
Sorry, I can be a bit random…I don’t want experiences with Uriel, I asked if other people had had them, and what were their experiences?

That’s asking for experiences, dude. You are literally asking people to post their experiences with the archangel, so I think you are misunderstanding what I said.



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I am misunderstanding what you are saying. As I explained, I am asking for peoples advice, help.
Seriously! I am really biting my tongue here.
If you have insight / knowledge of please tell me? If not… don’t waste my time…

By the way mulberry, I owe you an apology…

They are not meant to be controlled or tamed… While some jinn are more primal in nature, they are not animals that can be broken into submission.

They are intelligent entities and are not meant to be slaves. Asmodeus has a jinn aspect and so does Azazel. Are they going to bow down and submit to any practitioner that summons them? Most people would find this notion insulting and amusing at best.

Having that sort of mentality with spirits is unhealthy and you will definitely get nowhere with one with that train of thinking.


:pray: exactly! Animals not to be tamed…so why do people, try to evoke them? For self gain? Crazy people…

What about, people/children born from jinn? Advice?

It’s you who are wasting our time because you can’t seem to decide whether this thread is about archangel Uriel or the jinn.

I have plenty but you seem to want to keep going with the jinn, so I’m not going to waste my time anymore. :roll_eyes:


There are many occasions within their mythology where this occurs, the most notable being The Queen of Sheba. There are also jinn such as the nasnas that are said to be the product of humans and si’lat.

As most beings that are hybrids, they share traits of both progenitors.

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I am really trying my fuckin best darkestKnight! Not to be a gobshite…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:…I AM ASKING FOR ADVICE…IF YOU CARNT HELP…NO WORRIES…

How did you go from this

To this

They are either animals that can’t be tamed or animals that can be tamed? How narrow of a point of view.


What if I’m the animal? Trying to make sense of what I am? Qui

That’s Awesome harith![quote=“Similarities with jinns and humans, post:12, topic:110728”]
The cities are very prosperous with little to no poverty, and the supermarkets around are really interesting to go to and hold many items that cannot be obtained in our world.

Nice post

Please explain? Advice?

What exactly are you confused on? @Davyboi

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Okay, you don’t want people to post their experiences.

Okay you do want other people’s experiences.

Pick one.

ONLY one.

This isn’t going well.


@Davyboi for future reference making a topic where you clearly didn’t put any effort in causes people to ignore you. Please try and put more effort in from now on if you want answers :hugs:

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You again…lol, I’ve very rarely worked with Uriel, don’t doubt he’s extremely powerful

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Listen, what effort do I need to put in? I asked a question, I want advice… simple! I’m not after approvals, or courtesy, I’m after answers…plain and simple…