The Rapture State ( Going From Theta Gama Sync To The Rapture State )

I created this topic to help those who can’t get past the theta gamma sync into the rapture state. Please share your secret insights, tips and tricks here and help them reach the rapture state.



I would like to give the idea of evocation without the rapture state. Perhaps I should say that I would like to present that the phenomenon of the rapture state may be indicative of a need for more progress in mastering basics - energy control, state change control, clairsenses - rather than a goal to be sought.

I first got into doing evocation with sigil opening, following the Koetting style of doing it. As he stated, things were getting all quaky, all sorts of internal feelings and tensions in my head and body. It was extremely wild and chaotic, and it’s no question that something was going down since, at a certain point, i was locked into the sigil by a connective force of communication. I stopped this line of practice due to not being satisfied with this practice with my current skill level.

In training for my brainwave states, I found that I was naturally going through a lot of energetic configurations without actually doing energy work. I figured that I would play around and decide to evoke simply by calling up some entity, no sigil, just a name. After about 10 seconds of focusing on a name, I began visualizing how I thought the entity would look. I thought I would be spending at least 5 minutes constructing this entity, and yet in less than 5 seconds this entity (the Goetic Bune) started coming into focus by herself.

The most bizarre thing about it all was how calm this whole process was. Rather than feeling all chaotic and energetically hyped up, this evocation was rather smooth, even though there was a palpable energetic “air” to it all. However, I didn’t have to struggle to maintain anything, my body was in equilibrium… I felt normal, even though I was in an altered state. Once Bune touched me, the sensations were very pronounced and very tangible, yet the act of evoking her was rather simple and calm.

So in terms of the rapture, I would say that perhaps it’s not something to be sought at all. Rather, the goal might be to master your brainwave states to a point where the state that the rapture goes to can be reached without all the rapture theatrics. However, folks gotta be patient and not be so thirsty to call on entities when they can’t even enter the basic state for evocation.


rapture and brainwave entrainment are the same thing. you are hypnotically putting your brainwaves into delta state with the transformation of consciousness.

the reason the toc is so chaotic is because it’s done with autosuggestion. technically it is supposed to be very hard if not impossible to put yourself into the hypnotic basement of trance. however, modern hypnotists are finding a lot of ways to do exactly that so you can go into the crossroads without all of the trouble and hullaballoo of toc.

the work is definitely changing


For me the rapture state is when you feel like your falling intoa endless pit and evreything goes black and you dont sense your physical body,


toc is what erik calls the transformation of consciousness. it’s basically just hypnotic trancework taken all the way to the hypnotic basement.

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This seems pretty simple and non-mystical :o) to me:

I don’t know how to try and coach anyone through that, having never gone from zero experience to learning this exact method of TGS and so on, but the parallel in that article to transfiguration makes sense and that’s taught in core shamanism, as the state you operate from to scry things clairvoyantly, or to do various other open-eye works and it’s not hard to learn, no harder than attuning your ear to understand a type of music for example.

As adults we get frustrated easily when we can’t learn something right away - that’s why children are usually ahead of their parents in using gadgets and even computers. They’re used to coming at things from a place of not-knowing and don’t feel discouraged by it, whereas the expectations of adult life, to be competent and know the score at all times, makes it harder for us to learn something completely new.

That’s a really good newsletter anyway and I think it’s just a case of keep practicing, it’s not hard, doesn’t require any tools or anything. Good luck with it!! :slight_smile:

Edit to add: why not check out some of the shamanic drumming tracks on YouTube - that pace is designed to help you enter a theta state, I don’t know much about the science behind it but it facilitates all forms of core shamanic work including open-eye stuff, it might help?

This is an interesting article about the use of sound to affect brainwave state:

There are lots of drumming tracks to choose from online these days and you might find they help. I like this one:

“Shamanic Journey”: Drumming & Rattling, 1HR Steady and Monotonous Drumbeats with Build Up ᴴᴰ


i’ve done a few evocations but none to full visible appearance yet. just because you don’t see the spirit doesn’t mean they didn’t come through. having said that, i want it all so i keep looking for a way to get it and trancework is a very important tool for getting closer to rending the veil.

i don’t think that book has yet been written. if it has, i have not read it. you have to keep working at it until you get all the way over however you can.

i do that every day. by telling you that hypnotic trancework is the key to magickal practice i’ve reduced about 500 pages of aleister crowley’s writing (and even more from many others) into one sentence and taken ALL of the refried catholicism out of the tech entirely.

