Here’s a quick question for the forum- I’m relatively new, but fairly well versed in ritual and ceremony, BUT I have no idea of what the term “Enn” is. Perhaps I know it as a different word or concept, but could someone please tell me what it is?
You could say it is a way to get in touch with the spirit easier.
The vibrations caused by you chanting it are getting your mind closer to their wavelenght /vibration.
The author of this thread explained it in a good way in my opinion.
An ENN is simply a mantra, in the demonic language, that invokes the energy of a specific demon.
They come from the religious practice of demonolatry.
I think it is important to note that only demons have enns. Some beginners seem to use the term interchangeably with “mantra,” (if you do a search, you’ll find threads asking if this god or that angel has an enn) but that isn’t correct. While a mantra can be in any language, an enn is only in the demonic tongue.
Also, ENNS ARE NOT NECESSARY FOR EVOCATION. Some beginners seem to think they have to always use an enn to call a demon but they do not. Personally, I never use them.
all these up are yes true.
i wouldnt say something over and over but they are words on a demonic dialect each word has power when you speak each word correctly you will find yourself either
feeling like a gap this means the enn opens a gateway to the spirit,enns are actually one of the most safe ways to call upon a spirit it calls them only them and no one who claims to be thems calling the true being.
feeling like you are calling “air” this feeling means that you simply call upon their energy for their manifestacion.
Thank You! I am amazed by the outpouring of help and advice in the forum. It truly is a HUGE help, and I hope to receive more- even if when I’m more mature in Black Magick (a life long endeavour), I can never learn too much!
I’m relatively new to this and this is actually the first time learning about Enns and their purpose. The only thing I can’t find is how i exactly find the Enn for a spirit that I’m trying to summon. How exactly do i find an Enn? Are there resources that provide their Enn, or is there a method to finding their Enn? Any advice is appreciated
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They can be found online. There are many lists of them, the following is just an example I pulled up now:
There are also youtube videos featuring enns chanted on a loop that some find helpful as a learning and pronunciation guide. From memory, I think the youtube channel Satan and Sons has a collection of them
Short message here. Enn may help you to connect with demon. Check channel Satan and sons but type enn and look for it.
Be aware that there may not be one. There’s a lot of entities and very few enns invented for them.
Enns are expressly from the relatively new religion of Demonolatry. It’s not the most popular type of magick as it involves the concept of “worship” that many LHP mages are trying to get away from with the JCI style disempowerment it involves. So a few demonolators have created enns for their favourite entities and the ones they didn’t make them for yet don’t have any. You would have to make your own.
It’s not an organised religion with a recognised authority you can bow down to, no. Use an internet search and use the ones you think sound nice.
Thank you, I’ll definitely check there to see what they have
Thank you, this actually helps me alot since I was noticing that, I’d see Enns for one demon but not for the other. I’ll check these to everything they may have. Thank you again for the help
Short messages are still appreciated. I’ll give them a look and see everything they may have, hopefully they’ll have what I’m looking for. Thank you as well
And to invoke the energy of the demon is different from invoking the actual spirit right? That the elemental demonic circle invoked in demonolatry is an invocation of energies rather than the spirits?
Depends on your intention. Nothing happens without that. Make sure your intention is clear about what you do and don’t want. Unexpected results happen when intention is fuzzy and the energy flows are uncontrolled.
If that’s your intention for the use of the circle, sure… Otherwise it’s just ink on fabric and does nothing special. The magick part is YOU not the props.
Yes, it’s different.
I use the demonic Enns with the intention to accumulate the elements to create my magick circle.