The New Avatar Power Reconsidered (Complete NAP Rituals 2.0)


(You can skip this if you want; it’s mostly palaver)

Between 2008 and 2018, enthusiastic experimenters on Studio Arcanoris and EvocationMagick as well as my post here on BALG created an increased demand for the then out-of-print manual.

It took me 2 years to get a copy of the manual. I wanted to work through it with others who also had it because it came very highly recommended by Brother Moloch and others who had used it successfully.

I originally wrote the Complete NAP thread on Studio Arcanoris back in 2010, in an effort to understand the grimoire as i worked through it. In 2013 i bounced my thread over here when i joined BALG and put it on my old post here.

NAP was very hard to get a hold of back then. The increased online demand for a NAP copy eventually got VcToria Gray’s attention. Back then it wasn’t unusual for greedy resellers to offer old dog-eared copies of NAP for $900 - $1900 due to the demand. It was a mess, frankly.

VcToria edited and republished NAP on May 19, 2019, opening it up to a new generation of experimenters, in addition to publicly teaching her dad’s Hermetic Order of Campo Santo training system. From what i understand, Campo Santo is the original system the NAP is derived from, making the NAP manual a teaser for the more profound Campo Santo training on her Alternate Universe website.

VcToria is the ONLY legit source for information on her dad’s work. Everybody else (including myself) has given secondhand and possibly inaccurate information. Go to the source to get the real thing, it’s the closest you’ll get to learning the info from Geoff himself.

As for me, i’ve been working with NAP for awhile now. It’s been 15 years and i put a lot of my work online.

Some of the stuff i put online in the past makes me cringe now. So i’m rewriting this post based on my current understanding.

My aim is to clarify the sometimes confusing NAP method as i gave it in the past, and to correct some of my more obvious earlier mistakes.

Again, to really learn the system, contact VcToria and ask her questions. If you like what she’s about, study Campo Santo with her and learn her dad’s work from her.

Anyway. Here goes nothing:


Your First Step In Doing The New Avatar Power
I’ll cut to the chase. Hire an experienced astrologer to draw up your birthchart using siderial timing. Siderial astrological information is more precise than tropical, which has slippage issues due to the Precession of the Equinoxes.

This is the last thing Geoff wrote in his original book, in ‘How to make a Cosmic Chart to bring any desirable condition to pass’ from p196 to the end of the book.

It may help to have a Vedic astroloer do this in tandem with the Hellenist. Vedic astrology has active karmic remedies to bad chart placements as part of its readings. Figuring out what NAP rituals to do based on combustions, doshas, and other chart problems is more obvious in a Vedic reading than a Western one.

You then use NAP’s rituals to fix your karmic issues by doing the spells along with Vedic gemstones. You then have the choice between NAP’s commands, or Vedic mantras.

Working with astrological reading-derived Cosmic Charts is more encompassing and precise than just cracking NAP open and looking for spells. Life can lie to you by giving you false emergencies. You can run yourself ragged by running around putting out small fires and solving minor emergencies while ignoring more chronic problems.

I have not seen this suggestion written anywhere in any other NAP group, but it’s so obvious to me now. VcToria is an accomplished astrologer and can do this work for you if you ask her. She’s also qualified to each both the NAP and Campo Santo remedies to any of her students. It’s all in and comprehensive to work NAP/CS this way.


Cosmic Chart & Book Of Shadows
Geoff describes the Cosmic Chart from p196 to the end of NAP. On pp45-46 of chapter 1 he also describes the Book Of Shadows.

They’re similar but not the same to my way of thinking. The Cosmic Chart seems more of a general thing while the Book Of Shadows specifically covers individual spells and rituals as they play out over time.

Writing the Chart & Book in a journal and reviewing old entries helps make overall sense of the overall NAP work work over time.

Your Working Spot
Consistency matters in doing the work. In the middle of p41, Geoff explains how to set up a chair or bed in a darkened room for the work.

Geoff says to ‘use the same spot each day.’ With time and experience, i now understand why he says this.

It’s an old school hypnotic technique. When you do trancework on an object over time, the object itself becomes charged enough to induce states through breathwork and animal magnetic passes, or through repetition of trancework experiences.

This works with chairs and beds, too. Eventually, all you have to do is sit or lay down there and you’re already halfway there. Hitting the trance trigger puts you all the way in. In hypnosis this is called a trance trigger, and the state onset is known as revivification.

By setting these things up, your environment itself helps put you into aphasia, the state in which you do NAP.


The Remote Viewing community also does this, at least when you’re training and forming the relationship with your subconscious mind. After you are getting high accuracy and reliably good contact, changing to a different place is no longer an issue (which for them is important as they may be called out to locations to work). After that the RV folks don’t find a difference between locations, though obviously trying to remote view in a distancing place is always hard. But RV does not use trance states anyway. This makes me wonder if the same is true for NAP: once you are skilled then this doesn’t impact your accuracy. :thinking:


That makes a lot of sense. The deep mind connection is hard to get at the outset. Once you’ve done it, returning to it is much easier.

Perhaps doing the work in one place is about building a sense of initial consistency.

David Elman mentions this as a conditional statement structure in his book Hypnotherapy.

In Elman’s hypnosis, he induced states using if/then statements to form a syllogism. At first, Elman states that his subjects will achieve eye closure when he does anything 3 times. He did the 3 things with the belief that eye closure will follow.

Then he stated that he’d get his subjects to closure doing only 1 thing. He followed by doing that 1 thing, and often got closure.

Finally, Elman stated that he could get eye closure by doing nothing. He then did nothing with the belief that closure would follow his act, and it generally did.

The key trigger was that Elman truly BELIEVED in following throgh the conditional structure he used and the syllogism that underlay it. He really believed if he simply did the act he seeded in his subjects, eye closure would follow, regardless of what he did, even if he did nothing.

As long as he preceded the act with a statement and then followed through with his act, he believed 100% that eye closure would follow, and it almost always did.

The belief in the structure and repetition of the structure got him the result more often than not. It either worked immediately or eventually.

Most important, the content of the structure changed, but the structure did not. Elman simply repeated the same structure with different promises and the same expected result. This i believe is the key to doing trance commands. Belief, and changing the syllogistic input but not the output or expected result.

