The problem with OCD

No, rather what I find disgusting.

Physical science is notoriously wrong in regards to reality for powerful magicians. Consciousness is the mind it is what creates and destroys all as ideas. Consciousness shapes matter you change that part of yourself the physical will begin to follow.

Various methods but what matters is how you respond to these methods. One method might do nothing for you but another will work wonders. It is all very dependent on you yourself though anyone can be hypnotized it is just about finding the proper method. You can look into various methods such as subliminals and how to make those,

There are some good videos you can find youtube. This channel is rather good and most techniques can be adapted to your needs even those meant to use on others you can with some creativity adapt to use on yourself.

I haven’t referenced these videos in so long I don’t remember off the top of my head which ones were my go to references for new people but you can also likely find some free books on hypnosis in general though there do tend to be a few common lies hypnotists like to propagate for the sake of their reputation and careers but those shouldn’t matter much in this context.


Hmmm wouldn’t say science is wrong. The scientific explanation is just merely not the full explanation, but still usually a valuable explanation to take in acccount.
It’s good to remember a scientist always has a specific expertise and usualy researches a specific area. So their findings might be right, but only relate to one area of a specific field, maybe some overlapping areas at most, but not the bigger picture. It isn’t meant to be, either. Neiter is it meant to explain anything beyond what can be physically tested. If the testresults aren’t in yet, it’s a theory or hypothesis and mostly up for debate even among fellow scientists. I find keeping in touch with the scientific explanation of things helps get a fuller picture of the metaphysical things. I know this sounds cheesy, but “physical” is still part of metaphysical ;p. It’s always going to be a mirror or a representation of the metaphysical.

As for “mind” science has yet to actualy even really define “mind”. If you’d ask a neurologist you might even get a different answer than if you’d ask a psychologist.
However there’s been and currently are quite some scientists that seem to agree at least that the mind is not confined to the brain or even the body.

When I visualize and concentrate I can feel it between the eyes and I can get headache. It was said that I got a brain damage during birth which influences my cognitive functions and I think the root of my OCD kind of symptoms comes from there. There is a connection between mind and brain. There is no doubt about that as we also can see in the case of dements for instance.

No i see no curses.
Ocd has similarities in electric - Fire wiring locaed central-back of the 4 hemispheres. The area where wiring is somewhat differently Fired up. Its not a structural issue. Its not a curse or fault, its the wiring.
There ways to focusing the points :point_right: :point_left: :point_down: in these to ahoot stronger and weaker depending upon what you are most desiring in your body nt what your Mind is telling you.

The brain has 5x Major electric power-points which are mirrored in the Cervix and Woumb for a Woman and the interior of the penis schaft of a Man incl for each of the two Sexes the Perineum.

For the lower Dantien is the inverted Pentagram and the brain has the upwards pentagram.

You could begin a focus on electrifying these then feel the vibrations.

When you are ready start to enblacken what you are Firing up.

The changes you experience occurs slow / rapid /irregular but it works.

Will this Fix ocd adhd asd dyslexia symptomatic or differently functioning patterns.

But it dose alter .
Personally do not like prescription medications especially knowing that medicines are no more evolved than a jungle doctor on mushrooms.

Spirits that are Capable of shifting the issues,
Azazel Beleal

Lilith is Ishtah sister in that she is Ereshkigal.

In a way you work with both.

Welcome to the forum @Wildkia!

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Mod hat off: practitioner hat on…
Imo Ereshkigal, as my Matron and I have zero sense that she is anything like Lilith, so was on of the first humans and from a much later semitic lore, and not a ruler of Kur. Ereshkigal is also not an evolution of the Lilim. There’s no reason to conflate these two. Lilith has no sisters she was the first and only woman according to the Hebrews and certainly not a god, Eve was the 2nd after Lilith ran off. I’m afraid I don’t agree with this statement. What makes you think this?

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Here is a getting started with magick guide. You’ll want to get your spiritual hygiene sorted out, and start work on developing your astral senses, then when you can know you have a decent chance at avoiding impostors and parasites then try the evocation guides we have on here.

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I am well experienced adept.
I have given truthful info.
I do not go and read Wiki.

@Wildkia Please follow the link and do a proper introduction. It is a rule here and required.

I don’t understand what you are saying…

I think he is saying, that if you do qigong to balance your energy system and clear blocks it will fix the OCD. I would agree with this.
He also recommended several entities to work with.

I would also personally use dry fasting as that has cleared parasites and blocks for me I didn’t even know I had until I saw the relief, and it’s very easy to do. But dry fasting heals everything and not necessarily in the order you want, so it can take a few fasts over a couple of years to get to everything.