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:8, topic:4178”]There are lots of drumming tracks to choose from online these days and you might find they help. I like this one:

“Shamanic Journey”: Drumming & Rattling, 1HR Steady and Monotonous Drumbeats with Build Up ᴴᴰ[/quote]

Very nice! I feel like I’m getting the hang of TGS, but starting to listen to that video really seemed to start pulling me down (or up, whatever) post-haste. I have an appointment with an Elemental King tonight, and will definitely be giving this a try as part of my ritual setup. Thanks!


And I’ve noticed a drastic improvement in my ability now that I practice every day. As soon as baby conks out, I use this 11 minute track and it is INSANE how much can happen when it needs to. Time in the astral works very differently. Then I have time to document it, do a tarot reading if necessary and be back in the real world for lunchtime before my preschooler mutinies.

[url=]- YouTube

I have deleted all of my previous comments because I have found a video that E.A. did with Nate Bales that goes into detail beyond even the mastering evocation course, on how to get into the Theta Gamma Sync - The Rapture State - The Crossroads here is the link [url=]- YouTube If you are new here and are having trouble reaching these states watch this video over and over and over again until you have it memorized. He goes into details about how he overcame living hell as a child and mastered his life and after that the whole video goes into detail beyond all of his other videos on how to get into the correct states to evoke a spirit to full materialization E.A. this is Genius Kudos to you on revealing the secrets to these states beyond anything anyone in the occult community has ever done.


I’ve experimented with various ways to enter the T/G sync and the Rapture state. For me the best way is through the use of sound. What I’m further going to explain is something I wish I would have discovered a long time ago as it would have saved me a lot of time and experimentation.

I have found Binaural beats to have a great effect in quickly shifting your mind to the Theta state. Listening to 4.5hz for 20-30mins with headphones on, does the trick quickly for me. For those of you that are skeptical about that technology, I would refer to Robert Monroe and the Monroe institute. They have used this technology since the 70’s to enter altered states of consciousness and have written books about their experiences in different realites with which they have used this technology to get them there.

Sound has the ability to manipulate matter, thought, and can alter your reality since every object in the universe produces its own unique sound signature.

What I have found to greatly help in achieving the rapture state is listening to certain music. Many of you have probably experienced the feeling of getting chills moving along your skin when listening to a certain song that evokes some type of emotional reaction in you. There is actually a word used to describe this chills effect that you get from music but I forgot what it is.

I have found that all you need to do is find a certain song or type of music that produces this response or atleast produces a high emotional reaction in you and then just ride this wave of chills/emotion to a state of rapture. Just have this music playing in the background while reciting your incantations/conjurations. Dancing or just sitting and rocking back and forth can further enhance this.

It takes one who is really advanced or naturally gifted to enter these states without any external help such as through music and or dance/movement.


i have to agree. on the weekend i did something cool and conjured the fastest deep trance i have ever had.

i took a .jpeg of a goetic sigil and opened it in audacity as a raw 24 bit pcm little endian file, turning the photo into a .wav. then i set it to loop and played it while skrying the sigil. it took me under in about 2 minutes and the trance kept getting deeper and deeper for about 3 hours. i was going in and out of consciousness, which i had NOT planned on. i actually had to get up and go for a walk so i wouldn’t go under any further.

there are three doors to trance: dissociation, relaxation, and focus. dissociation and relaxation are both trancework. focus is flow work. flow is active where trance is passive.

to do flow work, focus on a visual or auditory mantra and then submodalize it thoroughly for a quarter of an hour until you get a visual or auditory hallucination. that is the transformation of consciousness and structuring properly explained. it takes practice to get it down. the key is in doing effective and thorough visual OR audient submodalizations over the course of about 15 minutes without losing your concentration or being disturbed. if you can’t do that or you get pulled out of state, you won’t get the rapture and the spirit will dissipate. i’m not saying it won’t arrive, i’m just saying you won’t see or hear it.

to get into the rapture using relaxation, you use hypnotic induction to get yoruself relaxed, andt hen just keep using multiple deepeners until you are in hypertrance and have hypnotic phenomena going on. at that point you have the spirit described to you until you see and hear them, or are guided into a somnambulist (sleepwalking) trance where you call the spirit. you will most likely need another hypnotist to guide you this deep into trance, it’s usually very hard to get there on your own.

if you do trancework and have someone who knows how to use a shock induction, you can get down to low theta/high delta state very quickly and be in a place where you can see and hear spirits in minutes, sometimes even in seconds depending on how good the hypnotist is and how hypnotizable you are. they guide you down into the esdaile state or slow-wave sleep state in order for you to see or hear the spirit. you for your own part will be almost unconscious physically and will most likely be lying down on the ground.

i believe erik either was not told or did not recognize that for the last two methods you have to be guided into the trance by an experienced hypnotist. he sold mastering evocation to us without that knowledge and most of us have no choice but to try to get the somanmbulist state using NLP, which is a completely different type of hypnotism. it CAN be done with NLP submodalizations, it’s just a lot harder to do that way.