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When to do NAP Rituals
Geoff says to do NAP once a day upon waking up. Doing NAP in the morning is the ideal way to work the ritual in general.

I’ve also been told by others that doing NAP just before bed and again right after waking up gives your mind the best opportunity to connect to your subconscious.

An important factor in NAP work: Unwavering Repetition
This is the part that many people (myself included) misunderstand or conveniently forget. It can really throw you off not to know this part of the game.

NAP is not a one-and-done thing. It’s meant for you to repeat the ritual daily, UNTIL. By that i mean you want to repeat whatever NAP Ritual you’re doing daily until you get what you want - or until reality gives you a strong signal to pivot. Wihtout that pivo signal you need to stay the course, but when you get the signal to pivot, don’t question it, just make the change and keep going in THAT new direction.

Also, don’t look for outside reassurance in the process. Your focus is on doing the Ritual, not looking for results, positive feedback, votes of confidence, or good feelings.

Feedback on your NAP work doesn’t always follow your expectations. You can get anything from negative feedback, to confusing or contradictory feedback from one or many sources, to complete dead air with no feedback fron anywhere at all, just straight up silent treatment. You can get mockery or hostility. You can get fake positivity or hazy vagueness. The messages are rarely reliable.

This can throw you off when you’ve been told that good feelings, positive vibes, and reassurance are signs of success. In the middle of things you may get ZERO positive feedback and that can cause you a lot of distress, because you expect reassurance and don’t get any of it. This is especially true in situations where your result is exponentially increasing stress and unease or sudden reversals and unexpected hardship or tragedy, both of which often precede a major breakthrough.

You have to persist in doing what you know to do and let the results speak for themselves, or until reality gives you an unmistakable message to pivot or modify for a better result.


To prepare to do the NAP Ritual, get into 1 of 2 positions: either sitting in a chair, or lying down in a darkened room.

When sitting, either put hands up on the thighs or palms down on the knees, with arms and legs/feet uncrossed. When lying down, laying on your back with hands by your sides and legs uncrossed.

Geoff describes shining a light onto your script so you can read it. We live in an age of smartphones. If you can, email your script back to yourself and just read it off your smartphone, either by sitting and holding it in your lap, or by lying down and holding it where you can view it in a dark room.

Alternately, you can record the script and play it back, repeating what you hear. Here’s how you do this to go into trance: read a phrase as you exhale, then repeat it in your head as you inhale. For example, (out loud as you exhale) ‘Relax…let go…relax…let go…’ (hold your breath for a moment) (in your head as you inhale) ‘Relax…let go…relax…let go…’ (hold your breath for a moment). Repeat this box breathing pattern with each phrase, saying it out loud as you exhale, and in your head as you inhale.

The NAP Ritual
The NAP Ritual is 5 minute hypnotic induction into hypnotic aphasia, followed by a 10 minute silent deepener. After the induction, you call Arzel in as a spirit helper. You then turn to chapter 2 and read a command to angels and other spirits. Geoff explains this on pp43-44.

Based on how i see it now, and also based on different people who have had problems working NAP in the past, i now see 4 ways to do the NAP Ritual, which i’ll explain below. They are:

  • To train maintaining aphasia, without any other spirit conjurations - a fundamental component of doing NAP;

  • To call and connect to Arzel as a spirit helper. The Stele of Jeu has a similar request to this, which is repeated in Section H of Aleister Crowley’s Liber Samekh: ‘Come Thou forth (Arzel) and follow Me, and make all Spirits subject unto Me: so that every spirit of the Firmament and of the Ethyr: upon the Earth, and under the Earth: on dry Land or in the Water: of whirling Air and of rushing Fire: and every spell and scourge of God may be obedient unto me.’

  • To command Arzel to do things for you directly, without any other spirit conjurations - an oft-overlooked way of working with the watchtowers;

  • To call Arzel along with Iaoth, Petahyah, and Opiel as your core Spirit Helper Team for accomplishing any general request you have.

These 4 variations of the NAP Ritual are outlined below:

1 - This version of the NAP Ritual helps you achieve consistency in your aphasic induction.

Read from ‘I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual’ to ‘let go…let go…let go.’ Then say ‘I now close my eyes gently.’

Close your eyes and then sit or lay there for 10 minutes, breathing rhythmically. It can help if you have a metronome and set it to beat steadily, box breathing every time you hear a click. Do this even breathing for the full 10 minutes, and relax into the breathwork.

Read the Emergence script on p67, from ‘Coming back…’ to ‘everything that has gone on.’ Count from 1 to 5 (or 5 to 1 if you prefer), open your eyes, and your Ritual is done.

If you have trouble holding the aphasia state, do just this for a week or so to get used to breathing steadily and holding the state. The way you get into and stay in aphasic state is through slow, rhythmic breathing over long periods of time. The metronome is very useful in making sure you keep your breathing slow and steady, which gets you used to the focused breathing. Do this just before bed at night and again upon waking up in the morning for best results.

2 - This version of NAP Ritual helps strengthen your connection to Arzel as one of your spirit helpers.

Read from ‘I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual’ to ‘let go…let go…let go.’

Give your command to Arzel: ‘I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all my ventures.’

Repeat this command a certain number of times. Some say three times, but repeating the command for any prime number of times (3 times, 5 times, 7 times, 11 times, 13 times, 17 times, etc) can be useful.

Sit or lay quietly for 10 minutes and think about some of the things you want to accomplish, breathing rhythmically the whole time.

Read the Emergence script on p67, from ‘Coming back…’ to ‘everything that has gone on.’ Count from 1 to 5 (or 5 to 1 if you prefer), open your eyes, and your Ritual is done.

3 - By working this way you ask Arzel itself to do work on your behalf. Watchtower spirits can be very helpful but many people overlook calling them, missing out on the benefit of doing so…

Read from ‘I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual’ to ‘let go…let go…let go.’

Give your command to Arzel: ‘I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all my ventures.’ Repeat this command a certain number of times, as described above.

Then ask Arzel for help in accomplishing ONE thing you want.

Sit or lay quietly for 10 minutes and think about the ONE thing you want to accomplish through Arzel, breathing rhythmically the whole time.

