Tutorial: Petition Spells

@DarkestKnight Does this also work to curse someone and to eliminate an enemy?

Yes, you can. The defixones tablets of ancient Greece that I mentioned in the opening post were petitions to the gods of the underworld to mete out punishment to one’s enemies.

Maybe they would write it to the universe?

I’m so thankful for this thread. so i wrote out my petition and i dressed it in oils too. i want to release it into the universe but i can’t have my parents see, they’re very nosy and does not respect privacy, also there are several cameras in my home. what do i do?

If you can’t burn it, simply hide it away somewhere where you can forget it about it. Stick it into a dusty old book, or a trunk in the attic. Out of sight, out of mind.

The universe already “got” your petition as soon as you wrote it and then read it aloud. What you do with the written petition is the part of the spell where you release your hold on it.


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I have a question. Is a letter of intent the same thing as a petition spell?


Such as in succupedia’s ritual to Lilith? I would say yes, because in that case you are “petitioning” Lilith for one of her daughters.


Also do you have to read it out loud? I live in a Christian house so I don’t want to get kicked out😅




:rofl: funny thing! I once wrote a letter in my phone and got someone before even doing a ritual… I was just preparing for what I’ll be writing!


When I learned how to do petitions, I was told to do them out loud, but yes, you can state them in your mind as well. Stating them out loud simply gives them more gravitas, and it is easier to envision that you are speaking to the entity in question.


All right. Sorry for the questions but can you ask both the universe/Universal Mind and an entity/other force?


even evocation, it solely depends on you, if you are offering something in return of the kind help you are getting, i have seen people creating posts to appreciate the deities, some people give food etc. it is on the individual whether they give or not.
tell me i am wrong. @MiKu


On topic questions are perfectly okay, @dagar :slight_smile:

Yes, you can. You could even address them both in the same petition.

For example, you could say, “Dear Universe, and mighty Prince Sitri,”


tell me about it, i was doing the prep work on my phone as well the other day :rofl:


Ok. I know that small requests are usually easier to perform is that true with a petition to the universe? Say that I asked for 1 dollar versus 1000 would the smaller amount be easier? I assume that the same rules apply if you ask an entity but I don’t know if the universe is different


No, you can ask the universe for whatever you want. As they say in LOA circles, “it is just as easy for the universe to deliver $100 as it is to deliver $1,000,000.”

However, the bigger the request, the greater the amount of time it will take to manifest onto the physical plane, and the biggest obstacle will be getting out of your own way. That’s why they tell beginners in the Law of Attraction methodology to start with small, realistic goals, and build up to the bigger things, because that builds confidence and belief in what you are doing.


Ok. I assume that you can ask for anything right? Not just money. Like you could Petition for a record deal or help with bringing clients/fans right?


This is true but it’s just because people perceived it to be! From my experience the entity usually ask you for something to do with accomplishing your task! Like help me help you type of thing! For example since I am so lazy but need to gym I got led to invoke for every session… I got members telling “you need to slow down”.