The Maddness of Dralukman- A Journal

Last night was my first ritual relating to the Qliphoth. For this, my wife and I evoked Naamah for the purpose of introducing ourselves and welcoming in whatever lessons she deemed necessary for opening the first sphere of the Qliphoth.

For this ritual, instead of an inverted Pentagram, I drew out the symbol for earth to set the stage. I then placed four red candles around the the circle, a candle dedicated to her in the center with her offerings (a fancy doughnut, a multi berry shandy, and a small dish for blood), and my cauldron with a lit charcoal. We both had prepped ourselves by drawing her sigil on our bodies (as well as various other symbols) using make up and were naked for this ritual. We used both our desire for change as well as the lust we felt for each other to help fuel the ritual.

Clapping three times, we started by lighting each of the four candles outside of the ritual declaring “I open the gates of fire to connect the physical and spiritual worlds in this rite”. Lighting the candle in the center, I stated “I open this door for Namaah only.” We threw some of the rose infused frankincense on the charcoal and declared: “I open the gate of smoke to provide form for the Invited.” We then drew blood, putting some on the incense and some in the bowl, saying “I open the gate of blood so that the Invited may have strength to manifest here.”

We then proceeded to recite Naamah’s enn but it started really messing with the flow so we fell back on just chanting her name. The shift in energy was very gradual, building in intensity like good love making. When her presence was overwhelming and the basic form of a shadow of a woman began to emerged in the smoke, I asked for confirmation that it was her. The sigil on her candle flashed and we began to her our neighbors
enjoying themselves quite loudly. I took that as pretty much confirmation lol

From there, we asked our own questions. Here, I will only be sharing mine.

Me: Welcome, Queen Naamah. My name is Tiberius, and I wanted to introduce myself properly to you. Would you be willing to work with us and teach us more about the Qliphoth?

Her: Hello, and of course, I would not be here if I wasn’t. But we are not strangers.

Me: We are not?

Her: No. You used to call and invoke the “Spirit of Prophecy” before each reading. I was the one who heard your call and showed you how to connect with people enough to read, although you did not know me. I miss that.

Me: I am sorry, I will have to get back to doing that. What will you be teaching us?

Her: For you, patience. You burn yourself out from your impulsiveness. While it is needed sometimes, you rely on it too much. Learn that, and the other lessons will make more sense.

Me: Okay, is the Qliphoth within or outside of us?

Her: -laughs- you should know the answer to that by now.

Me: Both?

Her: Yes.

Me: what do you want me to do in exchange for your lessons and aid to opening your sphere?

Her: Mediate on me daily, burning this candle. Use your mala and allow each chant to build the energy slowly, like the turning of the wheel. Many doors will begin to open if you pay attention, including the opening of my sphere.

Me: I will, Naamah. I have a final question for you. Would you like me to bind your sigil to my ring like I did with Lilith?

Her: When the sphere is opened, yes. Until then, focus on emerging. I am not something to be collected for mere bragging rights.

Me: I meant no disrespect.

Her: -laughs softly- I know, just giving you fair warning. But do bind my sigil to the candle to aid in your mediations.

Me: thank you naamah, and I will.

When my wife was done with her questions, we gave her our offerings, allowing her to share in the experience as we ate and drank. we closed each gate in reverse order, putting out the incense and candles with the exception of hers. We blew hers out with a soft thank you and clapped our hands again, signaling the end of the ritual.


Mediation of Naamah: Day 1

It went smoothly today. I lit Naamah’s candle and sat in front of it with my mala beads. Instead of using her enn, I simply said “Invoco Naamah” 108 times. With each recitation, I felt energy within build, especially down at my root chakra point, and spiral as my body felt lighter. It was if I was being pulled out of my body again, only to be pulled back down with the tightness in my chest. There was an urge to just rush and finished the chanting. I acknowledged the anxiety, took a minute to explore the need to go, go, go, and then dismissed it, allowing myself to go back to what I was doing. It will be something i need to work on but was a nice experience all the same


Great work my friend!
Naamah is an amazing deity, cant wait catching up with her within soon during my Nahemoth workings


Mediation with Naamah Day 2 and Prima Materia Ritual

Another stressful day at work. Myself and the other team captain got our asses chewed and worked out. She complained that we would need to split ourselves in two just to get all they expect done plus all the additional maddness. I was about to agree, when I had to step back and say “wait a minute, I am a damn sorcerer. I’ve tried everything in the physical, but there is one thing I haven’t tried.”

I had an idea of what I wanted to do but decided to get Naamah’s perspective. Using my mala and lighting her candle, I once again chanted “Invoco Naamah” 108 times. When the connection was fully established, I asked her for her thoughts. She confirmed it was a good idea. So I proceeded with the rest of the ritual.

