve been a bit too scatterbrained to go into the trance required for full evocation lately.

Between running my company, my training clients, and my other ritual for hire work I have a lot going on and I’ll admit your call to Lucifuge has taken a bit of a back seat to putting out fires lately. I’m a man of my word and you’ll be sure to get your money’s worth

Feel free to PM me this afternoon if you’d like to discuss this further

@Enlightener @Lady_Eva


I don’t see or hear much at all. Real shame, but I get by.
One saw a spiritual entity once, formed in incense smoke - real clear. Since then, nothing. I know when they’re around because of the perspiration and my arm hairs standing to attention. For lots of reasons perspiration isn’t good. It can get in your eyes for one thing.



It’s more than just that to me; it’s almost as if the stuff we see in our physical “reality” is 240p for comparison’s sake, and when spirits show themselves in full it’s like seeing something way beyond 16k resolution that moves in impossible ways. I’m almost certain we live in some sort of a simulation, because it feels like reality literally breaks when it happens. I’ve never done drugs before, but it makes me wonder if even the crazy shit people see on DMT is anything like actually seeing a spirit fully manifested. It’s incredible, yet terrifying at the same time.


What puzzles me is when people say that they have had full blown conversations with a demon who just “chills” with them and speaks to them out loud, clearly. That baffles me, maybe because I’m not psychic enough to hear the demons, idk.

They always miss out HOW exactly they have had such direct communication with the demons, like in a lucid dream, on a drug trip, actually with the demon physically sitting in front of you or you perceiving them in the room and both seeing and hearing them.


Well…people lie. All the time. And exaggerate even more.

They also will lie without realizing it. Often we perceive something, whether it’s an entity or even something as simple as an aura and in our mind we translate that perception to sight. For many people they must define the perception, instead of just allowing it to be. And for humans, our primary conscious perception is sight. So you will get “I see auras.” or “I see demons.” when in reality the practitioner is simply perceiving them.

Personally in any operation I’ve done I’ve never ‘seen’ or out loud ‘heard’ an entity. However I’ve had experiences with both outside of an operation.


In my case usually (not always) clairvoyant and clairaudient.

The idea a contact is not real if it’s not a physical manifestation is utterly absurd and ignore the fact we’re calling on them to accomplish things by non-normal non-physical, routes, by affecting the causal planes and so on.

How to distinguish clauraudient contact from your own thoughts is then the next question, to which I answer, dreaming happens in your head, and being awake happens in your head, but you can expect most people to be able to know the difference (while awake) and for them to be able to describe the texture of dream events as differing significantly from waking events.

To go back to the question in the topic-title, I’m not a “spellcaster” but there are boundaries around what I can freely and easily do, what I will exert myself to do when needed for someone else, and what I would refuse to do, even though capable of it.

My refusing to do something doesn’t mean I can’t do it, or do it less often, it just means it’s not something I want to offer in that situation or context.


This is actually a very good point. I’ll admit when I first started magick/etc, I’d be skeptical of anything without that hard concrete evidence of communication. Plus I’ve noticed this as a normal occurance. People doubt stuff if it doesn’t come through the 5 senses in a clear and physical manner - going as far as to doubt the very existence of anything beyond their 5 senses all because they can’t talk or see that something like they can their neighbor.

I’ve had rare moments of clear communication that was about as close to physical as I think it could reasonably get but I still haven’t seen a spirit like I can see other people. Communication is 90% of the time subtle. So I guess that means alot of it is gonna get dismissed.

I think on a personal level, I’ve gotten better at the subtle communication - sorting out what thoughts/feelings/images are internal vs external. And just sensing subtle energy better. However I’m no where near perfect, but I’m still open minded, albiet within reason.


Yes I am talking about the services a professional sells and I am not complaining about anything, I was expression my views on how some professional use "speaking with a demin or have a relationship with or been working with a demon as a Marketing Strategy… And I have never mention doing any for free or mentioned money when I expressed my opinion.




It’s not direct with the physical senses, it’s occult: Clairsentience, clairaudience (rare) and automatic writing, usually in ritual or journeying. “Occult” means “hidden” or “unseen”.

As I’m understanding it these days, thanks to my studies of Ingo Swann’s remote viewing techniques, the communication is between the entity and your subconscious, and it’s the strength of your connection to your subconscious that determines how much of it you consciously receive. This is the nature of the ‘veil’.

Personally, I’m all business. Workings take effort and it’s not about ‘chilling’, there’s always work to be done.
So when I say I’ve “had a conversation”, this work is what I’m referring to. Doesn’t mean it’s easy, it means I asked questions and got answers.

To be fair, if I read the cards I say I pulled cards, I don’t call that a conversation, but I don’t combine card reading and entity work, except that I sort of consider my cards are an entity in their own right.

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What do you consider professional? Thats a very loose term, im talking about an adapted spell caster that mentions i will “talk with my spirits”

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