With respect I think you’re making this too complicated, I learned proper useful trance (that, yes, got results) in the first morning of my first core shamanism weekend training. :slight_smile:

That stuff’s too “love & light” and so on for most people but it works and that’s to me proof that the simple will to interact with spirits and the ability to enter a relaxed open state (forget flow or what your brainwaves are doing for a moment) is enough.

Quieting the mind is a BIG deal in that world, for healers, core shamanism, etc., but I did that stuff for 3 months or so using the exercises, and then I found my mind would naturally quiet itself - it’d be like, “Oh okay we’re about to do this, let’s drop inner dialogue and excitation, and focus.”

Eat a bunch of laxatives and then see how, after the first few visits to the porcelain throne, your mind just starts to stfu on certain signals to do other things, because it knows you’re going to be crapping your guts out, and that even its brightest Edison moment means nothing! :wink:

Or, don’t, because that’s obviously insane, but the point I’m making is that your mind is just another organ that receives signals of what’s appropriate (which is how we don’t usually piss the bed at night, or start eating our pillows) and acts on them.

Seriously, wait until you feel the normal urge to crap, every morning or however often, and see how much your “monkey mind” is saying to go do other things instead.

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that’s true, but keep in mind that everything is easy after you’ve done it.

flow is not complicated at all. all you do is focus on an object, and submodalize it until you hallucinate. that’s not even complicated, it’s 2 lines of explanation.

the complicated part is doing it for the 15 minutes you need to do it until you see spirits. that’s where it gets tricky. but that’s down to erik’s method.

as for trance, what i described is even simpler. and it can happen THIS quickly:

rapid induction (go to 2:36)

from there, the hypnotist had only to describe depth trance to the subject and then talk him through somnambulism. a skilled hypnotist could very likely have them seeing and hearing spirits in under 5 minutes that way.

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I was using this definition of flow: - that’s almost the opposite of hallucination, it’s total absorbed focus on a task without distraction or irritability, impatience, etc.

So we may have been talking about different things. :slight_smile:

Because I’ve never learned TGS as it’s taught here, since my own stuff works for what I need, I guess I’m going to have to try that method for myself now, but other people on here have learned it as taught so I don’t see why it’s not possible.

Interesting thread. This is the way I do it:

In order to interact with spirits, all that is needed is to know or pretend that we are also a spirit. Rapture, trance, theta-gamma sync or self-hypnosis are just names to describe the transition from a mode of perception based on physical sense stimuli to a psychic perception based on psychic senses. The problem that arises to operate this perceptual shift is that willful efforts are counterproductive. Trying to make things happen is to the best way to prevent them from happening.

What I do is to remind myself that I am a spirit. As a spirit is feel my body as if it was an object amongst other objects in the room. This first step is similar to Buddhist mindfulness. Then, I start feeling/sensing the chair, the floor, the walls, the furniture and objects in the room. We can do it with open eyes anywhere during the day to get used to it. Then with closed eyes, we can start feeling the room around us. We can feel the texture of objects around the body. We can feel the resistance of the walls, the floor and ceiling. Objects are not yet seen, but are only felt.

Then we can ask ourselves questions like “what is the colors of this table?” To our surprise, the table to start be seen with more accuracy. Getting used to this passive mode of psychic perception, we soon realize that we have become able to perceive as a spirit, beyond the limitations of the physical senses. We don’t try to make up anything. We don’t visualize anything. We simply allow what is already there to reveal itself. At this stage, we also realize that we are already in the desired trance state. This is basically the first step of soul travel. But is also the first step of evocation.

From this stage, I call the spirit again and again, repeating its name with long gaps of silence between two repetitions. This alone triggers the rapture state, namely a deeper trance. During these long moments of pure silent expectation, I again feel the room around me as if trying to perceive an invisible presence. When a presence is eventually felt, I ask myself questions like, “what is its shape?”, “how tall is it?”, “what is its color?”, etc. And the spirit will start taking shape. I then ask “can you hear me?” and again wait in silence. The answer is somehow known and soon starts taking a distinct voice. I can then welcome the spirit and enter into a real conversation as if talking to a friend.

Best is to train it with closed eyes first. Then with open eyes in a darkened room. And in the end in a dark room with two candles.