I glazed at the candle flame and started to chant “Invoca Prima Materia” with the mala. Slowly, the doorway to that pit I visited began to open as the air filled with the chaotic maddness words cannot fully describe. Each repetition brought that place closer to me, filling me with that chaos. I meant to recite it 108 times, but my hands shook so badly from the power that I am pretty sure I did more. I could see the pit and all the writhing shadows, clawing for existence. When the vision was as solid as I could form it, I plunged my hand into it, grabbing one of them. As I withdrew my hand, I formed the shadow into the figure of a male guard. I fleshed out every detail I could, from the golden red eyes to the fit of his plated armor.

When I was done, I looked up, seeing the Black Sun Sorath showed me. I drew in the dark light of it into my body, as well as the strands of the web of life I could see in the earth below me. Opening my mouth, I blew the energy of life into him, not of my essence, but to make the same connection to life as all living beings do so he may have freedom when the work is done.

When he awoken, I explained that he is no longer in that pit and is free to evolve into whatever he chooses once a year of service is complete. I gave him my list of expectations, what I was willing to give him, and what I would not accept as well as punishment for that line crossed. He agreed and I gave him his name (Felio Sentinelle, or “loyal sentinel”). I gave him his sigil that I created from the Sun Magic Square and binded it to an object I take to work every day. Then gave him an offering and burned the sigil, sealing the matter.

Feeling pretty confident about all of it.


Mediation with Naamah- Day 3

Not much to report here, other than a feeling of calmness even with the cat playing with my mala as I chanted. I heard Naamah say “Be more playful with your magic. Too much seriousness drains you”. I will have to apply that.


Meditation with Naamah: Day 4

I had another delay with work. When things slowed down, I pulled out my mala and began to chant. As I was chanting, I looked down at my cats cleaning themselves. I reflected at all the anger and stress my job has caused, as well as how it has effected my personal relationships. It’s disturbing how enslaved we become over money out of fear of instability or lack that we forget how much more to life there is than what we have allowed society to teach us what is “most important”. Feeling calmer now


Had that same issue.
That’s why she will probably push you towards doing lots of witchcraft (even making you realize you can use it on daily basis, the simplicity and ‘fun’ aspect of it) and not just ritual magic.


Yeah, I am kinda getting that realization lol I’m thinking a lot about my family’s own folk magic. I have all the knowledge of it (hell, I am the last one who does) and I have not used it in ages. Been lost to all the stress of life that I have lost sight of the things that brought beauty, fun and power into it


Yeah thats deffinetely Naamah putting you on the right track.
She’s the Queen of The Black Earth sphere on the Qliphoth for something.
Probably the reason why she awakens all of these memories regarding your roots


Meditation with Naamah day 4

I did the mediation at work this morning (after some car trouble, I managed to get picked up an hour late by the boss). There is a mourning sensation coming from me, as if a part of me is slowly dying off. It is sad, but feels necessary so I am not running from the feeling. I am preparing for a ritual with the four consorts of Samael where i plan allowing to offer the energy spawn from my own weaknesses and fears in order to allow me to grow. I have heard of them draining someone until there is nearly nothing left in order to then be recharged in a kind of energetic resurrection/initiation kind of thing. I am prepared for it if it comes to it. As they say, destruction for the sake of creation.


Looking forward to the results!


Ritual of the Four Queens

I have had some periods that can only be described as maddness. I have come to realize a great weakness of mine linked to some abandonment problems developed from my mother splitting. I have always felt the need to compete and “prove myself” to try to fulfill the fear of being abandoned again. It is silly to look at as an adult (much less a man) but I highly doubt I am the only one with these problems. However, living like that has proven to not only be emotional draining, but prevents me from actually savoring life. So I turned to what I know best to rid myself of it.

I prepared the ritual space with a good cleaning and smudging, demanding all other spirits to leave for this rite. I made a cross roads within a circle (creating the symbol for earth) and placed four candles around it. In the center I put Naamah’s candle with the censer next to it. I drew a sigil for Lilith, Naamah, Agrat bat Mahlat, and Eisheth Zenunim, placing them in each cardinal direction. Stripping down and playing music for the rite, my wife and I sat across from another and opened each of the gates (gate of fire, gate of smoke by tossing frankincense on the coals, and gate of blood).

