NAP Psychic Tests
Magick is a controversial field. You open yourself up to all types of censure and ridicule when you display an interest in doing this stuff.
Eventually you’ll have to show and prove. When that day comes, delusions of grandeur will not protect you from reality. You have to walk your talk. Reality will show you exactly who you are, and who you are not.
To prepare for that moment of truth, you have to remove your ego and test your skills.
Geoff recognized this and put valid psychic tests in chapter 5 of his grimoire to aid in your preparation. These NAP Tests are similar to psychic tests created by the Society for Paranormal Research, JB Rhine, and other scientific paranormal investigators, which you can find if you Google them.
NAP Tests connect your conscious mind to your Magic Mentor (which is actually your High Self). You can also do these tests using your pendulum and its Ideomotor Response as i wrote above, but that method is much slower than just asking your Mentor and getting an immediate answer.
I believe you can reverse engineer these tests to command Arzel (indeed, any Airy spirit or elemental) to give you answers instead of your own mind, if you prefer.
I also believe you can do these tests by calling on Iaoth, Petahyah, and Opiel in the General Invocation.
Finally, i believe you can do these tests by calling and invoking accurate and truthful Mercurial spirits. (Note: not all Mercurial spirits are accurate or truthful; some are tricksters, others are compulsive liars, and some are crazy-makers. Choose wisely). If you go this route, i recommend the angels of Mercury in Gemini or Virgo for discovering facts, and the angels of Mercury in Pisces or Scorpio for understanding and reading feelings. The Greater Key of Solomon also has the 4th Pentacle of Mercury and 5th Pentacle of the Moon for doing this type of work, uncovering both hidden facts (Mercury) and feelings (Moon).
So you have options in how you set up to do these tests; you can connect to your own High Self, or evoke or invoke helper elementals and planetary spirits, among other techniques. Geoff doesn’t say this but it’s obvious when you read between the lines. It’s up to you.
Anyway, the 15 tests Geoff gave are the:
- Mailbox test
- Letter content test
- Phone call test
- Playlist tune test
- Headline test
- Playing card test
- Next car test
- Today’s caller test
- Mail delivery test
- Elevator arrival test
- Next tune test (similar to the Playlist tune test)
- What did __ do last night?
- What is __ feeling?
- What color am i thinking of?
- What will __ say next?
Some of chapter 5’s instructions are unclear. I’ve gone through it to add the missing parts and simplify the method a bit.
I added 3 parts to each test, based on hypnotic techniques i’ve learned over the years, to cover:
1 - Timing: for rituals are done in the morning, at night, or at any other time
2 - The Ritual: including post-hypnotic suggestions for most of the tests; and
3 - Followups: to be done outside during the day.
I intend for you to include these 3 additions to the NAP Test Ritual instructions, which follow:
(1 - Check each of the 15 tests below to see what to add here.)
Read The NAP Ritual on p42 from ‘I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual’ to ‘let go…let go…let go.’ Give your command to Arzel: ‘I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all my ventures. Come Thou forth (Arzel) and follow Me. Answer my requestions, fulfill my commands, and when i require it, make all Spirits subject unto Me.’
Say ‘I now close my eyes gently.’ Close them and sit for 2 minutes. Then stand slowly and make the Golden Dawn Portal Grade sign of the Rending Of The Veil, saying ‘I open the veil.’ Sit down again for a minute or two.
(2 - Check each of the 15 tests below to see what to add here.)
Sit back with your eyes closed and relax for a minute. Then stand slowly and make the Golden Dawn Portal Grade sign of the Closing Of The Veil, saying ‘I close the veil.’ Sit down again for a minute or two.
Read the Emergence script on p67, from ‘Coming back…’ to ‘everything that has gone on.’ Count from 1 to 5 (or 5 to 1 if you prefer), open your eyes, and your Ritual is done.
(3 - Check each of the 15 tests below to see what to add here.)
That gives the overall Test in its entirety, without the additions below.
The additions i wrote are below, with numbers to let you know where in the NAP Ritual to put each one.
Mailbox test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me exactly how many letters are in my mailbox just before i open it.’
3 - When you check your mail that day, ask yourself ‘How many letters are inside?’ Wait for an answer. Then open the box and see if you were accurate. Write the results later in your Book of Shadows.
