As i deem the use, art and craft of jewlrey very important in as well spirituality and life in general, i thought it would be a good idea to make a topic about it.
Feel free to show us your acquisitions , their use, why they are important for you, why you wear or use them and for what, the importance in your ritual, magick and spiritual work and path…
Just everything about your jewlery ^^
Enjoy and go for it!
One of the more “well loved” ones in my collection.
Galena stone.
Bought it after I solved some kind of “riddle” connected to its nature.
Brought me closer to something really important (but never mentioned) and helped me to retrieve something.
People who know me know that rings play a very important roll for me.
I always loved rings (jewelry in general) but rings always kind if ringed my bell.
The ring on the right was my first one.
My mother found it and gave it to me since it was a perfect fit.
From that moment on i started to buy and wear many rings and now i have a big collection.
I believe that the ‘aura’ of the ring or the personality or how you wanna call it is identical to the aura of the one that wears it
I love rocks and gemstones.
I think rings and pendants are amazing tools to carry them on you.
If there’s one stone that is top tier for me, it is Onyx.
I bought a beautiful Onyx ring today which i will put in this thread very soon.
Oh boy, here we go, lol. I have a ton of jewelry, lol.
This is my “Don’t Fuck with Me” collection. I’ve used it since high school to project an aura of strength, insanity, & intimidation. If I’m not in the mood to deal with morons or assholes (or anyone, really), I wear these & people magically leave me the fuck alone. Also, if I’m going to a dangerous place, I wear them. I have a funny story about the cross. The poor razor blade earrings (not sharp) & ring (sharp) have seen better days. If I’m in a dangerous neighborhood or around someone sketchy, the ring gives me strength & helps me realistically process my fight or flight options quickly. (This ring has drawn others’ blood, lol.)
I just got the necklace on the left. I’d like to enchant it for something, but I haven’t quite figured out what. The other 3 I’ve had since high school. The knotwork dragon doesn’t really have a story, except I think it looks cool. It also gives off the “don’t fuck with me” vibes, but a bit milder. I’d like to take this moment to give a shout out for snake chains, though – they feel so smooth, don’t get tangled, & look badass. Fricken love them. Anyway, the last 2 on the right really resonate with my soul. Something about a Maltese cross & a rampant lion really speak to me, lol. When I feel like I’m “going to war,” I wear one of those. I should probably explore why I feel so strongly about these symbols – could have past life reasons.
This is my “artistic, hippie, peace & love, let’s all chill” collection, lol. The earrings & ring are both abalone & I got both at garage sales. When I wear these, I’m pretty much instantly in a good mood & feel very understanding & at peace & get along with everyone. They increase my patience (which I don’t have much of) & sympathy towards others. I’ve put up with bullshit while wearing these that normal me would be pissed off & bitching over, lmao. They make me feel connected to everyone around me, in a good way. I think they activate my heart chakra or something. The earrings are tinged sea green.
These are just sort of generic. I haven’t charged them with any purpose or anything, but it occurs to me the last one on the right may be good for protection. Both the little pentacle & the triquetra are sterling silver.
This is my “sophisticated scholar” collection. I’m not sure what the stones in the earrings are (if anything), but they give off a sense of sophistication & regal refinement, for me. I got the sterling silver owl as a college graduation gift, so he’s special to me.
My dad made me this pendant at his work & I love it! I wear it when I feel magical &/or want to connect with the moon. I wear this in ritual, decently often. I love that I can wear it either waxing or waning!
I found this ring. I went somewhere (forget where) & when I opened my car door, it was on the ground right there. Even though it’s not great quality (though it is a solid metal of some type) & a much bigger stone than I usually wear, I just love the color. I just found this butterfly, again. Either my grandma or my mom gave this to me when I was a kid. The wings are jade & I think the eyes might becoral. I just discovered it has a hidden bail in the back, so it can be converted into a necklace! I feel like I should use this guy for something, but Idk what, yet.
I have more, lol, but I don’t want to spam the thread any more than I already have!
The black ring has a “lesser” entity attached to it, the flame ring has a shikigami attached to it and the Norse ring will soon have a Marid Djinn attached to it, I’m also waiting for my other ring to deliver so I can enchant that one as well.
I usually wear this necklace daily. Its been infused with energy from Belial both by myself and the person I bought it from. The energy it puts out is intense to say the least. I posted it on the reddit pyshic page, and everyone who saw it said it made them feel extremely uneasy/fearful lol
For your butterflie. Somethings they represent is transformation, death and rebirth, love, joy, and in some cultures they represented immortality and in others they where thought to control whirlwinds.
Jade: is thought to symbolize purity and serenity. In the East it signifies wisdom in tranquility. It is associated with the heart chakra and increases love and nurturing. It is said to bring harmony and keep the wearer from harm. As well it is said to attract good luck and friendship. Along with being a protective stone, it is a dream stone as well.
(Coral was surprisingly hard to find. It was in only in one of my books.)
Coral: is said to help with healing, regulating menstruation, agriculture, protection, peace and wisdom.
One commonly held belief is if a piece of coral used in magic breaks for any reason, it has lost its power and anew piece must be obtained. The broken pieces should be returned to the ocean.
It is also thought to protect one traveling in, on and over water.
In ancient Rome women wore coral earrings to attract men.