Because we are meant to, always were.
Look up Anubis in detail. See what he truly does. He guides the dead back to living.Gaurds and Protects Magi.
Uh Yahweh is not Set or Baal. Yahweh was a minor sky and war God. Set was never a minor God and he encompassed more than what Yahweh did.
Meh he claims to be YHWH just hidden behind lies. Isis tried to make him minor this way, Hotep Au Set apologies correction Mankind did the lies and destruction. All things come to an end
He did all things and more yes. Set is the root beginning of All. At least for me yes he is Baal and El Look at Womb of El. Hyksos, and the Shepard kings
It was the Ol’ lady ya feels. Anat/Astarte Ishtar/Inanna all same different zip code and language yet meaning and personality hmm. Later YHWH and Asherah, just tell me paternal religion isnt Chaos and I’ll stop. Because then it’s just redundantly insane to continue. Paternal religion is what started all this. Because she will always be known. 360years the temple of jerusalem stood 265years Asherah was within. Then we fell from consciousness.
Word up! Thumbs up!
Aset and Set didn’t have really any issues until the cult of Osiris took over and put Set in a bad position. Prior to that Set and Horus were in good standings and seen as beneficial and often times benevolent sides of one another.
Aset and Set distaste for one another was bred from political takeover.
Hotep btw the uh connection is Swine they’re the fourth smartest animal.
Exactly He left leaving Egypt in Political turmoil because he turned the rule over to his 9yr old son. Osiris is earth or Fertile land by literal meaning. Au set his sister wife mother of Tutankhamen is…? Anyone
The Egyptian Pharaoh but one second are you viewing them as physical beings or as deities? I know Horus is believed to constantly reincarnate into the line of Pharaoh up until that way of living cake to an end.
They were physical defied after death to show us the way friend
Many times over. It’s all because of the Paternal disease. We pay for the sins of the father per’se, once you come into Balance with the Godess within you find your Twin Flame.
I am this Blood line come to an End. Or so I think, lol yet many are steadily coming closer each day.
It’s highly narcissistic… the worst thing you can do to a narc is ignore them.
Even negative attention is something they feed off. Also it’s a war god and enjoys conflict.
So forget about it, give it absolutely nothing, dismiss it as an entity worth any of your thoughts at all.
Oh shit yeah that’ll do it.
To do nothing, react to nothing. Hotep Shoba I see you, genius in clutch. Pissing off YHWH everyday with that one, no joke. He makes me Do This. I don’t want to because my thoughts aren’t my own. Feels mad aggressive when I personally do nothing. Though writing helps so I finally gave up. I write all fucking day now. Then someone told me to contribute more. Signs and all, I miss nothing.
And Horus is Christ consciousness yes mandatory to become pharaoh. It’s your blood right. We are meant to Ascend into this state of being. Then further as Set tells me.
Yeah I don’t conform to that belief, they were always Gods to me, not deified humans. Nor do I really believe in “christ conciousness” none of the Egyptian Gods I’ve experienced came to that idea as my view on ascension does not really fit most ideas of ascension.
It should only fit you. As I said much of this Applies to the self I think it’s all genetic, social religious factors included.
Jewish blood lmao It’s kinda in me to look that way everyone has they’re own guiding forces similar in Nature yes always gods,as they lived through people. I got really into the Halls of Amenti and couldn’t let it go. It’s consciousness transmutation I think.
Christ consciousness is just a natural way of being, nothing more. sorry I’m not that clear. I don’t believe it is what they’ve hyped it up to be. If you get struck choose to strike back. Just gotta karmically balance the situation. Nobody is perfect, yet consciously choosing to do harm is not natural.
Tbh I personally believe they’ve, as in the church etc. have been force feeding people lethargy and manipulation. Making people like cattle or lambs meant for slaughter. No more we come now as Wolves not as Lambs for the Taking.