We then proceeded to to evoke each spirit by saying a general phrase (“Invoca Lilith, Invoca Naamah, etc) and well as their title (“I call upon Lilith, She who is the Night, to come into my space” for example”). We did this over and over again with each spirit, filling the space with their darkness and lively energy. It got so intense that my wife actually had to leave due to her getting too dizzy but telling me to finish it before leaving. When I felt like I was going to pass out and saw them standing before me, i rubbed the Paste of the Offering all over my body (recipe in next reply) and opened my arms saying

“Great Queens of the Night, i have been weak. I live in fear of inadequacy and in result, have denied your gifts of joy and pleasure. Take these fears and the energy and time wasted living by them as your sacrifice. Fill me with life and power in its place, so I may be of the Living and not the Dead! Take my offering and reawaken me to the powers of Night and Flesh!”

I was immobilized by a rush of power flowing through me, rising from the base of my spine far above my body. I felt the heat of passion, the vibration of words in power, and all the time and energy I put into those fears rush out of me. Just as suddenly, i felt everything sucked out of me with the flash of a black flame extinguished. In that moment, I was dead, no longer existing. All was still for that moment. One by one, I felt hands pressed upon me and life slowly being fed back into my body. It was slow and calming, but different. I saw another flash of a black flame reemerging into existence. As life reemerged into me, I looked up to the ceiling, “seeing” the symbol of the Earth made with black fire.

“I, Tiberius, open the gate of the Black Earth. Open the Sphere of Lilith where Naamah rules and fill this space with its power.”

The gate opened and I basked in its black light, the dark essence of creation. Slowly, I came to and closed each gate, thanking the spirits.

As far as aftermath goes, my wife is still a bit dizzy and i am still regaining energy. Grounding nor cleansing has helped but it is gradually fading as time goes so no worries. My wife, even though she did not stay the whole ritual, just lit some incense as an offering to them and said thank you to each on her own.

Overall, extremely interesting experience.


Paste of the Offering

-Red Sandalwood Powder
-Rose oil
-blood (taken in a painful manner, such as by a knife. The pain is symbolic)

In a bowl, put a few drops of rose oil, declaring that this is the sweetness of life. Take a knife and extract some blood (nothing serious please. It does not take more than a few drops but it is the pain that is important. I used a dull, clean knife on my arm), adding it to the bowl. Declare that the blood is the misfortune and struggles of life. Add a handful of the sandalwood, and declare it as the wisdom of life that comes from both. Add water to make a paste and rub on body when the time seems right when offering parts of yourself to a spirit, such as in the ritual above

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Meditation with Naamah Day 5

I have been busy dealing with a mundane issue that I have had to set the qliphothic pathworking aside for a few days. Upon returning, I went straight into meditation prior to a curse upon the individual who caused the distraction. Going through the usual mantra, i felt her presence overwhelm me by the fourth repetition. As I continued, I saw the symbol for earth on my chest and above me, both opening at the same time, filling the space with the energy of the Black Earth. I allowed this energy to seep into my being and welcomed Naamah in, asking for aid with my curse bottle.

She half way possessed me as I wrote the names, political party, and address of my target (got to love voter registration) and added it to an old antique medicine bottle. I charged and added each ingredient (an insect mold to represent their safety and feeling of security that I crushed in my hand, cayenne pepper for internal fighting and rage, and charcoal to blind them of the consequences of their actions as they lash out at eachother). When I added vingear to sour their relationship to their property enough to drive them off, it caused a chemical reaction immediately. I put on the cork and sealed it with wax from Naamah’s candle. Finally, I went outside and buried the bottle upside down as I faced their property. Only then did she slip out of me. As she did i thanked her for her aid.


Meditation with Naamah Day 6

Did the usual set up and chant with connection established with the very first repetition. The symbol of earth appeared slightly glowing green with darkness behind it. I asked Naamah to show me the secrets of the Black Earth and the imagery of all my flesh rotting off my bones appeared. From the rot, black soil was created, which caused a belladonna plant to emerge. As it grew, it wrapped around my bones and radiated a deep darkness, reforming my flesh.

“Nothing that is comes without death and decay. Fear for change or loss holds no power over the cycle. Virtue rots into corruption, corruption becomes new virtues. Pain becomes joy, joy becomes pain. Power does so anew emerges. The awareness of the cycles can cause enslavement, or empowerment. Learn to use decay to destroy obstacles in your path to give way to new things you will to form.”

Would’ve gone deeper if my cat hadn’t snapped me back to this reality by biting me on my foot. Overall feel is a little chaotic yet calm at the same time.


I freaking love your journal and your work man


Thanks my friend :slight_smile:


Last night, I participated in the beautifully written ritual by @C.Kendall. Due to my work schedule, I had to perform the ritual in astral as physical set up was impossible at the time. Thankfully @Yberion was kind enough to invite me into his own. I am writing this hours after the ritual as I learned that performing a ritual astrally is very different than doing it physically. Needless to say, the experience was a little
well mad. I have tried to word this in a way that does not seem too insane, but let’s be honest here, there is a beautiful maddness behind what we do. I am sure of much of this is symbolic in some way, but I will take it as it is for now. The astral and the mind are very interesting things.