Letter content test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, whenever i take a letter from my mailbox, tell me right then and there what the main emotion of the letter is, and what the letter is about.’
3 - For each letter you take out of your mailbox, say ‘This letter’s main emotional tone is…’ and wait for an answer. Then say ‘And the writer has written to me about…’ and wait again for the answer. Then open and read to see if your impression was accurate. Write the results later in your Book of Shadows.
Phonecall test
1 - In the morning, lay down in a darkened room with your smartphone in your hands.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me the name of the person calling me exactly 3 seconds before this phone rings.’
3 - When a name pops into your head and your phone rings 3 seconds later, pick up and say the name you heard. If the person asks ‘How did you know it was me?’ you were accurate. (This obviously doesn’t count for people in your caller ID). Write your stats later in your Book of Shadows.
Playlist tune test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me exactly what song is playing on my song playlist when the volume is off. When i turn the playlist on, i immediately hear the song you named.’
3 - Ask your self ‘what song is on now?’ whenever you tune into any playlist online or on the car radio. Wait for the answer, then turn it on and see if your impression is accurate. Write your stats in your Book of Shadows.
Headline test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me beforehand what the headline is on any newspaper or magazine i want to read. When i read the headline, it will say exactly what you told me word for word.’
3 - Just before you pick up a newspaper or magazine that day, say ‘The headline reads…’ and wait for an answer. Then read it and see if you were accurate. Write your stats in your Book of Shadows.
Playing card test
I personally think this is the most statistically useful of the 15 tests. Playing card tests can be varied to show different statistical odds:
- 1 in 2 for red or black;
- 1 in 2 + 1 in 27 for red, black, or joker;
- 1 in 4, or 1 in 4 + 2 in 54 for suits, without and with jokers;
- 13 in 54 for court or numbered cards;
- 1 in 27 for jokers; or
- 1 in 54 for any individual card.
This lets you alter your odds from easy to hard as you play the game different ways.
To do this test with the NAP Ritual,
1 - Sit (at any time day or night) with your chair facing a desktop with a deck of cards on it. For this test the room doesn’t have to be dark.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me beforehand exactly what (color, type, suit, number or letter) is on the card i draw before i turn it over. When i see the card’s face, it should read exactly what you tell me it reads. In this way i sharpen my precognition.’
Then open your eyes. Take the deck and shuffle it a minimum of 11 times. 11 shuffles is the tipping point for randomizing card sets. Or you can use an online card program like the playing card generator at on a laptop or smartphone to draw cards. Pseudorandom number generators are harder to manipulate than physical cards, giving more accurate and honest results.
Two ways to do card testing:
- Say ‘The next card will be…’ and listen for your Mentor( or other spirit)'s answer, depending on your test: red or black, regular card or joker, any of the 4 suits, any of the court or numbered cards, or any individual card’s number/letter and suit. Then turn the card over and see if you got it right.
- Play any card game with your Mentor or spirits. In this example i use Klondike Solitaire. Lay out the cards face up and then face down. When you touch a face-down card during the game, ask ‘What number or letter and suit is this card?’ and wait for the answer. Then turn it over to see if your impression is accurate and put the upturned card back into the layout. Your odds of guessing correctly increase with each card:
1 in 21 (4.762%)
1 in 20 (5%)
1 in 19 (5.263%)
1 in 18 (5.556%)
1 in 17 (5.882%)
1 in 16 (6.25%)
1 in 15 (6.667%)
1 in 14 (7.143%)
1 in 13 (7.692%)
1 in 12 (8.333%)
1 in 11 (9.091%)
1 in 10 (10%)
1 in 9 (11.111%)
1 in 8 (12.5%)
1 in 7 (14.286%)
1 in 6 (16.667%)
1 in 5 (20%)
1 in 4 (25%)
1 in 3 (33.333%)
1 in 2 (50%)
1 in 1 (≤ 100% if you pay close attention).
3 - After the game, write how many cards you guessed accurately in your Book of Shadows.
Next car test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me what car i’ll see next whenever i open my eyes at a stoplight.’
3 - At a stoplight or red light, close your eyes, exhale, and say ‘The next car i see will be the color:…’ Wait for an answer, then open your eyes and look for a car. Write your guess and the actual color later in your Book of Shadows.
Today’s caller test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. Within the next 10 minutes, tell me the names of everyone who will call me today.’
