So I have gotten this far without a single successful evocation (aside from my spirit lover). But I have hit a Point in which I want to go further and don’t know how. @Fuego1 recently asked me what path I was going on and because I am not actually doing much more than philosophical thought I answered general witchcraft. Does anyone have any idea what I should do to get the wheels rolling? By the way my main Magickal goal is to get famous as a musician. Also being able to feel and hear spirits more.
Update on this. I just walked into a forest behind my house and just stood and listened to nature. On the way there paralda contacted me. We only talked for a small time but this is a paraphrase of the conversation. “Hello. I am the wind. I am the air. I will keep you on your feet and speed you towards victory. I notice that you are a spirit of the wind. You cannot be mustered if you do not want to be and you cannot be forced to do something of which you have no desire. You are free and go wherever the winds of desire lead you. You are my son, my child. I would call all who gravitate towards this statement to call me. I will only answer if I wish so DO NOT force me. that is all”
Depends on what you want to could do alot with elemental and/or planetaty currents alone. Then you have the kaballah with its sephorthic and qliphothic currents all of which you could spend a lifetime exploring. You also have all the cultural and ancestral currents people explore. It just depends what you are drawn too.
Wind. I’m drawn to being like the wind. Free flowing and generally peaceful but just like a hurricane able to do massive amounts of destruction if needed.
@dinmatius any tips
That covers Alot of ground. Most of the currents explored by people here allow for this kind of range just from different angles of perception and energy. For me i started practically with the elements then went to planetary magick. I only recently begin actively working with spirits.
If you are wanting to explore a specific current or tool the the runes or tarot for example there is alot of power there in its own right. As they are tools of divination and sorcery. Just depends where your interests are directed.
I’m looking to get into the air element
I was going to say, get familiar with the elements.
How does one do that?
This came up on a search:
Nature then. Understand nature as a whole, become in tune with the elements.
Found this
Lol if you want to go in hard do franz bardons Initiation to hermetics. That book is solid af when it comes to elements. His next book magickal evocation may be more of what you need to have a successful evocation. But youre supposed to do his books in order. Its very hard but its a true path working for elements. Takes a lot of dedication
Also, if he is going to go that route then there is a prescribed order. Earth first. I’m just about finished up with my ‘Earth grade’ myself. It only took 20 years, lol.
There are also available works of Jean DuBois on the internet. If witchcraft is what youre looking for, likewise Raymond Bucklands complete book of witchcraft
Honestly, nature talks and listens and can show you the way. I thought I lost my cat, and by following the movement of the trees, it led me right back to my front door, and there she was chillin on the couch.
Yes I experienced this earlier. I’ve decided to go with the flow and do this however I’m led lol.
I don’t know how to say this because you are so much more experienced than I am. But I think I am going to go with what I have been being led to do. Not saying you are wrong and I’m right. I just have been getting results from doing this.
Also I updated the first post. I did a unintentional evocation of paralda and he said that I was his child and was an air spirit like him