The zyGoat

When you step on a lego with bare feet:


Today i make a mini challenge for me .

Ill do a water fast for three days will see how that goes.

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Day 1 finished, Man i never had that good of an sleep for a loooong time…


Azzuok Ashimmar~

Day 2 finished.

Idk infeel weird between fatiqued and clearer/lighter minded and occaisonly energy spurts

Day 3 finished.

The only benefits i got so far whas less skin eruptions.

Whas very good sleep.

And more clearer mind/counciousnness.

But i do feel more weak in my legs and less enthusiastic and demotivated and fatigued.

I make a goal to reach one day 14 days every month one day more until that .

Tommorow i will start eating again


Probably me after the 14 day fasting🤣


There are days where i truly internaly get uterly lost and consumed by my past and bad habbits, but trough Lucifers guidance and help and combined with my own gone trough growth, selfhealing, and all the the help i have received and the work i have done.

Even those days become shorter and my comeback even more greater!

Hail and thank you Lucifer youve been allways a great muse for my own selfdeification and path.

I thank myself my inner divinity Azzuok Ashimmar my illuminated spirit Tristan Lucifer Frantar and oh my so human body and its needs that we have come so far and that we all as one have decided we will never give ourselfes up nor let ourselfes go regardless of matters before and inside of us.

We move forward as one force as one power to our empire to our goals to our selfcreated destinys.

And for that i am infinitely thankfull for it all!

:crown: LUX :snake: ANGUIS :fleur_de_lis:

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Right now i am retrieving my soul parts that i have lost trough induced trauma by my bullies and any people and circumstances which just got under my skin in a real bad way, how shitty for you people is that i am Demon magician, that comes back haunting your life and draining it away from your meek hands and frail selfes plus giving on it a hot steaming dung of destruction . I have no mercy and no forgiveness to give because people know what they are doing. Pfff. bether, luck, next time or whatever.

I think cursing is as much important part of healing than healing itself. If somethings just keep bothering you and its coming up again and again its probably your soul saying you retrieve it with force when alll other shit you do fails.

The powers of darkness be with me as it is with you.

Naga Bless!

:crown: LUX :snake: ANGUIS :fleur_de_lis:

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"Jesse we need to lift":skull_and_crossbones:

Working trough personal problems and healing and at the same time wanting to initiate and becoming the most powerfull healthy and whise as of Knowledgable person you could ever be feels like:

Enjoy the video and music its pretty good~

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What actually Marylin Manson does in his litle free time when besides fighting allegations and police arrests and runing from his exes . Per eyes whitnesses and by my suspicions.

○Rare footage°

Me when some ‘special’ practitioners are trying they’re all best to convince me cinnamon stick incense is a closed practice

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If you wondered where i am .

I am BUSY working on realising all of my online as of real world projects. Yes your requested workings has ben registered but they only can come slowly about.

I prepare to release here my succession of my drakonian initiations wich should be inclined with my other projects it should be in sync.

Other than that.

Here a tread.



Kinda crisp ngl

People be listening to this on the regular and wondering why they sometimes are fucked up
:joy: :joy: :joy:



This shit is literally and allegoricly sick though
And i rock with it

My last few months building my online empire be like: …