Twin flame or true love

Hello all.

I know this is not entirely about magick, more about spiritually,
but is anyone here familiar with the twin flame concept?

I’ve experienced strange things that I can’t really explain.
From inner feeling of previously knowing that person without actually ever meeting before, to true love on first sight, also somewhat opposite but complementary life events,
Also multiple occasions of telepathic connections, and synchronicities.
I find it hard to believe that there is such thing as twin frame, already moved on as that person didn’t want relationship with me,
But I find it hard to believe I could ever love someone as truly as that love felt.
I currently feel incomplete even though I’ve moved on(she also chose to marry someone else).
I will also state that during that period I’ve experienced many coincidences and synchronicities, like my thoughts were affecting reality, and could love myself and others unconditionally.
Is this normal ‘falling in love’ thing?
Any help would be appreciated!


Twin flames are real, but there are many. She might have been one of yours. Sometimes a soul connection brings growth, chaos or a life lesson, so it’s not meant to stay.

What you’ve experienced is actually common between soul connections. I find it quite fascinating too


I wish I could love people, my jealous spirit would never allow me


To be honest I felt on a unique path and my heart was finally opened after many years.

I totally lost my Ego,
felt like I became one with my soul and everyone else, could feel true love towards others, and received instant karma from my actions. Felt in sync.
But currently I feel like I lost my spiritual path.


That’s a common stage in spiritual awakening. I’ve been through it :slight_smile:

  • Hi! Yes, I personally came across this concept. A kindred spirit or flame can be called in different ways. It’s real. But unfortunately, such people are very rare and most likely, such a friendship or relationship will not last long. It’s destined to go away, because that’s how it should be. These people come into your life to teach you something, to give you a lesson. And then they just leave. Your task is to become stronger after that and be able to take lessons from such a person. I hope I was able to answer your question. Thanks!

I have experience with this, but with a spirit not a person.


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Personally, I don’t believe in the concept of twin flames. I do think it’s possible t hat a very large spirit can incarnate into multiple physical bodies at once, but I don’t think they are always attracted to each other romantically or physically, in fact most of the time they’re not and then again not even in the same location in spacetime.

I’ve had this several times but it was due to past life experience with that spirit incarnate in a different body. This phenomenon feeds into notions of “karmic bonds” which I don’t believe is a good way to characterize probability and energy flow, and gets misunderstood too easily, but I get the gist.

So my suggestion would be to look into your past lives. You can do this with shamanic journeying and dreamwork, guided meditations etc.

This is normal. All humans are telepathic. Most don’t develop the skill and over-rely on physical senses, so the telepathy skill atrophies. Synchronicities are normal too. Pay attention to them and more of them will happen, Neither of these have anything to do with twin flames.

Also normal. My old cat died two years ago and my life will never be complete again without her. There is a cat size hole in my life nothing else can fill. Once you know a thing exists and you wish you could interact with it and can’t you will always know what you are missing.

I also have a past life memory of my lady love (I was male on another planet) and I know I will never ever get that kind of love back again. I choke up thinking about her, yet I’m a straight woman. I would destroy my entire life to get her back if it was possible. She’s not even on this planet. If I met her I could imagine I’d call her a twin flame as it’s that kind of strength of feeling. Or maybe it would go bad and negativity would destroy the connection, who knows.

While I feel these “holes” though, I do not feel incomplete. My LIFE is missing these things but I am not. I am whole, and applying unconditional love means also applying love and acceptance to allow that whatever the person is doing is ok and right. And as long as they are good then I am good. Love is not wanting what you want regardless of the other’s wellbeing, it’s wanting them to be safe and whole and happy, imo. If they are good I am good. I don’t need to be with them to know or love that.

I think this is one of the reasons for a mind wipe on incarnating. If we were all looking for past loves from a dozen other lives, or a hundred, what a mess we’d be in, we’d try new things less and go back to the careers and loves we knew before. I’d love to see whata world like that would look like but I suspect it would be a disaster, don’t know though it would be interesting to see a world like that.

But in the end I think the twin flame explanation is oversimplified and confused. Our spiritual lives have more variation and nuance than that, but also as humans we’re not that great at reading energies and just apply a lot of conscious interpretations to energy in an attempt to identify and understand and control it, and that interpretation is usually wrong.