[quote=“AlexW, post:19, topic:4178”]Interesting thread. This is the way I do it:

In order to interact with spirits, all that is needed is to know or pretend that we are also a spirit. Rapture, trance, theta-gamma sync or self-hypnosis are just names to describe the transition from a mode of perception based on physical sense stimuli to a psychic perception based on psychic senses.[/quote]

exactly. you nailed it.

that i think is the root of not being able to get it down. whenever i have conjured, pushing for something to happen it never happens. i always got my best results in magick by ignoring what was proper and even by jettisoning my ritual ideas midritual and winging it. i basically just call the spirit and then i feel them around me, then we speak and that’s it. even if i don’t hear them i know they’re there. i just know, you feel it, and things around you get vivid, the air feels different, it just does. it comes to you of its own accord when you give up the lust for result. i have been guilty of trying to force it to happen or to speed up, but it is like trying to grab a mist, it will evaporate. but if you let it condense, it forms.

that’s EXACTLY what i mean by flow. the only difference is that i said do it with visual or auditory means, but you do it with kinesthetic. it’s the same thing just a different vak modality. and from there, submodalize and go further into it until your intuition (genius) kicks in and there ya go.

kids do this naturally until they’re about 5 years old, they call it pretend as if. if you’ve ever played as if with a kid and they say, ‘i’m a pirate!’ they then start talking to invisible friends as if they can hear them. or if they play with their toys, they hold full conversations! they might even ask you if you saw or heard what they saw or heard. and if you are playing along, YOU DO! it’s crazy because we all think kids are making this shit up, but they’re not, their imaginations really do come alive and that’s exactly what flow is.

there you go, you said it all.

but also what CAN be there but isn’t there yet. see, we live in three dimensions, but the fourth dimension is time. so there are future objects that are not yet seen, or past ones that are no longer there. and in flow, those things can be accessed.

from what i understand about flow, it’s not really so much a state, more an intensification. we’re always in a state, but trance is built on changing a state by modifying things. flow is more about being really present in the state you’re already in, to the degree of it becoming vivid and alive, and letting the energy of the universe around us communicate directly with us. it’s a different way of being than passive trancework, it’s more interactive intercommunication and less of taking and acting upon given suggestions.

the way you do it seems to be different than erik’s way. he says he pushes through a fugue state, which may imply effort, but your way is more of almost plugging into the ayres around you. it’s just a connection, really. calling out, and drawing in at the same time, connection and attraction, not so much of effort but more of just being in the moment fully.

that is exactly what submodalizing is. just asking yourself questions about the object, and notice details in passes.

when i combined autogenic training with the sunnen trance scale, i did the entire autogenic training protocol as i have it on this site, and then i did the sunnen trance scale. as i did the sunnen trance scale, my mind went REALLY quiet. there is a part of the sunnen trance where you quiet your emotions, and another part where you imagine your body growing larger than the room you are in. when i did those parts as autogenic commands, the quality of the room changed. it felt like everything in the room turned into waves. like nothing was really real, but a sim or a videogame.

from there, i asked what do i see? and i saw a light shining in midair. and then i asked, what is the shape? and i saw a cube. it took about 3 minutes of asking, but i clearly saw light shining off of a cube on the ground. i just kept submodalizing and the cube got clearer and clearer, it was clear like water but the light was shining off of it like it was very highly polished. keep in mind i was not evoking anyone or anything, i was just testing out the at/sunnen trance scale to see if anything would happen and IT DID. i was not in trance, i wasn’t in a dark room either. i was in a mall food court and it was midday. i was also surrounded by people, and i was reading the commands off of a piece of paper. it still worked. my eyes were wide open and i wasn’t in any sort of trance at all, i was fully conscious and fully aware of the whole thing. it was also not dead quiet, all around me people were talking and making noise, but somehow i didn’t hear or pay attention to ANY of them! the command order in sunnen trance is very important for getting into the flow.

when the object or person comes in, you begin to see it slowly, it looks invisible. it’s almost like you are seeing light reflect off of them, but not quite the object or person. however, the more you do this without rushing, the more you begin to see them and they come in clearer. it’s almost like you are drawing them into your reality with autocad by decreasing the transparency from 100% to 0%.

it’s completely unlike any trance state i’ve ever been in. erik says you push through it with great force, but i found that you don’t push into it at all, instead you immerse yourself into it and it builds around you.

that is the final step and that’s when you’re there.

Best is to train it with closed eyes first. Then with open eyes in a darkened room. And in the end in a dark room with two candles.[/quote]

yeah you have to train it to get it down