3 - Write a list of names that come to mind in your Book of Shadows. During the day, note who calls and who doesn’t. At the end of the day, check off who called on your list, and add in brackets who called that’s not on it.
Mail delivery test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room before bed at night.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me exactly when mail has been put in my mailbox the moment it is placed there. Also, tell me exactly how many letters are there waiting for me.’
3 - Drift off to sleep. The next day, wait until you receive an impression that you have received mail. Ask ‘How many letters are there?’ Check your mailbox when you can and check your accuracy. Write your stats in your Book of Shadows.
Elevator arrival test
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, maximize my precognition. When i inquire on any upcoming event, tell me the result before it happens.’
3 - On any day you use an elevator, ask ‘Which elevator door will open first?’ Wait for an answer, then stand in front of that elevator (but off to the side to let passengers off). Notice how often the doors of your elevator open first. Write your stats in your Book of Shadows.
Next tune test (similar to the Playlist tune test)
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, tell me beforehand what the next song is on my music playlists.’
3 - On any day you hear a playlist, close your eyes, exhale once, and say ‘The next song will be…’ and wait for an answer. Wait until the next song starts. Write your stats in your Book of Shadows.
What did __ do last night?
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning and just before bed at night.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on, you will tell me all secrets and hidden information about any person, place, thing, or idea whenever i inquire.’
3 - Go to sleep. When you speak to anyone the next day, exhale and think to yourself ‘Last night this person…’ then wait for an answer or impression. They might tell you or you may receive the answer internally as words or a flash vision. Write your results later in your Book of Shadows.
What is __ feeling?
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning and just before bed at night.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on i read others’ thoughts and comprehend their moods. Immediately tell me others’ hidden thoughts and impressions when i ask about them.’
3 - When you speak to anyone, exhale. Imagine taking their skull off their head and putting it onto your own head like a helmet. Think to yourself ‘Right now this person is thinking/feeling…’ then wait for an impression. They themselves might tell you or you may hear the answer internally. Write your results later in your Book of Shadows.
What color am i thinking of?
This is the most useful of these tests after the playing card test. If you only do one test, do this.
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning and again at night before bed.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on i master telepathy. Make others hear and immediately obey my silent mental commands. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be.’
3 - In a daily conversation with anyone you trust, change the subject to ‘are you a mind reader? Guess what color i’m thinking of.’ Then close your eyes, exhale, and say a color while you visualize it. See if they can guess and how long it takes them to get the right answer, then open your eyes. Write your results later in your Book of Shadows. (Note: if you see anyone in a dream, see if you can do it then, too)
What will __ say next?
1 - Lay down in a darkened room first thing in the morning and just before bed at night.
2 - Vibrate ‘Om’ three times slowly. Then say ‘Enter magic mentor, you are welcome. You shall aid me in my work, so mote it be. From now on i read other people’s minds. Their subconscious will reveal their thoughts to me whenever i ask. Make it so.’
3 - In a group conversation, gaze at one person’s 3rd eye (or into their left eye). Say ‘This one’s subconscious, speak to me.’ Then close your eyes and exhale, saying ‘The next thing you’ll say is…’ and wait. See if your impression was correct or accurate when they speak. Write your results later in your Book of Shadows. (Note: if you see people in a dream, try to do this then, too)
How do you measure your magickal odds and hit rate?
I use the Magickal Probability Calculator to give the odds of success before doing the magick. This formula is based on some formulas Peter Carroll put in Liber Kaos. It’s very helpful in figuring out beforehand why a ritual may or may not work.
The fastest way to increase the odds of success in any given experiment seems to me to use working states and to build stronger sympathetic or genetic sorcery links to the target. By working states i mean the altered states of profound somnambulism or hypnosleep in hypnosis; and magnetic coma (the Esdaile state) with shifting and bridges in animal magnetism and clairvoyance. Trance depersonalization and possessions in spiritism and necromancy allow for even deeper states, but that’s more advanced. With any of the working states, your Gnosis in Pete’s calculator is effectively 1.0 every time.
As far as hit rates, i’m still looking for a way to properly quantify skill.
The statistical Odds Ratio would be a solid foundation for doing this, but it requires other measurements. One day someone may offer these measurements up for properly rating magickal skill level, but for now here we are.
Whatever the case may be, it’s important to know what you’re truly capable of and to measure your real-world abilities rather than living on hope or hype.