I remember back in church, my pastor said that magick steals power from God. So any magickal work will do it.
This didn’t get enough credits.
Ty everyone for the awesome replies. I enjoyed reading all of them. I’ll be preparing an offering for Cohzier as soon as I can pick up some bacon.
I hate the joke with a passion. From child indoctrination to snatching romantic relationships up when I didn’t follow his orders to an exact T. The false sense of security he gives then pulls the rug out from under you over stupid little shit. I want nothing to do with him and it boggles my mind that on a LHP forum there are supporters of christianity.
Supporting Yahweh and supporting Christianity aren’t the same thing, it’s something often confused with the two by a handful of LHPers.
christianity Is the religion built around this deity. I don’t see how you can separate the two.
A religion built around a deity does not speak for the Deity.
Humans have free will, what christians do and write into their religion isn’t the Deity’s fault.
Gods predate the religion formed around them.
Who speaks for this deity then? Its been my understanding that this deity embraces christianity and actively sucks energy from his sheep. Perhaps there is a deity behind a deity here a hidden yhwh no one’s ever seen but this would be the first I’ve heard of it.
No one speaks for this deity, Deities don’t infringe on people’s free will. A person can say Zeus is the God of darkness and build a religion around it, Zeus wont care.
Most people deal with the collective egregore of Yahweh who seems to attack those who try and leave it’s sphere of influence.
Lol, hell the fucking fuck yeah!!! You bet Asmodeus and Belial, hate it and everything about this Judeo xtian god.to an infernal degree. But neither of them should be toyed with, they are demon kings. And you would be expected by both to hone your skills and do what they say. They have very different personalities or whatever you wanna call it, so if you share their hatred, they’ll more than likely guide you in this.
Don’t blame YHVH for his idiot followers.
Someone with common sense? Damn, I thought it was a myth
Bibles are to be ripped apart and burned and the ashes thrown in a place where lots of activity is cars and people… Ashes to ashes dust to dust
And here’s a thought. The need to react against religion, the need to burn bibles, means it matters to you. Indifference says a lot more.
Bibles are to be ripped apart and burned and the ashes thrown in a place where lots of activity is cars and people… Ashes to ashes dust to dust
Thats totally strange Rav.
False friend Christianity wasn’t build around YHWH. It was build to evoke lambs into the masses and herd them like sheep. Yhwh was worshipped alongside Anat-Bethel His Wife. For 265 years out of 360 she was venerated within the temple. Saul is who created the Christianity we see today. Filled with lies its an opiate for the masses. There is major Diffeences in YHWH and the Christian minor diety.
If you want me to tell you I chanted in rotation fuck yhwh, fuck ellohem, fuck jesus, fuck the holy spirit for 20 minutes. Spoke I undo the power of the cross and spit in the blood of jesus broke a cross and pissed on a holy bible and burned it.
The ultimate insult to YHWH:No u.
That’s an EXCELLENT point! Actually, those are all good points. One who’s an atheist might say such free will doesn’t prove there is a god or gods at all. They don’t interfere, they don’t do anything in our average perception. Do they really exist as anything but man-made lore tools to control the populace via fears of pain and death? Perhaps man has such extraordinary abilities they create gods and demon and more.