Read the Emergence script on p67, from ‘Coming back…’ to ‘everything that has gone on.’ Count from 1 to 5 (or 5 to 1 if you prefer), open your eyes, and your Ritual is done.

4 - This variation combines asking Arzel, Iaoth, Petahyah, and Opiel to work on your behalf, in the name of Vinoch Otision. Don’t ask me what Vinoch Otision means; i don’t know either.

Read from ‘I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual’ to ‘let go…let go…let go.’

Give your command to Arzel: ‘I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all my ventures.’ Then turn to p65 (the General Purpose Invocation). Say ‘In the powers vested in Thee, Iaoth…’ to ‘to bear on my affairs.’ Repeat the Arzel command and General Purpose Invocation a number of times as described before

Then say ‘My desire is…’ and state what you wish to happen, asking for ONE thing for each NAP ritual.

Close your eyes for 10 minutes and think about the one thing you want to manifest or accomplish, breathing rhythmically the whole time.

Read the Emergence script on p67, from ‘Coming back…’ to ‘everything that has gone on.’ Count from 1 to 5 (or 5 to 1 if you prefer), open your eyes, and your Ritual is done.

These 4 variations of the basic NAP Ritual do deviate a bit from his original instructions, but not by much, and these deviations extend his work in a way that doesn’t negate it.


Chapter 2 NAP Rituals
The NAP Rituals in chapter 2 follow the last NAP Ritual above, calliing Arzel to command the other spirits, then calling the ones in the commands to do what you want them to.

The format as given in NAP:

Read the NAP Ritual on p42 from ‘I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual’ to ‘let go…let go…let go.’

Give your command to Arzel: ‘I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all my ventures.’ Then turn to the page in chapter 2 with your invocation, chant, or incantation and read it. In most of these chants, the Godnames are in the last paragraph. Read up to the end of the paragraph BEFORE the Godnames for whatever command you want.

Repeat the Arzel command and chapter 2 command paragraph a number of times as described before: either 3 times, 5 times, 7 times, or any prime number of times.

Then say what you want to happen, asking for ONE thing for each NAP ritual.

Read the ending paragraphs with the Godname, right through to the end of the command. Repeat this a number of times, with real assurance, and MEAN IT.

Close your eyes for 10 minutes and think about the one thing you want to manifest or accomplish, breathing rhythmically the whole time.

Finally, read the Emergence script on p67, from ‘Coming back…’ to ‘everything that has gone on.’ Count from 1 to 5 (or 5 to 1 if you prefer), open your eyes, and your Ritual is done.

Repeat this every morning daily UNTIL. Write any signs you get from the Universe in your Book Of Shadows as they come to you.

There may be days or weeks where nothing happens. Pay no attention to that and don’t go looking for feedback or reassurance. Just keep doing the Ritual UNTIL you get what you want, or an obvious signal from the Universe to pivot. Then make the changes and keep going in THAT direction UNTIL you get what you want.

Rinse wash repeat and don’t quit.

This is how you do the NAP ritual as given in the original manual, based on my current level of understanding and experience.

There are other ways of course to do this, but i’m writing it this way for those who came here to read my posts. I’m not the final authority on this technique, i’m a student just like you, but if you ask me i’m giving you the best answers i can.

If you’d rather work directly with VcToria and learn the technique her dad taught her, i feel like that’s the best thing you can do. Whatever works and gets a solid result, stick with that.


NAP for your Magic Mentor
This Ritual is Geoff’s waking hypnosis version of Gerald Kein’s Ultra Height hypnosis technique.

Ultra Height is done in trance; waking hypnosis is not. The difference between trance and waking hypnosis is that a mind in trance obeys posthypnotic suggestions after emergence, while a mind in waking hypnosis only obeys suggestions given then and there until it emerges. Otherwise they both exhibit the same phenomena. Waking hypnosis is also known as Downtime in NLP, or a Reticular Activating System Bypass in social hacking.

In this ritual you channel your Higher Self for answers through an impression of your astral mind. You both send and receive messages, either verballly through the Wernicke’s Area of your brain (which controls your tongue), or internally through the Broca’s Area (which controls the voice inside your head). You hear these verbal messages with your ear, or your inferior colliculi (the part of your 3rd eye that hears psychic and intuitive impressions).

Start by looking in your Cosmic Chart for something you want to work on, or by thinking about a question you have.

Write one question about the issue on paper.

Prepare the session by sitting in a darkened room: on a chair facing the empty chair you normally use to do seated NAP Rituals. (NAP Rituals in that chair create a thoughtform impression of you in the astral that remains in that chair. Your Magic Mentor will be sitting in that chair, and the astral impression of your Mentor’s mind will be floating above that chair).

Read the NAP Ritual on p44 from ‘I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual’ to ‘I now close my eyes gently.’

Close your eyes and sit there for about 2 minutes. If your mind wanders, let it. This is a form of a consciousness shift.

Open your eyes and skry the invisible mind above the chair where your magic mentor is sitting.

Greet your mentor by doing the Kabbalist Cross: ‘Ateh Malkuth, ve-Geburah ve-Gedulah, le-Olam, Amen. In the name that is above every other name, i banish all seeds of evil from this place. I bind them as with chains and cast them into the outer darkness where they shall no longer trouble the seekers of truth.’

Give yourself the hypnotic command: ‘In a moment i will vibrate Om 3 times. When i finish vibrating Om for the 3rd time, i will ask my magic mentor to appear. After i vibrate Om, I will invite my magic mentor in. Then i will banish all evil forces with the Kabbalist Cross. Finally i will speak to my magic mentor. Having done these 6 things, my magic mentor will speak clearly through me and answer my question. So mote it be.’

(This command structure creates a nested a nested conditional statement (IF/THEN) with 6 conditions (6 x IF) as an input, and one result (THEN) as an output. As long as teh 6 conditions are met, your mind can be sure the output will also happen. In Pavlovian hypnosis this command structure is classical conditioning, and the use of Om to bring about the mind shift is called a linguistic bridge).

Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly.

Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be.’

Do the Kabbalist Cross again.

Continue looking at the invisible mind above the chair your magic mentor is seated in. Notice the thoughts that pop into your head. In NLP, this technique is called Uptime Calibration. Don’t take your eyes off that point for any reason; you want to pay attention to every impression that comes back to you from that area.

