Exactly! Also I did this stuff (actually got some more info to update it with soon) and given how much I utterly loathe monotheitsic desert cults, it’s pretty plain to me there is zero as in NO binding link between the forces we call angels and the Abrahamic cults: The Angel Of Lost Things - Sigil & Information
It’s also due to the Abrahamic Cults that society views light as good and darkness as evil. That conditioning is hard to overcome. I never understood how a genocidal, clearly narcissistic being could be called a loving god. Never heard Lucifer ordering anyone killed because they don’t believe in him
No spirit, not even Lucifer is making you into a god. You were one already! You know deep down what you are. Some of us know what it is.
Hail the 8th fleet! The return of 8th dimensional god!
It isn’t Lucifer making you a god, it’s you rousing the dormant potential within.
We all have blockages and things that binds us and our power.
These types of rituals are the keys to rousing the dormant Godhood within.
Azazel and belial told me similar stuff as well
Sorry. I can’t relate. My Path is completely different. I worked with Babylon and it completely involved sex with defunct reincarnated god-kings at a party house.
My abilities were gained through fucking. I thought I be laid up with gold and shit, but having magical abilities is okay.
I can awaked other people’s abilities too, but it involves sex. All my powers are sexual in nature.
Yeah the path varies i choose to walk all paths, I don’t limit my practice I always change and evolve and learn.
As the journey to becoming is never ending.
Sex is one of the actions I implement into all my paths though, whether it be group sex, one on one, solo etc.
That was only my start back in 2000, and my Path has changed and widen.
The only thing I have are my own memories from other lives, dimensions and other timelines. I don’t trust many spirits.
If I wanted to write magical tomes. I could and would just call up my old memories, and there you go.
I see my own limitations and what I need to improve on my inner soul work.
I have shared some of mine Archaelous stuff. Its going on 3 months now. Our styles are completely different, but that is fine and good because variety is the spice of life.
You have my deepest respects.
Which role play demiurge in the whole story?
can you expand on what you mean by this concept? also what type of things are you using that aren’t associated with magic, do you mean mundane items like tv remotes, tire swings, donuts etc or is there something more there?
I had a bit of successful magic just using a technique I found on a subreddit called r/dimensionaljumping in which I essentially did a mirror/candle ritual to be able to deposit checks into my bank account twice. Got an extra $500 with a 10 minute work.
Welcome @meltedmirrors. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any magical experience you may have. It is a rule of this forum.
There is a left path! There is a right path!
Better to walk down the middle and make your own path!
Hiya! Observational nullification can be likened to the ‘grandfather paradox’, where if you time travel and kill your grandfather it’s supposed to create a paradox. What it really does is nullify the observed you from reality; like a rebirth ritual, but by erasing the records of you as to allow new information to take root. It’s like a quantum shake-em-up, it allows you to reset the state of something (like yourself) and build it from the root.
And yeah, any object can be used in magic if you’ve got the skill for it! The energetic qualities of manifest forms are sometimes called humors, virtues, etc.- they’re ‘esoteric applications’, basically.