The Demon's and Angels Unite - A Vision Given To Me (This Changes Everything)

Interesting! Can’t wait to read the ritual! I hope it’s doable for newbies like me :sweat_smile:


Hello, You have experience with Path of Smoke current and can you make a comparison of “compatibility” between Divs and Amesha Spentas? Akoman and Vouman together, it looks so unreal :hot_face:


This is real hot info


Very interesting, hope to hear more soon.

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Wow great work!

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Heya OP! I know what this was about- I actually had a really similar vision but as Baphomet!

If you haven’t already, pick up a copy of Michael Talbot’s The Holographic Universe , because it’s a really deep discussion of the fundamental concepts conveyed to you here. Everything is Everything Else, and nowhere is that more apparent than holograms; did you know a single bit of information in a hologram contains the entirety of the picture? That’s like the cell of an apple containing the extractable information of the entire apple. It’s really neat to use this with magic; it’s how you’re supposed to get into trait modification and observational nullification (“the easy way”)- you can pull any card out of any sleeve you want if you do it right!

Duality is a clunky level of observation. If you reach deep enough into the hat, starting by way of intentionally using things which are not normally associated or have a magical lexicon, you start pulling out some real shit! :):grinning:


A magnificent vision, thank you for sharing.

Agreed. “Ziz is what I have been saying all along!”

Speaking as an incarnate ‘angelic’ demon / ‘demonic’ angel (as are most if not all of us I think). Demon and angel are not species but personality traits. This makes perfect sense to me.


This broke me enough that I went might as well work with angels too


Great to hear all your feed back guys, this rite is gonna be fucking incredible.


Still never going to trust angels or work with them.

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I was under the impression that angels and demons working together was common knowledge…?

Unless I’m reading this post wrong.


I received a message from Lilith and Samael, during my last Dark Moon Ritual that was very close. There shouldn’t even be two paths. Balance takes light and dark energy. Sameal also said dark energy is stronger and easier to use, as dark just is, while light needs another energy source, eg. candle come into existence. Neither energy is inherently good or evil.


Exactly! Also I did this stuff (actually got some more info to update it with soon) and given how much I utterly loathe monotheitsic desert cults, it’s pretty plain to me there is zero as in NO binding link between the forces we call angels and the Abrahamic cults: The Angel Of Lost Things - Sigil & Information


It’s also due to the Abrahamic Cults that society views light as good and darkness as evil. That conditioning is hard to overcome. I never understood how a genocidal, clearly narcissistic being could be called a loving god. Never heard Lucifer ordering anyone killed because they don’t believe in him :joy:




No spirit, not even Lucifer is making you into a god. You were one already! You know deep down what you are. Some of us know what it is.

Hail the 8th fleet! The return of 8th dimensional god!


It isn’t Lucifer making you a god, it’s you rousing the dormant potential within.
We all have blockages and things that binds us and our power.

These types of rituals are the keys to rousing the dormant Godhood within.


Azazel and belial told me similar stuff as well


Sorry. I can’t relate. My Path is completely different. I worked with Babylon and it completely involved sex with defunct reincarnated god-kings at a party house.

My abilities were gained through fucking. I thought I be laid up with gold and shit, but having magical abilities is okay.

I can awaked other people’s abilities too, but it involves sex. All my powers are sexual in nature.