Awesome, this is the development of your connection to the universe as an enlightened being. :slight_smile:

Yes I think so. Humans have many emotions they call “love”, tons of them. we are complex and highly energetic, and emotions are a level of energy we are very good at holding and working with. It’s part of the human experience imo.


So do you claim the twin flame phenomenon is a hoax?
I mean, was the connection just ordinary connection between people, right?
And no such thing as twin flame ascension,
masculine and feminine polarities or even soul connection or divine love if I understand you correctly.

The common idea of what a twin flame is has never sat all that well with me, that defines a strong but short-lived passion, something that blazes before it burns out as quick as it began.

That concept of a twin flame seems merely a heightened connection with maybe someone from a prior life. It’s little more than overblown romanticized nonsense, a blip of passion in two lives that only matters to them for longer than it needs to because they let their whims run away with them instead of stamping them out.

To me a real twin flame is like a binary star system, two stable yet inseparable flames that move together and burn for billions of years.

I don’t know if it’s possible for two humans to experience this. Maybe, but if it is, it’s rare.

I think it’s more common in human-spirit relationships, especially if the human keeps coming back over and over and still has the connection to the same spirit again and again, the one that they are perhaps linked with in the stars themselves, their real twin flame.

Close human and pet connections are “true” twin flames too, I think close animal companionships like this are gifts from the spirit twin flame, pieces of themselves sent to the other flame bound in the physical world.

Perhaps it sound like I’m blending too much of the archaic with modern science, but I don’t think so. Fire was the element of intelligences, geniuses, as in spirits or the gods, and the stars were the gods themselves. They didn’t know about binary stars they way they do today, though I think the ancients, especially those in Mesopotamia who’d been so highly attuned to the magick of the stars had picked up on this anyway.

It’s not as romantic an outlook on twin flames, and perhaps I’m being a bit pedantic in tearing apart the definition, but those are my thoughts on the topic. :sparkles::sparkles:


I didn’t say that.

I think the people in that community believe in it and are being authentic. I’m not going to make sweeping generalizations, as I said the underlying spiritual situation can be a whole lot more complex and we don’t have good visibility into any of it, I think they’re doing the best the can with what they’ve got, and none of us can do more than that.

But I have met someone who thought a famous band lead singer was her twin flame having never met him or spoken to him, and she was being authentic too, so the issue is one of interpretation of what the energies being felt are, and that will vary from case to case.

No… What I said was life is more complex than just that. Do I think it can happen, for sure, but it’s just not so simple most of the time. I think I mentioned energetic connection and past lives… to clarify, I do not restrict “past lives” to only incarnation on Earth, or, incarnation at all.

I don’t know what that is so I can’t comment on it. “Ascension” even by itself is a term that means different things to different people, I can’t assume.

Again, what is a “soul” exactly, by your definition and by the definition of wherever you got this from, and are the the same as mine. What is a “polarity”? What are these terms? I have a specific worldview and it’s like we’re talking in different languages.

I don’t believe in dualistic thinking or “polarities”. I don’t believe spirts have sex at all, as sex is for animals an they don’t even have bodies, what do they need with sex hormones when any number of them can made new spirits any time any way they like? (So can we, because we are spirits too, they’re called servitors and egregores.) The whole sex business is massively important for humans, and we narcissistically project that all spirits must be like us, but I really think they’re usually not. I think they are us and we incarnate as human specifically to experience being like that because it’s different is so many ways. That’s me.

I don’t even agree with how the process is described. Which is this:

  1. One and only one (don’t say why) spirit splits into two (and only two, for unexplained reasons) parts
  2. They make one half super yin and that’s why they incarnate as female (I don’t think this works that way at all - spirits can incarnate into any body)
  3. They make the other “half” yang and hence male
  4. Both “halves” incarnate into bodies on the same planet at the time as much as possible, and attempt to choose parents in locations that give them a chance to meet
  5. Why? - They don’t know. Because.

Some say this is for all people and everyone has a twin flame which is not my experience. So to them all people are deep down trying to find The One™ - a concept I also con’t believe in
I don’t believe in “soul mates” either.