To prepare for the ritual, I invoked Naamah through the mantra (for lack of a better term) I have been using. When I felt her presence, I asked to be taken to the place she had given me permission to perform the ritual within the sphere of Nehemoth. It was a dark chamber deep underground where a cauldron of greenish glowing liquid was in the center. She had a bowl of blood and painted the seed of darkness on my chest, as well as each sigil of the gatekeepers. Having a goddess of both the black earth, magick, and sexuality painting on one’s body would’ve been erotic, but it felt more like I was preparing for war. When she was done, she gave a smile and a nod before leaving the chamber.

When the time was right, I dipped my hand into the cauldron and pulled out a bit of the liquid, blackening it with my own black flame. I tossed it and had it stay in the air as I called to Belial, allowing it to become a doorway. He came immediately. As I repeated it for each gatekeeper, i saw darkness shifting with their presence and my sight flash with Yberion’s ritual. As Satan came through, the Seed of Darkness glowed on my chest, becoming the gateway as it lifted from my body into the air.

I went through the ritual as instructed, offering my essence instead of blood and evoking an image of the earth. I gave my task to them as listed in the instructions, which is when things got interesting.

As I watched the outer darkness of the gatekeepers merged with the face of the earth, Belial snapped another part of my conscious tto another place. I was standing with him in front of a giant gateway where above you could see a purplish glow. I felt the shifting of shadows and heard beings that were not yet being fighting to get free. I knew what this place was, as Belial showed it as the origins of my own being. Standing before the gate were a group of spirits I call Contentors, or spirits who enjoy blocking magical workings that stem from the desires of Men who do not want change. They were armed and standing guard. I knew why Belial brought me there.

Me: “Belial, in regards to that pact you mention
Him: “Yes?”
Me: “Let me answer in the old fashion way, long before empty words”

I rushed in and started to fight the guards, using techniques Belial had shown me. He joined into the fray and in that moment that was short but lasted eternally, we shared the battlefield, defeating foes. I managed to get close to the gate and was prying it open when I felt a spear ran through me. It was a pain far worse than my experience in the lake of fire but I held on and opened the gate, allowing all the shadows to rush over me like a raging flood. I watched the other spirits be tore apart by the shades of prima materia, while another group was removing the spear and lifting me up out of the flood. Belial pulled me out and I saw I was wearing black armor. I dipped my hand into the current and pulled out a sword of darkness. I watched the current merged with the leylines of the earth, allowing Inner Darkness to meet the Outer darkness being called by the ritual.

Belial: “You are free, just like they are now. You have no more excuses as a mage.” -chuckles- “And made some friends”

He pointed to a group of three shadows standing there, watching me.

“Now you must go”

I ended up projected in front of the earth, wat hing the darkness merge with it. I called forth the scrying mist and chanted “Ram Ham Satalos”, looking into the earth as my scrying mirror in regards to my question about how to achieve a higher level of godhood than I can image. The Seed of Darkness emerged from the mist, as well as the eyes of a serpent. I smiled, knowing I am on the right track. I descended back to my astral body in Nehemoth, and then to my physical body.

As wild of a ride as that was, the really interesting part was at each stage, I was still watching the scenes of that body as it continued. Needless to say it was hard to focus at work when the spear part came about. I kinda now know what it feels like to see things as a fly, or perhaps that is omnipresence. Either way, very interesting experience and I want to thank both @C.Kendall and @Yberion for providing the opportunity to take part in it. It was an awesome experience, one that will be remembered for a very long time.

Also, needless to say, no qliphothic mediation today as I am quite drained. Thank you


They’re more close to each other,
then one might think.

Unlike we, who have 2 eyes,
Flys have a mosaic-like vision, with their facet eyes,
which are giving them hundreds of images at the same time.

And indeed,
omnipresence is a little similar to that.

The sensation,
of everything happening at once,
is pretty well describing how it feels.

And what you experienced,
during that work night/ritual with me / initiation with Belial / Initiation with Namaah in Nehemoth,
has certainly had a sensation of Omnipresence to it.

for a long time, i was asking people to be polite,
and not evoke me to much,
during my work time.

At some point,
i basically decided to send fractions of my self,
to those who ignored that request of manners,
mainly since i realized:

They can’t know.

How is someone,
living on the other side of the earth,
in a completely different time zone,
supposed to understand,
wether you’re sleeping or working currently?


So yeah.

Kind of getting used to it better by now.

But it took me years. :wink:




Wow Tiberius, that must’ve been intense. From reading this, I’m guessing that your astral senses are very strong. May I ask how you got them that strong?