Then start a dialogue in your head to connect to your Mentor’s mind. When you speak, imagine your tongue or brain vibrating When your Mentor speaks, imagine the invisible mind above the chair is vibrating. That way you know who’s who.

In this dialogue, greet your magic mentor and answer back with their generic response. ‘Hi, Mentor. And you say hi (your name), what can i do for you?’ Imagining the different speaker’s vibrations with each word.

Then ask your question in detail. When it’s their turn to speak, imagine your Mentor’s mind vibrating and start with ‘My advice to you is…’

1 - Listen carefully and wait for your magic mentor to answer your question. Then repeat whatever impression you get, either on your tongue or in your head.

2 - A more profound option is to do Automatic Speaking for longer answers. In automatic speaking, you channel your Mentor’s vibrating mind message by talking or thinking in a nonstop deluge, answering your own question without repeating your ideas. Not like you’re speaking for yourself, more like you’re repeating what your magic mentor is telling you.

At first little it may be your conscious mind speaking; so focus your eyes on the invisible mind over the chair and imagine it vibrating as you speak. Aim to repeat what IT is saying not what YOU’RE thinking. In time, your Mentor will speak.

Ymmv but my Mentor is extremely abrupt and dead accurate. His answers are short to the point of being rude; let’s just say you’d be very offended if my Mentor spoke to you. He cuts to the chase, leaving no room for confusion. His answers don’t need ANY explanation. I often get one-word answers that speak volumes, or short sentences that tell all. I wouldn’t say my Mentor is pessimistic, rather that he’s not here for none of that bullshit. The attitude is more, what do you want? Ok, here. Get lost. He’s not warm and fuzzy AT ALL. But again, ymmv.

When i did the magic mentor ritual for the first time in 2010 using Geoff’s listening technique, i got a very short answer; it was only 5 words but it summed the situation up perfectly. One of those words wasn’t English; it was in an old German dialect from the 1200s. I have no German ancestry and have not heard that word from anyone else, either before or since.

When i first did this NAP in 2016 using Win’s Windtunnelling technique, i felt a very strong urge to stop thinking and speaking, but i forced through it and kept talking. When i did this, i noticed that what my tongue was saying was completely different than what i was thinking in my mind. At times my tongue was answering what my mind was saying, at other times my mind wanted to say one thing but my tongue said something completely different. But what my tongue was saying was very accurate, and it was info i had no other way of knowing. When i later looked for proof everything turned out to be true.

So both variations work. The main difference is that Automatic Speaking/Windtunnelling is harder to do but the answers are longer, with more detail.

After you receive your answer, thank your Mentor and affirm that you’ll do what they say.

Read the Emergence script on p67, from ‘Coming back…’ to ‘everything that has gone on.’ Count from 1 to 5 (or 5 to 1 if you prefer) and open your eyes. Your Ritual is done.

Write what your Mentor told you in your Book Of Shadows.

If your Mentor tells you to do something, DO IT without hesitation, or as soon as possible.

The Magic Mentor Ritual has 2 variations, on p87 and another one on p88. I’ve written out the first of these. The second requires an old school calendar, which most people don’t use anymore. If you want to use it, figure out how to do so by reading Geoff’s instructions and then following through. I’ve given enough examples here for you to reverse-engineer the technique yourself.

Anyway, here’s the

Magic Mentor Prediction (the blank screen method)
A variation of Geoff’s technique on p87.

Set up a chair opposite your Mentor’s empty chair in a darkened room. Put a computer or tv screen between you and the chair, with the screen facing your mentor.

Sit in your chair.

Read the NAP Ritual on p44 from ‘I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual’ to ‘I now close my eyes gently.’

Close your eyes and sit there for about 2 minutes. If your mind wanders, let it. This is a form of a consciousness shift.

Open your eyes and skry the invisible mind above the chair where your magic mentor is sitting. In this ritual, your Mentor is watching the future on the screen.

Give yourself the hypnotic command: ‘In a moment i will vibrate Om 3 times. When i finish vibrating Om for the 3rd time, i will ask my magic mentor to appear. After i vibrate Om, I will invite my magic mentor in. Then i will banish all evil forces with the Kabbalist Cross. Finally i will speak to my magic mentor. Having done these 6 things, my magic mentor will speak clearly through me and answer my question. So mote it be.’

Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly.

Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be.’

Continue looking at the invisible head above the chair.

Greet your magic mentor and answer back with their generic response. Imagine your tongue or mind vibrating as you say ‘Hi, Mentor.’ Imagine your Mentor’s mind vibrating as you answer ‘Hi (your name), what can i do for you?’ Tell your Mentor ‘I’d like to know the future regarding (event or experience), please. What do you see coming up on the screen?’

Imagine your Mentor’s mind vibrating as you say ‘I change the channel to (event or experience). I’m on the right channel now. And i see…,’

Then let your mind focus on your Mentor’s vibrating mind as you do Automatic Speaking. Windtunnel the answer for as long as you need to - in Windtunnelling proper, this can be as much as 10-12 minutes of uninterrupted speaking.

If the answers aren’t on topic, ask your Mentor to change the channel to the right event or experience. Then imagine their mind vibrating as you say or think ‘I changed the channel. I’m on the right channel now. I see…,’ and continue to Windtunnel.

Eventually you get the answers you’re looking for. They’ll be short and accurate, or detailed but still accurate.

After you receive your answer, thank your Mentor and affirm that you’ll do what they say.

Read the Emergence script on p67, from ‘Coming back…’ to ‘everything that has gone on.’ Count from 1 to 5 (or 5 to 1 if you prefer) and open your eyes. Your Ritual is done.

Write what your Mentor told you in your Book Of Shadows.

If your Mentor tells you to do something, DO IT without hesitation, or as soon as possible.


NAP Pendulum
Your root brain is connected to your nervous system, which forms multiple brain extensions in your body, with the ganglion chains and ganglia connected to various nervous plexi in your torso and legs. Each ganglion is a miniature brain, which thinks. For this reason, you don’t just have one brain; you have a body system with many mini-brains throughout you, all working in tandem. So your entire body thinks as one, and these thoughts are completely separate from the ones in your brain, and of a different quality.