What I DO believe is that they are experiencing intense connection for some reason and I fully expect they have no real idea why. People get over-romantic notions and make up fiction about being vampires, this is no different. It appeals to the emotions, which humans are very very influenced by. We wouldn’t survive without them. There’s a mix of “I feel this”, “I want to be special” and “I heard the twin flame concept and I want that” and “I want that person” plus “I want to keep that person forever”.

Mix that all up and then make it your Identity and you have a very powerful box you just locked yourself in.

I think this is also an energy that exists, and humans interpret it by it’s emotional feeling as a form of “love”, but to me the energy of the Tao (as I call it) is waaay more than mere love. It’s everything in one. Love is the energy tool humans can use to access it.

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There do seem to be cases of instant connection between people that have no obvious explanation. Personally, I do believe in past life connections. Some say that we are each part of a soul group and that we may recognise each other in some way. Others say that two people whose temperaments match very well might recognise each other by scent or some other subtle means. The idea of a twin flame might come from the theory that each of us was once a complete being that split apart into a male and a female component and that these became separated from one another and lost in the mass of humanity. Now we have to search for our missing half. What ever is true, when we have loved someone on any level, the loss of that person from our lives leaves an empty space and we feel loss. Feel the pain, let yourself grieve, then let it go. There always seems to be a price for the joy of love. It comes sooner or later. For you it came sooner. Not everyone has the capacity to love, but you do. It is a great thing, but you know the price.

I totally get this as I’ve experienced the exact same situation and feelings , the synchronicity was unbelievable and crazy .
However I never understood the point of all this , if nothing was to happen in the end why all these signs ?
we lived in different countries and his indecisive , confused nature just forced me to choose myself and let him go.
It’s been 10 years since I don’t feel anything for him but I really miss the unconditional love I felt for him , really wish I could experience it again for the right person.

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It’s all about you… not about them.

Since we ALL have psychic energy , and ability(even if dormant) , it’s easy to understand under the right circumstances how two people would go crazy together believing the universe has united them to love each other after billions of years of being separated if they see enough „signs“. While they just experience an awakening of astral senses.
I, as a hopeless romantic, definitely(almost) bought into it. But today, I don’t really believe in twinflames.

I think a twin flame, even if they were actually real, would be totally insignificant besides waking you up and not a romantic partner.

I liked this channel

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To me, dwelling on things like twin flames or soul mates always seems like a recipe for unrealistic expectations and unhealthy relationships for almost all of the cases.

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Everything in this live is a concept. There are so many concepts which are just a way of learning, attaching to something, evolving, and letting go. And that process is cyclic, repeats many times, on many different levels, in many different ways (love, business, family, politics, loss of life, tragedy, gain, loss, pain, joy… and many, many more). I believe we chose the basic starting point before we incarnate. However, that’s just a frame and we have freedom to go faster/slower, change the direction, learn different things and so on…

I’ve had a big, big love in my 20s, she was my twin flame, we could read each others’ minds, we lived in each other all the time… It finished badly, we split, she moved, I was suffering for ages.

Then I started to explore - I got a very helpful contact with a lady who helped me to understand (and learn my lesson!). She saw (based on my name only!) that my ex an I had a ‘contract’ to live this life together, experience some things together and have a child. However, I had learned my lesson faster and that contract became meaningless for me, even before we had consumed it. So, she moved with another guy (interesting fact: that guy was my brother - my mom had had another boy before me but he was born prematurely and didn’t survive - so he was reborn 10+ years later to be engaged with my ex!), she got a child and they have been struggling since…

The point is, I have learned my lesson and my learning hasn’t ever stopped. I’ve been exploring spirituality, mental realms, emotions, magic, visualizations, religions, ancient knowledge,… everything what tickled my mind. And I’ve learned a lot, got attached, then detached myself and moved on to the NEXT STEP.

That’s why I think everything is just a step to a new experience, new insight, new opportunity for growing up, exploring, getting deeper insights into this life.

Languages, knowledge, mind, experiences - these are all concepts through which we learn about the existence in general.

Twin flames, strong emotional bonds, big emotional losses - they are just a strong attachments. If we overcome them, we become more free and close to ourselves on our highest level.

What do you think?