All good, it was a definite stepping stone to the next bit of work I did, as that was to the next, etc.
I didn’t stay within that current as a quasi-religious devotee or anything, but I have retained the links and deepened my connection to the spirits at various times.
I abandoned the pathworking with Isis, and posted about that here (I feel like things that don’t go as planned have as much value for people to read about as successes, which can make things look awfully polished and smooth when that’s definitely NOT the reality!):
Since around spring 2016 I’ve been less invested in pathworkings to acquire allies and attain power and transmutation, and more focused on deploying the gains already acquired to influence things in my own life, and also, world events.
Such pathworking as I do conduct is now primarily linked to conducting real-life workings to influence events, such as this: Taking Down Pedogate - Operation Hera.