The issue is that your body’s language is different than your brain’s language. Your conscious ind speaks in symbols while your subconscious speaks by retrieving memories. Your body speaks electrical binary code, using electrical signals in a network of on/off switches to trigger your musculature to move.

When the body speaks to you in this way, it’s known in hypnosis as an IMR (ideomotor response signal). It’s not just a series of random twitches; it’s your nervous system speaking to you.

This body-based communication can be hard to make sense of because it just feels like a series of distracting discomforts. Pendulums are a way to make understandable sense of this body-based language.

To do the pendulum work, you have to buy or make a pendulum to do this working. Look online for instructions on how to make your own pendulum. Geoff also gave instructions on how to make one on pp117-118.

Sit in your NAP chair at a table, with your pendulum on the table.

Read from ‘I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual’ to ‘let go…let go…let go.’ Give your command to Arzel: ‘I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all my ventures.’

Say ‘I now close my eyes gently.’ Close them and sit for 2 minutes. Then stand slowly and make the Golden Dawn Portal Grade sign of the Rending Of The Veil, saying ‘I open the veil.’ Sit down again for a minute or 2.

Open your eyes and take up the pendulum. Stop it from swinging.

Ask your pendulum a question that you know has a Yes answer, and watch how it swings. From now on, when the pendulum swings that way, the answer is Yes. Say ‘Thank you’ and stop the pendulum from swinging.

Ask your pendulum a question that you know has a No answer, and watch how it swings. From now on, when the pendulum swings that way, the answer is No. Say ‘Thank you’ and stop the pendulum from swinging.

Ask your pendulum a question that you know has an answer that’s neither Yes or No, and watch how it swings. From now on, when the pendulum swings that way, your question isn’t precise and you have to ask it in a different way. Say ‘Thank you’ and stop the pendulum from swinging.

For now, you’re done. Put the pendulum down, sit back with your eyes closed and relax for a minute. Then stand slowly and make the Golden Dawn Portal Grade sign of the Closing Of The Veil, saying ‘I close the veil.’ Sit down again for a minute or 2.

Read the Emergence script on p67, from ‘Coming back…’ to ‘everything that has gone on.’ Count from 1 to 5 (or 5 to 1 if you prefer), open your eyes, and your Ritual is done.

To use the pendulum for Yes/No answers, repeat the above, but ask questions where you don’t know if the answer is Yes or No, and pay attention to how the pendulum swings. That is your answer. Say ‘thank you’ after every answer you get and stop the pendulum from swinging.

Geoff also describes the method for spelling out words using the pendulum, on pp123-125. Here’s an old picture from 2010 of how i used my own spelling chart, which is a bit different than Geoff’s chart.


You can extend this method out beyond letters to choosing between different objects. For example, i began by choosing between playing cards when i first trained my pendulum.


Do NOT try to influence the answer either way, and don’t catch feelings for whatever answer you get. Remain objective to avoid your conscious mind interfering with the questioning. Remember, NAP works in pre-aphasic states, so your conscious mind is still able to interfere with your communication and give you misleading answers.

With that said, validate your answers after the ritual to see how accurate they are, and measure your stats over time to track the veracity of your insight. This keeps you honest about your subconscious mind’s accuracy and reliability.

Between your Magic Mentor (subconscious) and your pendulum (root mind controlling your autonomic nervous system), NAP gives you two ways of directly communicating with your mind/body, with the pendulum method given in chapter 6.


NAP Psychic Tests
Magick is a controversial field. You open yourself up to all types of censure and ridicule when you display an interest in doing this stuff.

Eventually you’ll have to show and prove. When that day comes, delusions of grandeur will not protect you from reality. You have to walk your talk. Reality will show you exactly who you are, and who you are not.

To prepare for that moment of truth, you have to remove your ego and test your skills.

Geoff recognized this and put valid psychic tests in chapter 5 of his grimoire to aid in your preparation. These NAP Tests are similar to psychic tests created by the Society for Paranormal Research, JB Rhine, and other scientific paranormal investigators, which you can find if you Google them.

NAP Tests connect your conscious mind to your Magic Mentor (which is actually your High Self). You can also do these tests using your pendulum and its Ideomotor Response as i wrote above, but that method is much slower than just asking your Mentor and getting an immediate answer.

I believe you can reverse engineer these tests to command Arzel (indeed, any Airy spirit or elemental) to give you answers instead of your own mind, if you prefer.

I also believe you can do these tests by calling on Iaoth, Petahyah, and Opiel in the General Invocation.

Finally, i believe you can do these tests by calling and invoking accurate and truthful Mercurial spirits. (Note: not all Mercurial spirits are accurate or truthful; some are tricksters, others are compulsive liars, and some are crazy-makers. Choose wisely). If you go this route, i recommend the angels of Mercury in Gemini or Virgo for discovering facts, and the angels of Mercury in Pisces or Scorpio for understanding and reading feelings. The Greater Key of Solomon also has the 4th Pentacle of Mercury and 5th Pentacle of the Moon for doing this type of work, uncovering both hidden facts (Mercury) and feelings (Moon).

So you have options in how you set up to do these tests; you can connect to your own High Self, or evoke or invoke helper elementals and planetary spirits, among other techniques. Geoff doesn’t say this but it’s obvious when you read between the lines. It’s up to you.

Anyway, the 15 tests Geoff gave are the:

  • Mailbox test
  • Letter content test
  • Phone call test
  • Playlist tune test
  • Headline test
  • Playing card test
  • Next car test
  • Today’s caller test
  • Mail delivery test
  • Elevator arrival test
  • Next tune test (similar to the Playlist tune test)
  • What did __ do last night?
  • What is __ feeling?
  • What color am i thinking of?
  • What will __ say next?

Some of chapter 5’s instructions are unclear. I’ve gone through it to add the missing parts and simplify the method a bit.

I added 3 parts to each test, based on hypnotic techniques i’ve learned over the years, to cover:
1 - Timing: for rituals are done in the morning, at night, or at any other time
2 - The Ritual: including post-hypnotic suggestions for most of the tests; and
3 - Followups: to be done outside during the day.

I intend for you to include these 3 additions to the NAP Test Ritual instructions, which follow:

(1 - Check each of the 15 tests below to see what to add here.)