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I have experience in working with Belial but I cannot see how he is associated with something that can fix OCD.

Belial is the 'Breaker of Chains", he’s called for addictive behaviors a lot. If you try the search you would notice this is a common subject for Belial on this forum.

My problem is not addictive behaviors. It’s something in my mind or my ability to create inner images.

It’s the same idea, whether you call it addiction, obsession, compulsion. You have lost control, you are chained by a thing, and Belial will help you break the chains and get it back. Don’t get hung up on the works, words are an approximation, work with the feelings.

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Belial has a mask as “The Keeper of the gate of Daath” the gateway into the Nightside.
…Or in very clinical terms (and more helpful in your situation perhaps) the gateway into your subconscious. In combination of his aspect as the breaker of chains this might be a powerful combination in trying to get to the cause of what “keeps you in chains” first and then let him teach you how to break those chains.

Or at least that is how I’ve worked with him in the past in letting go of things that held me back.

How would you write the petition?

something in the lines of “help me unearth and destroy [insert issue]”? You should really think about and formulate this on your own, But……
I don’t think this is a simple -petition-and-sit back-and-wait-for-it-to-be-resolved-kind of thing. It’s not asking for 50,= to pay back your roommate. This is getting to a deep-rooted issue and learning how to solve it’s unhealthy manifestation. You are going to have to do the dirty work yourself. Belial, when willing, would mainly show you how and perhaps lend you some strength. That’s how it worked for me at least, on a less severe issue than yours. If you are looking for a quicker and easier solution, I’d recommend doing a bunch of wealth magick to be able to afford professional help and medication.

To get you an idea and maybe some inspiration, this is the “short” version explaining how I’ve done this myself for my issue:
I’ve invoked Belial first. It took a few tries to fully become the essence of Belial in his aspect of Gatekeeper and when I was successful, as Belial/ part of Belial I’ve opened the gateway to my subconscious and it’s pathway to my issue. The intent used was focusing on opening the gates to my nightside and visualizing a pathway to that issue while recalling how being in that state feels like.
Using the Temple Of Ascending Flame sigil for Lord Belial as a gateway to that aspect of him worked really well for me.

After that I’ve done a bunch of dreamwork with and connecting to a collection of deities/ spirits like Melinoë, Hecate, Lucifer, Cernunnos, Nehalennia, Abaddon and Belial (pure personal choice that fit me, my issue and my progression. It doesn’t have to be this much or even any other entity, perhaps) to try to get them to help me unearth the links my subconscious had to my issue. That took a while and not all nights and works were successful. It took a lot of contemplating and being faced with my own negative aspects and weaknesses.

When I felt I got to the root/cause of it, it took a lot of fully experiencing the situation and the issue(s) that made my psyche go into that unhealthy state and expression. This was by far the most painful part of the process.

It then took a lot of attempts to destroy the connections my psyche made and let that part of my personality die (and I did actually let death-energy in to come as close as I could to the actual sense of dying). I’ve used Abaddon’s assistance for this in his aspect of The Destroyer. I think maybe Belial as the One without Master/ Breaker Of Chains might’ve at least be as good of an option, maybe better.
Simultaneous to destroying the connections your psyche makes in order to cope, I also tried to create different more healthy pathways to outlets that help me express/ destress

I also do not recommend to do this kind of work completely on your own for serious issues. It can be done on your own, but doing this kind of work is extremely uncomfortable and you have to be very, VERY careful not to fall back in the same patterns or even worse patterns than before. I’d recommend some sort of professional help to assist/ support you (maybe not tell them exactly how you work on getting to the bottom of your issue, if you don’t want to end up in a psych-ward :smiley:) or a friend you trust and feel safe enough around (and is not afraid to call you on any BS when needed) to express to what you are struggling with.

Because through professional help the professional will be able to put words of what my real issues is so I then can write the correct petition right?

Not really how professional help works in a lot of circumstances, but like I said. I am in no way qualified to make any suggestions on how OCD is treated.
My educated guess… A good therapist might be able to help with finding out what the real issue is (It’ll probably take a lot of sessions and still some work you’ll have to do yourself), but in most cases they will at least help to treat the symptoms that make it hard for you in day to day life with therapy and medication.

You might be successful with money spells and perhaps working with a spirit that can direct you to good professional help.

Its simple.
Although it appears that this group seems a have a poorly educated monitor who cant get past a very fallible human ego.

No apologies. I know I have provided correct information.

Not my problem

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