What is the ultimate insult to yhwh?

Set has been with me my whole life. First time I saw him was when I was 5. He was the “Wolf of Chaos” then. He’s what created me. Though Anat-Bethel Lilith no doubt she left Sumeria for the mountains of Shepard Kings. Lilith was known as the “Hand of Inanna” in Sumeria who Inanna/Astarte, yep that’s her too many names because they were Nomadic tribes.

Yes ellohi being goddess Elohim plural goddesses

To the person who, wrote this… Why would you use amen backwards …thats dumb asf… It is, said amen was stolen from amon… And it was used widely in Egypt… Check that, out… Also rabbi is also, stolen from Egypt where a magician was, called a “maghrabi”


Your on Point now keep going, follow the threads.

But these, beings, don’t, relate to Christ… Right?

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I love you lmao

ask what he does with foreskins of his minions :wink:

nema is also word, even probably older usage than amen, vibrate it and you see if you do understand anything about anything

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These me’s mentioned in the Bible are, mostly sorcerers…read that, Ezekiel practised necromancy… That’s where the valley of death BS came, from

Hm, the thought that comes to mind is that human beings, while part strives for order, needs chaos. Otherwise, there would be nothing new to emerge. Perhaps these spirits are embodiments of chaos? Of change?

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Come on bruh… He, never really, takes, the foreskin right?

Oh but they do beloved in many many ways. Horus was first born of Set, Left with Isis Osiris meaning fertile soil as Set was blamed for the desert destroying Egyptian agriculture at the time, Because he left. Taking a lot of Egyptian Elite and destroying temples to other Dietys he was the first instance jealous god.

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Well all, I, know, is, that the demiurge is, very fucking, real… And I also know that there are beings, who don’t, want man, to, ascend spiritually…si whether its EL… I dumbo


Traditionally, I could see the foreskins being burned as an offering. Today, it is most likely just put in the medical waste bin as it is usually done in a hospital with a rabbi present.

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Yes Dear brother, we are just that. Echoes of Chaos. It’s a Balancing Game they’ve been playing yet as the body we are the Christ the balance between all three creates God. Awaken the children now brother

Some choose to keep it as a token of good luck lmao don’t know if it works but Magick is all in your blood. Trust yourself create what your told to.

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I believe it is we who choose not to ascend. We get stuck in patterns of self deprivation we deprive ourselves of what we really want because it may not be found as socially acceptable. Or we get stuck in a cycle of insanity so soo many stalks of wheat in a field. The wind blows it west yet see as it catches in spots and then swirls seemingly in patterns unknown. Still west it always goes eventually some just take more time. Not literal west lol

By west you mean to the direction of death and chaos within Egyptian lore, correct?

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Yo man for real your the first to catch all his Metaphor so quickly it took me years cause he’s a dick… js lol

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Lol it was something I learned while studying Anubis back in college to prepare for evoking him. I actually do all my rituals facing that direction now.

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This is not exactly accurate death, it is known as the halls of Amenti. We go there to get patched up after the long climb. There were basically assessed, healed and then if not ready processed again forever were climbing