Read The NAP Ritual on p42 from ‘I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual’ to ‘let go…let go…let go.’ Give your command to Arzel: ‘I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all my ventures. Come Thou forth (Arzel) and follow Me. Answer my requestions, fulfill my commands, and when i require it, make all Spirits subject unto Me.’

Say ‘I now close my eyes gently.’ Close them and sit for 2 minutes. Then stand slowly and make the Golden Dawn Portal Grade sign of the Rending Of The Veil, saying ‘I open the veil.’ Sit down again for a minute or two.

(2 - Check each of the 15 tests below to see what to add here.)
Sit back with your eyes closed and relax for a minute. Then stand slowly and make the Golden Dawn Portal Grade sign of the Closing Of The Veil, saying ‘I close the veil.’ Sit down again for a minute or two.

Read the Emergence script on p67, from ‘Coming back…’ to ‘everything that has gone on.’ Count from 1 to 5 (or 5 to 1 if you prefer), open your eyes, and your Ritual is done.

(3 - Check each of the 15 tests below to see what to add here.)

That gives the overall Test in its entirety, without the additions below.

The additions i wrote are below, with numbers to let you know where in the NAP Ritual to put each one.

Mailbox test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me exactly how many letters are in my mailbox just before i open it.’
3 - When you check your mail that day, ask yourself ‘How many letters are inside?’ Wait for an answer. Then open the box and see if you were accurate. Write the results later in your Book of Shadows.

Letter content test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, whenever i take a letter from my mailbox, tell me right then and there what the main emotion of the letter is, and what the letter is about.’
3 - For each letter you take out of your mailbox, say ‘This letter’s main emotional tone is…’ and wait for an answer. Then say ‘And the writer has written to me about…’ and wait again for the answer. Then open and read to see if your impression was accurate. Write the results later in your Book of Shadows.

Phonecall test
1 - In the morning, lay down in a darkened room with your smartphone in your hands.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me the name of the person calling me exactly 3 seconds before this phone rings.’
3 - When a name pops into your head and your phone rings 3 seconds later, pick up and say the name you heard. If the person asks ‘How did you know it was me?’ you were accurate. (This obviously doesn’t count for people in your caller ID). Write your stats later in your Book of Shadows.

Playlist tune test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me exactly what song is playing on my song playlist when the volume is off. When i turn the playlist on, i immediately hear the song you named.’
3 - Ask your self ‘what song is on now?’ whenever you tune into any playlist online or on the car radio. Wait for the answer, then turn it on and see if your impression is accurate. Write your stats in your Book of Shadows.

Headline test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me beforehand what the headline is on any newspaper or magazine i want to read. When i read the headline, it will say exactly what you told me word for word.’
3 - Just before you pick up a newspaper or magazine that day, say ‘The headline reads…’ and wait for an answer. Then read it and see if you were accurate. Write your stats in your Book of Shadows.

Playing card test
I personally think this is the most statistically useful of the 15 tests. Playing card tests can be varied to show different statistical odds:

  • 1 in 2 for red or black;
  • 1 in 2 + 1 in 27 for red, black, or joker;
  • 1 in 4, or 1 in 4 + 2 in 54 for suits, without and with jokers;
  • 13 in 54 for court or numbered cards;
  • 1 in 27 for jokers; or
  • 1 in 54 for any individual card.

This lets you alter your odds from easy to hard as you play the game different ways.

To do this test with the NAP Ritual,
1 - Sit (at any time day or night) with your chair facing a desktop with a deck of cards on it. For this test the room doesn’t have to be dark.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me beforehand exactly what (color, type, suit, number or letter) is on the card i draw before i turn it over. When i see the card’s face, it should read exactly what you tell me it reads. In this way i sharpen my precognition.’

Then open your eyes. Take the deck and shuffle it a minimum of 11 times. 11 shuffles is the tipping point for randomizing card sets. Or you can use an online card program like the playing card generator at on a laptop or smartphone to draw cards. Pseudorandom number generators are harder to manipulate than physical cards, giving more accurate and honest results.

Two ways to do card testing:

  • Say ‘The next card will be…’ and listen for your Mentor( or other spirit)'s answer, depending on your test: red or black, regular card or joker, any of the 4 suits, any of the court or numbered cards, or any individual card’s number/letter and suit. Then turn the card over and see if you got it right.
  • Play any card game with your Mentor or spirits. In this example i use Klondike Solitaire. Lay out the cards face up and then face down. When you touch a face-down card during the game, ask ‘What number or letter and suit is this card?’ and wait for the answer. Then turn it over to see if your impression is accurate and put the upturned card back into the layout. Your odds of guessing correctly increase with each card:
    1 in 21 (4.762%)
    1 in 20 (5%)
    1 in 19 (5.263%)
    1 in 18 (5.556%)
    1 in 17 (5.882%)
    1 in 16 (6.25%)
    1 in 15 (6.667%)
    1 in 14 (7.143%)
    1 in 13 (7.692%)
    1 in 12 (8.333%)
    1 in 11 (9.091%)
    1 in 10 (10%)
    1 in 9 (11.111%)
    1 in 8 (12.5%)
    1 in 7 (14.286%)
    1 in 6 (16.667%)
    1 in 5 (20%)
    1 in 4 (25%)
    1 in 3 (33.333%)
    1 in 2 (50%)
    1 in 1 (≤ 100% if you pay close attention).

3 - After the game, write how many cards you guessed accurately in your Book of Shadows.

Next car test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me what car i’ll see next whenever i open my eyes at a stoplight.’
3 - At a stoplight or red light, close your eyes, exhale, and say ‘The next car i see will be the color:…’ Wait for an answer, then open your eyes and look for a car. Write your guess and the actual color later in your Book of Shadows.

Today’s caller test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. Within the next 10 minutes, tell me the names of everyone who will call me today.’
3 - Write a list of names that come to mind in your Book of Shadows. During the day, note who calls and who doesn’t. At the end of the day, check off who called on your list, and add in brackets who called that’s not on it.

Mail delivery test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room before bed at night.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me exactly when mail has been put in my mailbox the moment it is placed there. Also, tell me exactly how many letters are there waiting for me.’
3 - Drift off to sleep. The next day, wait until you receive an impression that you have received mail. Ask ‘How many letters are there?’ Check your mailbox when you can and check your accuracy. Write your stats in your Book of Shadows.

