The zyGoat

A new spell to quickly and permanently increase ones own advancement and growth in Finances,Love,Sexual Charisma and Magnetism in rather simple terms.

Create a demonic vessel for infinite concecration and elevations

Another advancement for your demonic being and Black magical Practices.

The older one wich you could combine for more potency.

Accurate though :joy:

A new working out for the furtherance of YOUR vampiric Body!:love_you_gesture::zap::man_vampire:t2:



Before the last day of my previous job i drove like usually home and than a damn car crosses my path trough the remote village before mine that really just reminded me of Ghostbusters Car

Its the nearest i found to the original i saw it had even the holders above on the white car.
I just thought about it real deeply and than i just leted it slip and forgot about it.

Guess what manifested the next Last day on my job BESIDES MY BUILDING WHERE I USUALLY HAD WORKED…



I understood the assignment of this omen and synchroniced inteferance especially this happening on the last day on my old job. I cleared this old ond haunting ghost away from my path of new and the ascend ill make happen.

I have this puffy ghost busted the symbol of my job who just kept me puffed up in the badest ways possible. For my being this job never resonated with me and whas parasitic for my progress…

I am done with you



When my mind processes in sleep my daily happenings.

I never give up doesnt matter how stuck up i am on times. I never give up doesnt matter to me how or what people think of me or even my family. I am careless about the expectations of others how i should life my life and should base it upon other people perspective of success.Ill always cross it out if it doesnt really resonate with me. All this shit they are gurglin down our throats on the daily if we arent carefull its just sickening.


Since I have become more and more my true self and thus my true desires i will never betray them as much as my path. I know what i must do and ill do it gladly.

Every obstacle be it internally or externally either caused by me or others and any type of un/necessary crap will be burned and transmuted into my flame of power and selfdeification.

Be assured ill be the one that will and is dominating and governs my world at the end of my days instead of any other man/boss/woman/society/gods/religion/people.

things have changed.

And the doors of my empire creeks wide open.

Will you enter?


Damn my uncle being based lately:

“There is no good or evil there is only weight, and those too weak to lift it”

Straight up :fire:

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Damn im pretty happy to have chosen my path of Darkness and black magic.

These people are a big reason why i will not take this shit too siriously when it comes to chakras or these angels and new age and idk what crap or why ill decided to walk the left hand path.

Like there is nothing there anymore he is all the time a hollow and constantly posessed wich i whas when i kissed christs and these angels ass , unstable, meek and no center of anything.

They look at you and see how damn naive you human is to beliefe just because its light that light is intrinsicly good ,happy, peace etc. But ignore the contrary that darkness is very much needed to function anything example battery example life than death example in and than out day and night.

Existance is not limited just to earth thats why there will be no true balance one force will dominate over the other when it comes to miniature scale of existance in a whole one.

But because everything expands and retreats so are the polaritys.

Both are needed so black magicians and white magicians are needed and its so called war is also needed to an extent because that creates the electricity of evolution ,degradations that counciousness must go trough to find its ultimate strenght in ones own source and soul of being in ones own divinity.

So idk why this dude has a damn meltdown and is so selfassured in his rage…i gues even

Yes …yesss …Give in into your hatred , and sadness feel the power it brings use it to strike down your enemys!!

"Cochuwaaa aiieraarj jakfjsis !!:boom::boom::boom::skull_and_crossbones:

Good… good… we arent so different after all!

He very much reminds me of Xavier Renegade Angel(Will make a link to this parody masterpiece of the new age )

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Average New Age lightworker and or ascended masters of the triangulate angels of ultra,
m e g a, holy sùPeR light:


This series pretty much is for me a good example what would happen and how would it be like when shugal have his ways whith the sephirotic initiate woudnt do his part to reach the supernal triad and plainly fails.

For me i would even go so far to argue that this is a animated inkarnation of one of Shugals more humorous sides.

But i do admit it is comedic gold and i just love the whole conclusion of this diarhea of an journey at the last season.



Average Black magic Initiate/neophyte:


“Hier ist wo der Spaß anfängt”

-Anakin Himmelläufer


Oh i god i cant :rofl:

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I feel it, i know it, i am transitioning into a bether and mightier version of myself all neagtivity and positivity is just serving me at the end of the day for all my eternity nothing is truly my enemy but me alone. I become friends with me first before any other people and beings. Who is gona hold me back than?


Thats what i thought!




I am so on fire and motivated and dedikated as hell can be on my evolution and its many progresses❤️‍🔥

(If you are sensitive in nature and dont like gore or horror dont consider clicking on it, thank yourself later)

On dezember it will be complete i have FOR SURE REACHED MY NEXT LEVEL BODY


Choose the pain of discipline over the pain of regret.

The first one goes off shortly and easily away, the second one probably lasts your entire life.