Elevator arrival test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, maximize my precognition. When i inquire on any upcoming event, tell me the result before it happens.’
3 - On any day you use an elevator, ask ‘Which elevator door will open first?’ Wait for an answer, then stand in front of that elevator (but off to the side to let passengers off). Notice how often the doors of your elevator open first. Write your stats in your Book of Shadows.

Next tune test (similar to the Playlist tune test)
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me beforehand what the next song is on my music playlists.’
3 - On any day you hear a playlist, close your eyes, exhale once, and say ‘The next song will be…’ and wait for an answer. Wait until the next song starts. Write your stats in your Book of Shadows.

What did __ do last night?
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning and just before bed at night.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, you will tell me all secrets and hidden information about any person, place, thing, or idea whenever i inquire.’
3 - Go to sleep. When you speak to anyone the next day, exhale and think to yourself ‘Last night this person…’ then wait for an answer or impression. They might tell you or you may receive the answer internally as words or a flash vision. Write your results later in your Book of Shadows.

What is __ feeling?
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning and just before bed at night.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on i read others’ thoughts and comprehend their moods. Immediately tell me others’ hidden thoughts and impressions when i ask about them.’
3 - When you speak to anyone, exhale. Imagine taking their skull off their head and putting it onto your own head like a helmet. Think to yourself ‘Right now this person is thinking/feeling…’ then wait for an impression. They themselves might tell you or you may hear the answer internally. Write your results later in your Book of Shadows.

What color am i thinking of?
This is the most useful of these tests after the playing card test. If you only do one test, do this.

1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning and again at night before bed.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on i master telepathy. Make others hear and immediately obey my silent mental commands. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be.’
3 - In a daily conversation with anyone you trust, change the subject to ‘are you a mind reader? Guess what color i’m thinking of.’ Then close your eyes, exhale, and say a color while you visualize it. See if they can guess and how long it takes them to get the right answer, then open your eyes. Write your results later in your Book of Shadows. (Note: if you see anyone in a dream, see if you can do it then, too)

What will __ say next?
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning and just before bed at night.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on i read other people’s minds. Their subconscious will reveal their thoughts to me whenever i ask. Make it so.’
3 - In a group conversation, gaze at one person’s 3rd eye (or into their left eye). Say ‘This one’s subconscious, speak to me.’ Then close your eyes and exhale, saying ‘The next thing you’ll say is…’ and wait. See if your impression was correct or accurate when they speak. Write your results later in your Book of Shadows. (Note: if you see people in a dream, try to do this then, too)

How do you measure your magickal odds and hit rate?
I use the Magickal Probability Calculator to give the odds of success before doing the magick. This formula is based on some formulas Peter Carroll put in Liber Kaos. It’s very helpful in figuring out beforehand why a ritual may or may not work.

The fastest way to increase the odds of success in any given experiment seems to me to use working states and to build stronger sympathetic or genetic sorcery links to the target. By working states i mean the altered states of profound somnambulism or hypnosleep in hypnosis; and magnetic coma (the Esdaile state) with shifting and bridges in animal magnetism and clairvoyance. Trance depersonalization and possessions in spiritism and necromancy allow for even deeper states, but that’s more advanced. With any of the working states, your Gnosis in Pete’s calculator is effectively 1.0 every time.

As far as hit rates, i’m still looking for a way to properly quantify skill.

The statistical Odds Ratio would be a solid foundation for doing this, but it requires other measurements. One day someone may offer these measurements up for properly rating magickal skill level, but for now here we are.

Whatever the case may be, it’s important to know what you’re truly capable of and to measure your real-world abilities rather than living on hope or hype.


The NAP grimoire was written half a century ago. There have been many discoveries since then that explain in more detail some of the ideas in the book.

An important part of opening to spirit is now known in the emergent fields of energy medicine, incorporating techniques such as ego state therapy and other modalities within transpersonal therapy.

There are a number of exercises in Donna Eden’s energy medicine book and courses. Donna’s exercises open your ability to move energy from the magnetic field and/or ley lines into your etheric body, aura, mind and heart fields. With this energy in your fields you can ingest it into your chakras and move it through your meridian channels and points. An important meridian in Eden’s work is the triple warmer, which works with resonant circuits. The movement of this energy in the body can be linked in a holistic way by working with the electrics and celtic weave. Donna’s system is a potent spirituality trainer i highly recommend.

Another similar set of exercises can be found in Samuel Sagan’s Awakening The Third Eye. Samuel’s exercises move from vibrating the larynx and 6th chakra through various meridian channel releases and forms of eye contact, including his Triple Visions). He also has a Night Technique that works very well in tandem with NAP. Doing Samuel’s Night Technique with NAP first thing in the morning is a powerful spiritual exercise that can also activate the mind in lucid dreaming and astral projections at night.

There are a number of other energy medicine or transpersonal therapy techniques you can use. Donna and Sam’s techniques are to my way of thinking the best for a beginner to start with. They get you up and running quickly. Prosperity is attracted to speed, so i personally think less of occultists who constantly tell you to wait. You may need to be patient to complete a process, but you should never wait to begin a training. Donna and Sam’s trainers get you started right away and they begin to work right away, which is a big plus for me. Again highly recommended.

And now, back to the NAP…


NAP for auric reading
Geoff gives a technique in NAP for seeing by the etheric light. His technique is good in and of itself, but it’s not complete.

A more complete exercise for doing this is in Samuel Sagan’s book Awakening The Third Eye, incorporating the exercises in sections 2.1, 5.3, and 5.13. The full explanation of how to see and read auras is explained in section 7.5 of that book (The basic technique for seeing an aura).

There are also exercises in chapter 7 and 8 (Exercise to see the human aura on p41; Perceiving the field on p54; and exercise to sense psychic spaces on p66) in Barbara Ann Brennan’s book Hands Of Light, which is a primer on auric reading and healing.

These guides give you a much more comprehensive take on feeling and reading auras than what you’ll find in NAP.

I was going to say a lot more about this, but there’s no need for me to do this. Everything you need to know is already in the above manuals.

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Great thread! :slight_smile: I added a self-modified version of NAP incantations to my daily practice 10 months ago now.

My question for you: have you gotten any results so far?

My basic personal approach to NAP is like this;

First, I call Arzel. I read Psalm 80:11 in English and Hebrew. I do a brief gnostic relaxation thinking in something positive, I don’t blank my mind. I read Psalm 80:11 again and I ask Arzel to “help me in all my ventures” and contact the angels.

Then, I do the rest of NAP incantions and others. I do Arbatel and some stuff from old grimoires.

I include Psalms in the calls, Sigils (if available) and visualization techniques in all incantations. Before I got into this, I already was using visualization techniques and they do work.

While doing an incantion, I watch an image or picture of my intention in my computer/cell phone screen. If I want wealth I just watch a picture of money and I own it.

I use power words that work for me. I took this from a suggestion of Mulberry from this forum. Instead of just saying “so mote it be”, I say “so mote it be now!” because it works for me. I throw that now! in the middle of some incantions.

I add sentences to the incantions. For instance, old frater calls angel Gadiel for just protection. However, Gadiel is one of the sources of the guardian angel concept, which by the way is a Zoroastrian concept. You can ask Gadiel for abundence and wealth too.

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There are so many ways to work with NAP, it’s a versatile system.

Yes i have, quite a few actually. The thing is, the results i was getting were inconsistent ofr a long time. So i began experimenting with the system to see if i could tweak it for better/faster results. I’ve learned a lot in doing so.

My quantum leap was reading Liber O with Liber 777 as a workable system in and of itself, and exploring Scott Stenwick’s Operant Fields in 2018. Both helped me understand the underlying Rosicrucian structures in NAP’s Titanic Rite, which is largely based on Israel Regardie’s teachings. Those frameworks helped make sense of obscurities that used to confuse me.

The most unusual result i’ve gotten from working NAP was that both Bob Proctor and Geoff’s daughter VcToria reached out to me and followed me on social media. Turns out Bob was a lifelong NAP practitioner who used the system to become an internationally revered business icon. There’s no upper limit on how far you can take this grimoire when you work it with real intention.

I now believe drawing up your full birthchart is the missing key to doing NAP properly. Geoff wrote a little bit about this int he last part of the last chapter of his book, but it’s so important i feel he should have put that information in chapter 1 or 2.

I will definitely keep that in mind when i call Gadiel in the future. Gadiel means Fortune of El, so it makes perfect sense to me he would rule wealth.

I have a strong feeling Gadiel and Gabiel from the Picatrix may be related to each other. Gabiel rules lambda Orionis (Meissa), making Meissa the ‘head’ of Orion the hunter, a constellation full of the luckiest stars in the night sky.

Like Gadiel, Meissa is also the 5th house. Gabiel (Meissa) is the 5th lunar mansion when you count from beta Arietis (Sheratan). Gadiel is the angel of the 5th house, so i personally feel Gadiel and Gabiel are somehow related. They may be the same angel hidden through a historical typo, but i have no evidence of that so it’s speculation at this point.

Gabiel (Meissa) is Moses’ head on fig.104 in the 6th & 7th Books of Moses…

…which makes me suspect that Gabiel as the spirit of Meissa may be the Headless One in the Stele of Jehu or its Thelemic equivalent, Liber Samekh.

The Bornless One is invoked as Invocation To Strengthen The Fountain Of Your NAP on p142 of the old manual, so it’s an important part of the working. Recognizing Gabiel and its star Meissa as the spirit called to do this makes the NAP system a lot more understandable

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The moment I knew NAP incantations were working was when I got an unusual result.

I’m a bad medium and a very bad seer too. Kadriel seems to be amplifiying my clairvoyance skills. I saw myself in a dream reading an important business email 4 days before I actually receive that email. The real email said word by word what I saw in my dream, which is totally impossible. I’ve been foreseeing my life since I was born but not with this level of accuracy and clarity.

I also got a major score working with Arzel + Iaoth, Petahyah, and Opiel but in this case I was hitting with everything I had, not only NAP. I wonder if Opiel = Ophiel.

What did Bob Proctor say about his methodology?

My first aha moment was when my Magical Mentor gave me advice about a person i knew. He summed her entire personality up in 5 words that still hold today, 15 years later. The kicker is that one of those 5 words was in Middle High German from the 9th - 12th centuries AD. I had never heard that word before. When i looked it up and translated it, it fit perfectly.

I have the 5th Pentacle of Jupiter, 5th or 6th Pentacles of the Sun, and 4th Pentacle of Mercury set aside to do clairvoyant work within NAP, but have yet to do the work due to ritual backlog. I’m currently backed up on rituals

Opiel and Ophiel are the same to me. Geoff had a habit of deliberately misspelling Godnames and angel names. Typos (aka smearing) are a magickal technique some use to gain better contact, like drawing sloppy sigils - those things are said to be more potent for work.

That makes life a lot more difficult when you want to cross-reference things for the sake of accuracy or referencing, or draw sigils correctly. Doing the research often resembles a cleanup job to fix these often deliberate errors.

When i asked him about his use of NAP, he was frankly quite cagey. However, you’ll see an old copy of NAP on the bookshelf in his videos along with a bunch of other Parker tomes. Bob absolutely loved those Parker books from the 70s and often bragged about spending hours every day just re-reading them and doing the exercises in them. He definitely walked his talk when it came to NAP and it showed in the results he got in his own life.


Hi, thanks for summarizing this and adding your thoughts, very helpful!

I’m working with the Playing Card Test currently. Do you have any experience or insights for this specifically?

When i began using the playing card test, i did everything i could to increase my card accuracy.

I eventually came up with the idea of using the Magickal Helper as an aid to increasing accuracy. My results were mixed but i had some interesting insights from doing that, so it may be something to consider.

My accuracy with card draws went from 55.9% up to as high as 65% using a pendulum, but never exceeded 2 out of 3 on average, so i’m still looking for the way forward on that

I also noticed that accuracy goes down after around 15 to 20 minutes of reading. Whether that’s due to fatigue or other forces, idk but i found accuracy is usually the highest when you start and then gets progressively worse.

I haven’t tried reading cards in hypnotic or magnetic trances or by channelling yet. Perhaps that yields better results, again something to consider.

Understood, thanks for explaining. I’ve seen something similar with my own accuracy, so I’ll keep that in mind as well.

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